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dazed and confused

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Posts posted by dazed and confused

  1. 4 hours ago, TrojanDad said:

    Multiple flare ups with incidence...the latest in June.  Is that better?

    The world multiple was also used in my original response.


    yes you did.... so went from mutiple to one....dont know about you but thats a good thing IMO ! USA is going from mutiple to more mutiples with some hospitals at their limit now.... dont know about you but thats not a good thing IMO !

    You also realize your link was from April so way outdated ....

    ap_20183375280935-f88d407c7a104d889697684d6e059eab097b5eb0-s1500-c85.jpgI am totally convinced what this pic shows is a big part(not the only) of why !!!

  2. 41 minutes ago, TrojanDad said:

    Are you sure?  You are aware that China has experienced multiple flare ups of the virus in various regions, correct?  (including one in June) And that is what we know....their gov't doesn't allow their media to function like ours.

    China also have a different COVID testing strategy than the US



    wow !!! .....one in June !  


  3. 45 minutes ago, Temptation said:

    “May drop”?  Try HAS dropped...for 10 consecutive weeks.

    More young folks are getting it and recovering just fine not requiring hospitalization...which is actually a good thing.

    Even so, has he not EARNED his health care contribution by busting his ass, being a community helper in one of the most difficult/least respected jobs in America and getting a great education?

    Pay your dues...reap the benefits.

    i agree it is a good thing....for them !

  4. 2 hours ago, Temptation said:

    Keep telling yourself that.  Joe is a less desirable candidate than Hillary and will self destruct when he has to come out of his basement over the next 4 months.  Voter registration is down in nearly a dozen states.  Other folks also cannot believe that these two clowns are our country’s best options and will take November 3rd off.

    Ok, now show the trend line for the death rate...the MOST important statistic.

    Stop picking and choosing...

    while the death rate may drop, with the way the number of cases is exploding I can only see the number of deaths increasing significantly also.... JMO

  5. 9 hours ago, oldtimeqb said:

    Don’t take this as a complaint- the inconveniences of the situation are well worth the chance to play for a state title. Every Hs football player would be willing to trade a lot for a blue ring.

    Specifics? Mainly travel but here are some examples. 

    Time change.  Had Andrean won SS last year, they would have played an 11 AM Central kickoff. Rensselaer/ Mater Dei back in 2014 featured two teams from the central time zone. Do you spend the night before in a hotel or leave really early to drive the 2-2:30 hours? 

    Media day. Monday the coach and team captains travel to get pictures and meet with IHSAA brass. A minor inconvenience for Chatard, Carmel, and Center Grove. But this was most likely a 5+ Hr round trip in a car for Memorial, East Noble, and Heritage Hills. They probably don’t make it back for the start of practice as well.

    Practice. If they want, those teams can choose to take another 5+ hr round trip - but this time in a bus for a practice at Lucas Oil. New Pal, WeBo can take their hour practice at LOS, head back to school and finish normal practice. An Evansville school has to give up pretty much a whole Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (Thanksgiving) if they want to practice at Lucas.

    Hotel issues- Black Friday and the tree lighting take place downtown Friday in Indy. If you don’t want an early drive (or like to tailgate!) parents, fans, coaches’ families, plus alumni who have informal reunions all are trying to coordinate where they are staying. I concede this is a self-imposed issue, but it still is a distraction that Indy area teams don’t deal with. 

    I don’t think it changes the outcome - but just take a look at Heritage Hills schedule for regional and semi state, and then throw another two trips to Indianapolis prior to kickoff on Friday. 

    I f we could get rid of DST would that get the whole state on the same time ? 

  6. 12 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Never said it. I choose not to wear a mask(except on the airplane). My body. My choice(except on the airplane). Once the murder of babies is outlawed, I’ll think about wearing a mask. Until then, forget it(except on the airplane). 
    If rioters, looters and anarchists can burn cities to the ground then shutdowns NEED TO BE ILLEGAL!  

    but you did say  "Still have NOT worn a mask besides on the airplane." so I took the liberty to edit this comment to make it more truthful.

  7. 4 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    That's some funny $hit right there.

    I don't recall running around looting and rioting to cause these "spikes".

    I don't recall saying that ! I have to question your reading comprehension.


    4 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    I was NOT at any looting or rioting.

    BTW, for all you too scared to live your life and enjoy your freedom God gave us all, been back from the "Covid hotspot" of Florida for 2 weeks (you know, muh quarantine b/c of muh incubation period) and NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH!

    Doesn't surprise me you have NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH.... you said a while back you thought you had it way early so you're gonna have NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH....unless you want to recant your earlier comment.

    WAKE UP people!

    See you 8/14 or 8/15!

    I am the target bc I am not scared to live my life!

    ....at the expense of others !!! WAKE UP DANN !


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  8. Tim Adams of Gridiron Digest

    By BIGJOESCOUT, June 22, 2010 in Past Discussions


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    Tim Adams the administrator of Indiana Gridiron Digest Passed away today. Tim spent many years promoting football in Indiana, his passing will be a loss for the sport in our state. Since many Wrestlers also play football I thought everyone here would like to know.

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  9. 19 hours ago, JustRules said:

    I completely agree with you. But I'm also aware of how this is different than any previous virus. People who say there is only a 0.27% mortality rate don't know what that means in terms of actual numbers if it spreads like it could. But I'm on the side of opening things up (slowly at first) and educating people on safety measures and letting them make decisions based on that information just like everything else we do both for us and others. The experts who need to know how this works and how it affects people know a lot more now than they did in February even if it isn't everything. Things have been done to improve the PPE and ventilator situations and we've proven we can built supplemental facilities quickly. If more permanent facilities need to be built then so be it. We have to move forward. If it continues to be a major issue there will be a huge focus on a vaccine. Staying home most of the time is no way to live.

    The first number (1800) is to compare what the current death numbers could have been assuming a 50% infection spread and the same current mortality rate. The 1675 number for comparison is for the FLU with half the people vaccinated and a lower mortality rate.

    but you say estimated flu death rate is .001 but you use 0.1 in your senario. Thats a thousand times different.... confused as to why ? 

  10. 6 hours ago, JustRules said:

    The concern is because there is no vaccine so nothing to stop it from spreading to anyone. Let's say only 50% of the people in Indiana are infected (3.35m people), that would result in 9k deaths across the state. As of now there are 1800 reported deaths so would only be 20% of the way there. The flu has an estimated 0.001% mortality, but I believe about half the people get vaccinated. So let's take 50% of the remaining infected (1.7m) and the standard mortality rate (0.1%) and you get 1,675 deaths. That does put the number of deaths in a similar range, but the COVID deaths could be so much higher if we open things up completely.

    im confused.... wouldn't you use the 9k figure against the 1,675 figure ?  not the 1,800 reported so fer....

  11. 20 hours ago, Raven67 said:

    You are dazed and confused.. why does everyone think that people are dropping like flies from this virus.. they arent...WAKE UP. My dad did social distance, he didn't go anywhere for a month. I didn't even see him... boom infected. Social distancing hasn't worked. If that isn't obvious by now you are living in a cocoon. Georgia isn't flaring up and they have been open almost a month... the virus has and is running its course.. my dad wasn't one of the lucky ones. He was part of the LARGE majority that caught this and did fine with it. Its not the flu, its worse, no doubt. But it is not black death. Media would have you think people are just dropping dead everywhere and they are not. That's the bottom line. If you are "at risk" take precautions, but by all means don't act like this is killing everyone, because it's not. "One of the lucky ones" gimme a break

    As far as your father goes, I thought considering his age, he is one of the lucky ones to survive... sorry if that offended you !  As far as the rest of your comments, thanks for clarifying what you think  !

  12. 2 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Interesting stats. What exactly is the point you’re trying to make by citing them?

    I think he is saying social distancing is working and although his father catched it he was one of the lucky ones, thank goodness !                                                          Everyone must keep in mind that stores new policy is No shoes, No shirt , No mask....NO SERVICE !!!

  13. 20 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Agree. The guy you describe is looking for trouble. 

    I understand your sentiment. 

    Recommending and making it law are 2 totally different things, correct?

    do you really think making it law will make a difference ? Look at all the idiots that consume adult beverages and then get into a vehicle and risk the lives of innocent people driving the roads... laws don't stop them so then how will laws get idiots to wear a mask ?

    27 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    This is where the disconnect is. So, you’re saying it’s OK to “build up your immunity” by increasing the risk to other people? Can’t you see that the only word to describe that attitude is “selfish?” 

    And just what makes you think that not wearing a mask is “building up your immunity?” I assume you’re referring to the development of antibodies as the body’s response to infection with SARS-CoV-2?  Check out this excerpt from an article published by the World Health Organization:

    WHO has published guidance on adjusting public health and social measures for the next phase of the COVID-19 response. Some governments have suggested that the detection of antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, could serve as the basis for an “immunity passport” or “risk-free certificate” that would enable individuals to travel or to return to work assuming that they are protected against re-infection. There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection. (Emphasis supplied) Here’s the whole article. https://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/immunity-passports-in-the-context-of-covid-19. The article concludes with “People who assume that they are immune to a second infection because they have received a positive test result may ignore public health advice. The use of such certificates may therefore increase the risks of continued transmission.“ This seems to fit your attitude to a “T.” It’s wrong. It’s inconsiderate. It’s dangerous, both to others and to you.

    That article from WHO is dated 4/24/20. I have searched in vain for anything written since then which contains contrary information.

    You are a responsible guy. Act responsibly. Put on a mask.

    Very good Bobref....this needed repeated !!!

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  14. On 5/14/2020 at 8:18 PM, DannEllenwood said:

    Georgia’s daily Covid #s are down from mid 600s to mid 500s, since opening the state on April 25, 2020. 

    Heading to West Palm Beach, Fla. real soon. My family absolutely can’t wait. I’ll send you a postcard. 

    If people don’t want to go out, don’t go out, but your fear doesn’t trample my Constitutional rights. We are seeing this throughout the country. 

    Gonna be a GREAT summer!

    He does seem to speak out of both sides of his mouth, historically. 

    I agree with this as long as my Constitutional right to be safe are not jeopardized by your actions. I read about someone bragging about getting by the "mask police" at Menards only to take it off once inside possibly endangering everyone in that store only thinking about himself and HIS rights. I'm sorry, but this guy is a tool !

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  15. 8 hours ago, foxbat said:

    A non-direct consequence was seen a couple of times this season.  My daughter is on the dance team for Jeff.  For home games, she'd often stay after school and then we'd pick her up after the game.  I told her to text us at the start of the 4th quarter and we'd come get her ... from that text, you've got 12 minutes to get to the school with the mercy rule.  Used to be able to have time to grab a bite for dinner if you got there by the half and still have enough time to finish up and get over to the school for pickup.  Depending on the opponent and the mercy rule, you may have to go fast food or skip the appetizers and get it to-go. 😉

    those dang Intangibles

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