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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Tucker Carlson and AOC Are Wrong About Christianity and Usury: https://mises.org/wire/tucker-carlson-and-aoc-are-wrong-about-christianity-and-usury
  2. https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/restoring-responsible-government-cutting-federal-aid-states#full An interesting study, and well worth the read. American needs less federal government influence in their lives, not more.
  3. And it is the most logical reasoning. Does an individual not effectively have sovereignty over their own body? And a women has sovereignty over her own womb?
  4. A pregnant 11-year-old rape victim in Ohio would no longer be allowed to have an abortion under new state law: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ohio-abortion-heartbeat-bill-pregnant-11-year-old-rape-victim-barred-abortion-after-new-ohio-abortion-bill-2019-05-13/
  5. Well that obviously needs to change. At least if you are a member of certain institutions like the Alabama state legislature.............
  6. Sound like the argument of "Stakeholder Capitalism" vs. "Shareholder Capitalism".
  7. https://spectator.org/government-is-trying-to-control-cancer-treatment-costs-it-will-fail/ Yet another counter-productive example of government interference in the free market. Shocking.
  8. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/15/723518379/u-s-births-fell-to-a-32-year-low-in-2018-cdc-says-birthrate-is-at-record-level So whose going to pay for all those federal entitlements like social security and medicare? No babies means no new wage slaves having the fruits of their labor confiscated for redistribution. Is immigration the answer?
  9. And who is forcing these individuals to work for these companies that "treat their employees like 💩. "? What do you feel the minimum hourly wage should be in the USA?
  10. So what is the solution? More government wage controls? Guaranteed basic income? Or perhaps the solution would be for "family units" to cut expenses. "Back in the day" we didn't have $100+ family cell phone plans, $100+ cable tv/internet bills, $100+ fees for our kids to participate in sports, etc.
  11. With all the high taxes in most families both parents need to work full time in order to make ends meet. What is the solution? Full time, 365-days a year government school? Government appointed nannies what stay at home with a couple's children?
  12. The Indiana BMV currently charges $150 for electric vehicles, and I believe $50 for hybrids.
  13. https://reason.com/2019/05/15/reason-roundup-20/ "Alabama paid nearly $4 million to ACLU since 2013, after losing or settling lawsuits on gay marriage, immigration and yes, abortion," noted Alabama Media Group reporter Anna Claire Vollers yesterday, calling the latest legislation "another costly test case." But that's the point, as Alabama's lieutenant governor directly said in the quote up top. And it's the point in other states—Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Mississippi—where legislatures have also passed near-total bans on abortion (though unlike in Alabama, these have allowed it up to six weeks gestational age). "While these 6-week abortion bans may not ever take effect, anti-abortion advocates believe they can use them to ban abortion nationwide," writes Ema O'Connor at Buzzfeed. "The anti-abortion movement sees this current court as the most friendly in decades, and they hope getting these laws in front of it will result in them overturning Roe v. Wade." ..... Good luck. I find it interesting that the Republican side of the uni-party is said to whine and cry about government over-regulation in regards to industry, the environment, etc. but most have no qualms about the government over-regulation of a women's womb by passing laws this and others designed to restrict access and close abortion clinics, like requiring doorways be a certain width.
  14. https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-electric-vehicle-fee-illinois-20190509-story.html A fair and justifiable increase?
  15. The Logan Act Is Awful and No, It's Not Going To Be Used Against John Kerry: https://reason.com/2019/05/14/the-logan-act-is-awful-and-no-its-not-going-to-be-used-against-john-kerry/ Sounds like yet another law rife to being repealed and taken off of the books. Wouldn't that be a nice thing?
  16. Social Security's Winners and Losers: https://mises.org/wire/social-securitys-winners-and-losers
  17. Kids Aren't Rushing To Get Their Driver's Licenses—and That's OK!: https://reason.com/2019/05/14/kids-arent-rushing-to-get-their-drivers-licenses/ Meh, a lot of kids today are happy to "spend time" with their friends via texting, chats, voip, etc. instead of actually you know, driving to each other's homes and being in the same room together. As a parent the only time it aggravates me is when your 20 year old child needs a ride somewhere because they are too lazy to get their license.
  18. Dow drops more than 600 points as China trade war escalates: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/05/13/us-markets-react-to-china-trade-war-news-and-more.html Thanks Trump.
  19. The New Green Serfdom: https://reason.com/2019/05/13/the-new-green-serfdom/
  20. I dislike it. I never claimed otherwise. Glad to hear you actually learned something at a professional training event.
  21. Now we all know this is not true, per your myriad of well thought out and reasoned responses on this very forum.
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