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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez Declare War on the Poor With Anti-Credit-Card Law: https://mises.org/power-market/bernie-and-ocasio-cortez-declare-war-poor-anti-credit-card-law As is so typical of politicians, the answer offered by this new legislation is to limit the options available to the most at-risk populations. A better approach is to allow freedom for both borrowers and lenders, to treat borrowers like adults, and to not assume they are incapable of managing their own money. Treating individuals like adults is not the purview of progressives like Mr. Sanders and Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. To them most Americans are children who need the adults in government to tell them what they can and cannot do. This law in a slap in the face of individuals freedoms and responsibility.
  2. It's vigilante activist vs. politically connected farmer in animal abuse controversy: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/06/07/fair-oaks-farms-abuse-vigilante-activist-vs-politically-connected-farmer/1387204001/?utm_source=oembed&utm_medium=onsite&utm_campaign=storylines&utm_content=news&utm_term=1365719001 Who will win, I wonder? What is Mr. Couto's endgame?
  3. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/06/10/indiana-farmers-behind-corn-planting-why/1352875001/ Thanks, Climate Change?
  4. Do you want his pickup truck? I heard it's a nice one...............
  5. Vox's Carlos Maza Whines About Ted Cruz Defending Steven Crowder. Cruz Buries Him.: https://www.dailywire.com/news/48138/voxs-carlos-maza-whines-about-ted-cruz-defending-amanda-prestigiacomo As one of the comments states:
  6. FTA: Are we sure Facebook isn't one of those "other databases" the FBI currently either has or can easily obtain access to?
  7. https://reason.com/2019/06/04/do-you-feel-safer-knowing-the-fbi-has-access-to-640-million-headshots/ But don't worry, because the FBI has "strict policies" governing the use of such technology, said a spokesman for an agency that is exceedingly well-known for what the American Civil Liberties Union calls an "unchecked abuse of authority" that is exceptionally well-documented in Tim Weiner's 2012 book Enemies: A History of the FBI. While J. Edgar Hoover's legendary contempt for the rule of law and darkly comic episodes such as a failed attempt to discern the lyrics of the 1963 pop song "Louie, Louie" are widely known, the FBI continues to be a dumpster fire when it comes to accountability. A 2018 Time cover story, for instance, was titled "The FBI Is in Crisis. It's Worse Than You Think," and wrote about internal investigations that, among other things, Back to today's congressional testimony about the FBI's access to photos and its rules about using facial recognition technology: ... I don't feel safer, only more concerned about the violation of my civil liberties. As one of the comments to this story states: "it has become hard not to see the FBI as functioning as this country’s secret political police."
  8. What we know about the group that exposed Fair Oaks Farms' animal abuse: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2019/06/07/arm-and-fair-oaks-farms-what-we-know-animal-rights-group/1378106001/ https://www.miamiherald.com/latest-news/article221374475.html The scuttlebutt I have read on other sites is that the ARM "investigator" who infiltrated the Fair Oaks Farms operations actually participated in the animal abuse and encouraged it among st his co-workers in order to get more viable video footage. Also if you read the full report (https://animalrecoverymission.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Operation_Fair_Oaks_Farms_Dairy_Adventure.pdf) which btw is 75% copies of various documents, facebook comments, pictures, and google earth screenshots, you come across this minor, but humorous gem: One would think a serious organization like ARM would have it's investigators actually proofread/spellcheck their report for context before publishing it.
  9. Time to Pay Your Respects to the Plywood Boat that Helped Win WWII: https://jalopnik.com/time-to-pay-your-respects-to-the-plywood-boat-that-help-1835301842
  10. https://www.jconline.com/story/news/2019/06/05/animal-welfare-group-documents-calf-abuse-iconic-fair-oaks-farms/1361270001/ Hmm. I wonder what the Newton County prosecutor is going to do with this? And interesting that the Newton County Sheriff wants to know the identify of the undercover ARM investigator. Did he also commit a crime by not promptly reporting the abuses he witnessed? And why did ARM itself wait over six months to release this footage? And methinks that 600,000 visitors a year will go down, considerably.
  11. I don't see any mention of athletics on this IU website: https://www.iu.edu/about/mission-vision.html Purdue University does not seem to have an overarching mission and vision; a lot of departments/sections appear to maintain their own.
  12. Student Punished for 'Implied Threat' After Putting High School on Craigslist: https://gizmodo.com/student-punished-for-implied-threat-after-putting-high-1826289639 “They tried to relate it back to all the recent school shootings and everything—they tried tying it back to that,” Scheele told the Fox 4 Kanas City. “But I don’t see how it was a threat at all.” Scheele’s mom Denetra Clark is trying to see the bright side of the school district’s decision. “He’s going to get his diploma no matter what,” Clark said. “But maybe the party will start sooner.” Yay for zero tolerance policies, and the words "implied" is ground zero for a myriad of interpretations by government school bureaucrats.
  13. https://reason.com/2019/06/05/if-we-told-you-neal-stephenson-invented-bitcoin-would-you-be-surprised/ Snow Crash, Anathem, and Seveneves are my favorite Stephhenson novels. His recent collaboration with author Nicole Galland, The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O., was an enjoyable read as well. But Seveneves is my absolute favorite, a book I have read multiple times now. Simply fantastic science fiction and world building.
  14. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanhatesthis/youtube-block-discriminatory-content?ref=bfnsplash YouTube, a subsidiary of Google, can do what it wants since it is a private entity. But I wonder; who exactly is forcing individuals to watch these videos that they may view a discriminatory or may offend them? If the title of a video indicates a subject I find distasteful chances are I won't watch it, and after a while the YouTube 'algorithm' will stop putting such videos into my 'recommended' list.
  15. Warrior-Mayor Pete’s Sanctimonious Chest Thumping: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/warrior-mayor-petes-sanctimonious-chest-thumping/
  16. https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/06/poll-poor-want-more-opportunity-not-more-entitlement-spending/ Agreed. The poor need less government in their lives, not more.
  17. https://reason.com/2019/06/05/study-shows-that-extreme-poverty-statistics-have-been-overestimated-especially-among-families-with-children/ What? According to many the USA is one step away from third-world country status, and that only by increasing the forceful confiscation of wealth from others can the scourge of extreme poverty be defeated.
  18. https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2019/06/05/iu-football-purdue-football-finally-trying-win-after-years-neglect/1341505001/ So IU is pricing students and locals out of the game in their quest for gridiron glory, as well as effectively adding the letter "I" to the word "team". And it appears that Purdue now has the highest paid public employee in the entire state. What price gridiron glory?
  19. https://reason.com/video/stossel-the-paid-leave-fairy-tale/ Yep, be careful of what you wish for, especially if it provided by government fiat.
  20. https://www.jconline.com/story/sports/2019/06/04/frankfort-baseball-seniors-change-culture-leave-legacy/1336117001/ Congratulations to the Hot Dogs on a fine season.
  21. https://jalopnik.com/ev-credits-mostly-go-towards-rich-people-who-would-buy-1835233701 And, for the 109,449 EVs purchased in 2014: This is critical, the researchers note, because assuming EV buyers are replacing vehicles with average fuel economy would overstate the environmental benefits EVs have had by 27 percent. ... Still, the broader conclusions the paper reaches with their model aren’t too out there: in 2014, EVs were generally much more expensive than the median car, so the maximum $7,500 tax credit didn’t balance out the price difference. It makes sense EV buyers would value EVs for reasons that go beyond pure cost comparisons. Nevertheless, from a public policy standpoint, this raises important questions about the tax credit. Why pay rich people to buy a car they’re already going to buy, or to buy a slightly more efficient car than the one they might have otherwise bought? For one thing, this is simply how new technology tends to work: it’s expensive at first, rich enthusiasts are the only ones who can afford it, but that spurs further cost-cutting innovation and mass production, until eventually it reaches a price the masses can afford. Taking the researchers’ model at face value, that still means about one in three EV buyers during a critical growth phase were spurred to buy EVs at least in part due to the federal tax credit. Indeed, the researchers don’t use these conclusions to argue against government tax credits for EVs, especially now that the industry has matured some. Instead, they argue the findings suggest the efforts need to target price-sensitive consumers—especially those with lower incomes who may want an EV but can’t afford one—or those driving fuel-inefficient vehicles where the environmental benefits would be greatest. California’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Project already takes household income into account, but there’s currently nothing in the country that additionally incentivizes replacing gas-guzzlers. Maybe there should be. Good question. Sounds like a waste of taxpayers money. Perhaps any our of GID residents who have or currently own an EV can speak to this.
  22. https://reason.com/2019/06/03/the-new-theocrats-are-neither-conservative-nor-christian/ The small beginnings of a real-world Gilead? What say the conservative Christians on this very forum? Is Mr. Ahmari speaking truth to power, that is truly is time for conservatives to abandon their commitments to tolerance and civility, all for restoring the common good?
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