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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. "TrojanDouche". How childish. Again, not normal behavior for a grown man. Quoting one of his sock puppets.
  2. Yep, quite a rich statement coming from somebody who lives in lily-white Winamac, and has probably never left Pulaski county.
  3. It can be. Once had an acquaintance who stupidly burnt some old pieces of hardwood that were cut with a large poison ivy vine wrapped around it. The smoke from the fire still contained the urushiol from the ivy vine, which was inhaled into the lungs. Spent a couple weeks in the hospital. The trick to outrunning a Bear is to just be faster than the guy next to you.
  4. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/2020/04/29/ncaa-softens-name-image-and-likeness-stance-and-chaos-follow/3050443001/ In for interesting times concerning college athletics. Can't wait to purchase and wear a Purdue football jersey with "Karlaftis" on the back of it, and young Mr. Karlaftis will get a piece of the pie. Right?
  5. As of March, 4, 2020 the total value of all Bitcoin was "only" about $160 billion U.S. dollars, a drop in the bucket compared to the U.S. federal deficit. Also there is only a finite number of bitcoins that can be mined. https://www.investopedia.com/tech/how-much-worlds-money-bitcoin/ https://blockgeeks.com/how-many-bitcoins-are-there/
  6. The Crazed Trillion Dollar Coin Proposal is Back https://mises.org/power-market/crazed-trillion-dollar-coin-proposal-back Indeed it will.
  7. Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren't going to show up https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/29/business/meat-processing-plant-workers-reaction-executive-order/index.html Perhaps employers in these industries should offer some form of hazard pay if they have not already. Money talks.
  8. THIS is the kind of thing that PROVES indubitably, that Government Almighty doth LOVE us all, indeed, AND The Children! Beyond the shadow of the slightest doubt! Do NOT be unbleevers, ye unchurched heathens ye!!! Scienfoology Song… GAWD = Government Almighty’s Wrath Delivers Government loves me, This I know, For the Government tells me so, Little ones to GAWD belong, We are weak, but GAWD is strong! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! My Nannies tell me so! GAWD does love me, yes indeed, Keeps me safe, and gives me feed, Shelters me from bad drugs and weed, And gives me all that I might need! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! My Nannies tell me so! DEA, CIA, KGB, Our protectors, they will be, FBI, TSA, and FDA, With us, astride us, in every way! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! Yes, Guv-Mint loves me! My Nannies tell me so!
  9. A Kentucky Family of 7 Didn't Practice Social Distancing. Now Child Services Is Investigating the Parents for Abuse. https://reason.com/2020/04/28/child-services-kentucky-social-distancing-covid-19-family-parents/ Back at home, the authorities confronted Bill and Kristy, who discovered that someone had called in an anonymous tip claiming that a mother of five had taken her children out with a man who wasn't their dad, and they had bruises on their arms that indicated rough grabbing. The investigator proceeded to question the kids away from the parents, and he made at least one of the boys take off his shirt to look for bruises. Kristy told Mason that the investigator wanted to do the same with the girls, but she objected, so he only pulled up the girls' sleeves and took photos. Already, there's a problem: If the kids were wearing long sleeves (it was a cold day), how had anyone spotted bruises? Of course, the caller got other information wrong, too: Bill was very much the kids' father. The parents presume the call came from someone inside the bank, since it specified five kids rather than seven. Whoever the caller was, they provided the exact kind of information—bruising, suspicion persons, etc.—that prompts a CPS investigation. When Bill handed over his license, the investigator could see from his last name he was not an "unrelated male." And when the kids showed him their arms, he could see the bruises didn't exist. Case closed? If only. When I spoke with Mason by phone, he explained the idea of an "off ramp." In theory, he said, once an investigator gets to a home, checks for the supposed crime and comes up empty handed, he or she should turn around and leave—i.e., take the off ramp. Anything else "is such a terrible thing and a waste of time." But all too often, investigators insist that they must robotically keep probing: opening cabinets, looking in the fridge, questioning kids. This Kentucky investigator even questioned the family about which homeschool curriculum they were using, as if that had some bearing on the case. That's why the Home School Legal Defense Association, as well as its allies who make up United Family Advocates, have been trying to get "Off Ramp" legislation passed. Once an investigation comes up empty-handed, the investigator should simply leave rather than get started checking off a giant list of possible problems. The groups are also hoping that some day the states will outlaw anonymous reporting. That way it would be harder for people to weaponize the system against families that got on their nerves. Currently, it's just far too easy to bring a case into existence. What's more, parents in Kentucky—and the rest of the country—also deserve a law like Utah's Free-Range Parenting Bill, which says that simply taking your eyes off your kids is not neglect. Neglect is blatant disregard for their safety. Especially in these times, parents who want their kids to wait in the car or even at home, rather than dragging them into stores, should be able to make that sensible decision without fearing an investigation—or worse. The HSLDA's lawyers are working with the family. But the state gets 45 days to close an investigation, and Mason said it can easily get an extension, turning a time already tense with pandemic fears into a protracted period of torment. Never let a good crisis go to waste, in this case letting the state interfere with the lives of law-abiding citizens. Shameful.
  10. 'Bring the president down here': Indiana meat plant workers angered by planned Trump order https://www.indystar.com/story/news/health/2020/04/29/trump-order-on-meat-plants-shocks-indiana-workers/3042245001/ Good idea from Mr. Harris to have Mr. Trump work on the Tyson production line. He should bring Mr. Pence along for good measure.
  11. Who? https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/04/hillary-clinton-endorsement-joe-biden-irrelevant/
  12. 'Why Is a Liquor Store Essential and I'm Not?' Asks Store Owner During N.Y.C. Coronavirus Lockdown https://reason.com/2020/04/28/why-is-a-liquor-store-essential-and-im-not-asks-store-owner-during-n-y-c-coronavirus-lockdown/ That is a fairly easy question to answer. The liquor stores most assuredly bring in more tax/excise revenue for N.Y.C. than upscale clothing establishments.
  13. Please elaborate. If the implication was that the reason these youth may be in an unsafe situation was the environment in which they were currently living/residing (neighborhood violence, gang activity, domestic violence, etc.) it is almost certain getting out into the woods and hollows of Indiana for an amount of time would be a safer environment. Unless one is deathly scared of ticks, raccoons, and squirrels, all of which have simple ways to reduce their "threat level".
  14. Trump to order meat processing plants to stay open https://apnews.com/67cb4bad7ffe500beabdf8e7e7efea5d I assume this order doesn't force individual employees to return to work at a facility that they may deem unsafe? Or will meat processors like Tyson be force to fire those employees who refuse to return to work as they try to stay open due to this asinine DPA legislation?
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