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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Probably. After all I am a mental midget compared to your Baby Boomer greatness. Got some retirement cash I can borrow? And I find your backtracking on my original statement interesting. You first stated: I then responded (initial grammatically errors corrected): Your response was then: So once I pointed out your love affair with the millennial Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the "Green New Deal" you immediately pivoted your blame to Generation X. Interesting.
  2. Again, I don't understand. But thank you for pointing out that I forgot the word "you" in my previous statement. Unfortunately the edit window is now very, very short for posts, otherwise I would fix it.
  3. I thought they were "manning up" with initiatives like the Green New Deal, championed by a very member of that generation who according to are"ruining their lives"?
  4. Not for long, if you believe this: New Climate Analysis Shows How Badly Boomers Screwed Their Grandchildren: https://earther.gizmodo.com/new-climate-analysis-shows-how-badly-boomers-screwed-th-1833940193
  5. White Woman Slammed For Opening 'Clean' Chinese Restaurant: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45792/white-woman-slammed-opening-clean-chinese-paul-bois
  6. Ocasio-Cortez Is A Fraud Through And Through: https://www.dailywire.com/news/45749/knowles-ocasio-cortez-fraud-through-and-through-daily-wire
  7. More Crony Capitalism: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2019/04/congress-is-about-to-ban-the-government-from-offering-free-online-tax-filing/
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/venezuelans-desecrate-cemeteries-graves-sell-human-remains-valuables-economy-1274134 Yay for socialism.
  9. This may help as well: https://www.consumerreports.org/privacy/how-to-turn-off-location-services-on-your-smartphone/
  10. How established businesses use government to limit competition.: https://reason.com/reasontv/2019/04/09/enough-crony-capitalism
  11. As long as that "deal" doesn't require or depend on some exiting or new government regulation/law/etc. I don't see that issue. So if this "deal" requires say, that a local government body grants a tax-abatement (a popular thing these days), to me that is crony capitalism.
  12. Just select "parent" as the one & only affiliation you claim in your GID profile. Voila! You are #1.
  13. https://www.cato.org/blog/pentagons-accounting-problem These and other stories seem to have prompted House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith (D-WA) to deliver a stern message to officials in the Department of Defense. The Trump administration has requested $750 billion for the Pentagon, but, Smith noted, “We literally don’t know where a chunk of that $750 billion is going to go. We can identify some of it here and there, but by any normal accounting measure, you can’t tell us where you’re spending your money, or how much inventory you have.” Taibbi continues: Judging from the response of DoD’s senior leaders, however, there is absolutely no cause for alarm. Acting Secretary of Defense Pat Shanahan explained last year that they “never expected to pass the audit.” When a reporter asked him why taxpayers should trust the Pentagon with their money if it can’t even “get their house in order and count ships right or buildings right,” Shanahan quipped, “We count ships right.” Taibbi explains: “This was an inside joke. The joke was, the Pentagon isn’t so hot at counting buildings. Just a few years ago, in fact, it admitted to losing track of ‘478 structures,’ in addition to 39 Black Hawk helicopters (whose fully loaded versions list for about $21 million a pop).” This cavalier attitude is pretty maddening. It’s almost as though the DoD sees public scrutiny as not much more than a bothersome distraction. As I explained when we discussed Taibbi’s article in War on the Rocks’ latest “Net Assessment” podcast, I had Colonel Nathan R. Jessup’s courtroom monologue from the movie A Few Good Menrunning through my head. While on the stand, Jessup (played by Jack Nicholson) tries to deflect questions about his immoral and unethical actions: “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather that you just said ‘thank you’ and went on your way.” DoD leaders may not have the inclination to explain their shoddy accounting, but they do have a responsibility to the American people who pay the bills; and our elected representatives have an obligation to get to the truth. There are reasonable doubts about the Pentagon’s ability to be a responsible steward of the vast sum of money shoveled its way every year. So long as these doubts persist, we shouldn’t expect that Americans will want to spend even more. Agreed. I read the article by Mr. Taibbi, it is very disheartening.
  14. Looks to be a new bug related to the "affiliation" checkboxes in the GID user profile section. The more affiliations (player, parent, fan, etc.) you have checked, the more numbers show up. Probably a database lookup thing. 0 = player, 1 = parent, etc. Instead of the actual verbiage just the number(s) is being displayed.
  15. https://dukespace.lib.duke.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/10161/18113/Munger and Villareal Published version 2019.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y As I said before, reduce the size and power of government over many aspects of the economy (regulations, licensing, etc.) and you will reduce the size and power of crony capitalism.
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