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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Iran Has Little to Gain From Oman Tanker Attacks: https://news.yahoo.com/iran-little-gain-oman-tanker-093901847.html
  2. https://www.apnews.com/d67714ab8ac344a3b3af19cca1c20192 Is war against Iran imminent?
  3. https://reason.com/2019/06/13/union-battles-inmates-who-want-to-work-as-firefighters/ Yet another reason why public sector unions should be outlawed, they use the force of government to reduce competition. Despicable.
  4. https://reason.com/2019/06/12/how-oakland-cops-gamed-the-system-to-earn-30-million-in-overtime-pay/#comments A couple things here. 1. Can't the Golden State Warrior pay for their own security? and 2. Do all government employees get both overtime pay and comp time for the same work? That’s just crazy. As one of the comments to this article state: "That’s basically saying that every overtime hour costs the department 3x the cop’s base pay. And that’s before the cascading effect mentioned in the article."
  5. I agree with your point about equal pay. Concerning their running up the score against Thailand; normally I would abhor this kind of behavior but you have to look at how the World Cup tournament is structured. The U.S. women had every incentive to keep scoring, because goal differential could decide who finishes first in Group F. The U.S. and Sweden—who knocked out the women's team at the 2016 Olympics—are the likely teams to finish first and second in their group. If they tie head-to-head, goal differential would determine who has to play Canada or the Netherlands, and who gets to play the second-place team in Group B. That’s worth the running up the score IMHO.
  6. https://reason.com/2019/06/12/the-case-for-designer-babies/ Agreed. We currently use science to make our offspring better today, this is just the next step.
  7. Ocasio-Cortez, Who Makes $174,000, Wants $4,500 Raise: ‘It’s Not Even Like A Raise’: https://www.dailywire.com/news/48269/ocasio-cortez-wants-4500-raise-its-not-even-raise-ryan-saavedra A cost of living increase on a $174,000 a year salary? Really?
  8. https://reason.com/2019/06/11/masterpiece-cakeshop-faces-yet-another-legal-fight-over-cakes/ Agreed. This is just an example of progressive liberals trying to use government force to compel an individual to perform an action against their will.
  9. Hmm, this is probably the first texastribune.org article I have read or linked to. So if that makes me a "reader" of "that liberal rag" then I am guilty as charged. I saw the story at another website, and it was related to the picture I posted yesterday.
  10. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signs bill declaring children's lemonade stands legal: https://www.texastribune.org/2019/06/10/texas-greg-abbott-signs-bill-declaring-childrens-lemonade-stands-legal/ Probably a nice campaign contribution from Kraft Foods (who owns the Country Time brand) is also in the works.
  11. California to be first state to provide healthcare to undocumented immigrants: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48585037 “How can we raise money to give insurance to these people who can’t afford it?” “How about if we tax these other people who can’t afford it?” “THAT’S IT!” The progressive mindset on display. This and taxing the amorphous "rich" who will magically have enough.
  12. Cuba Rations Food As Its Socialist Economy Enters Crisis Mode: https://mises.org/wire/cuba-rations-food-its-socialist-economy-enters-crisis-mode
  13. https://reason.com/2019/06/10/supreme-court-wont-reconsider-guantanamo-bays-indefinite-detentions/ Read Breyer's full statement at the end of today's Supreme Court orders here. Despicable. Either try al-Alwi or release him, along with the other prisoners in Gitmo. What purpose does them being there possibly serve today?
  14. lol. It would be humorous if it was actually on the menu..............
  15. He was also visiting Boy Scout troops who were camping on the lawn of the governor's mansion: https://www.wthr.com/article/4th-annual-scouts-campout-governors-mansion
  16. Night Hawk, can you please provide highlighted statements, passages, etc. from the report to backup your claim of 'obvious examples'?
  17. I simply asked a question. I personally don't believe climate change is to blame for our wet spring. Weather <> climate.
  18. What do I think? Nothing. Caveat Emptor. Nobody is forcing an individual to take out that loan at the particular interest rate. After all usury is just the lending of money with an interest charge for its use. Years ago I had to use the services of a payday lender for several months. I made sure to pay back the entire balance by the due date, so I was only out the $20-25 (can't remember exactly how much). I knew the consequences of "rolling over" the existing loan into a new one.
  19. That intercollegiate sports be de-emphasized and become more like "club" sports. Or if the public universities want to be open and honest about it try and include the support and growth of intercollegiate sports into it's mission/vision statements.
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