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dazed and confused

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Posts posted by dazed and confused

  1. 3 hours ago, PhilLee said:

    That's ridiculous.

    ONE coach has a fever and he's considered a "close contact" of 100 football players?  And this shuts down the entire football program for 2 weeks?

    Are these coaches living with 100 players?  Otherwise, there is ZERO reason to be doing this.  

    Feel bad for the kids who are being forced in this school system to be under these idiotic rules. 


    2 hours ago, Howe said:

    I work in a manufacturing plant with over, 1,000 union workers where 80-90% refuse to wear masks . Our plant never shut down and had five people test positive for the coronavirus on two seperate ocassions. The company implemented a mandatory mask policy on May 04. The union workers refuse to wear masks or social distance and the union supports their workforce.  I observe hundreds playing cards at picnic tables during their break and lunch periods. They sit in groups of four and no one is more than two feet away from the other three workers. No one is wearing masks or social distancing.

    The plant has worked 6-7 days per week since the coronavirus outbreak including all 31 days in August. There has been no further spread of the coronavirus for the past 124 days. Virtually no one is wearing masks or social distancing.  The human immune system and herd immunity is the key. All of this social distancing and wearing cheap non medical grade masks from China is nonsense.


    2 hours ago, Howe said:

    Unions receive legal counsel from high powered lawyers. The legal counsel of the company obviously fears losing an arbitration hearing or a court case. OSHA toured the plant three weeks ago. The union workers still refuse to wear masks or social distance. I'm confident herd immunity was reached in early May. 


    44 minutes ago, Howe said:


    Take it up with the LaPorte County Health Department... we are tired of the opinions !!!! Maybe one of these days you will get it ! (doubtfall)

    • Thanks 2
  2. 2 hours ago, GV5 said:

    Yep Eastbrook is the class of the CIC!

    Ole Miss is a distant 2nd.

    Oak Hill is by themselves in 3rd.

    Blackford and Alexandria will be fighting for 4th.

    Madison Grant is 6th..

    Frankton a distant 7th 

    Elwood as always at the bottom!

    I wouldn't give Ole Miss 2nd just yet... hopefully we will find out in a couple weeks.

  3. 1 hour ago, Donnie Baker said:

    Does anyone else have a different look on their mobile app today? I can’t view my profile and had problems signing in. I swear to God I did 


    59 minutes ago, Donnie Baker said:

    Kinda weird 

    what about the nekked whoamen ?  gettin' those ?

    • Haha 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Lysander said:

    Not sure why you received a downtick for this (at least the first paragraph...I can’t verify the second.....mainly because I’m lazy).

    The first paragraph was a quote, though....I found it pretty easily (which means anyone could).

    The last thing one is allowed to do these days, apparently, is report the truth....you must have missed the memo.

    But hey, its not like you’re writing for the New York Times or anything.....


    Part of the downtick IMO is Howe has discredited the CDC but still uses their data in arguments... that and he rarly comments on the real topic, always has to be political and people are tired of it(part of the reason why so many topics have been closed in the past.

    • Thanks 4
  5. On 8/21/2020 at 9:30 AM, Coach Nowlin said:

    OR, you can help the cause as stated above by @Muda69 


    GID does not generate the ADS ourselves in any way shape or form,  HOWEVER, what it does is generate ADS based on the individual users "interests" from what I can recall.   The former user Ellenwood for instance proudly spouted about his ADS were all TRUMP, and TRUMP related, reason?  Welp, I think we know, his usage on his wifi and device and the magic of these computer internet tailor ads based on that IP address history.   

    NOW, I am not Saying Tommy,  I am just saying...... 


    13 hours ago, TheStatGuy said:

    Ive gotten ads for pizza and vote for biden Hahs. 

    I also get those ads for Biden and Trump plus alot of Preparation H ads.... coincidence ?

  6. 19 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    It appears that Frankfort High School has partnered with the ISC Sports Network to provide a PPV option for most if not all home sport events.  $5.99 for an individual contest,  $74.99 for a season pass.



    Tempting but Frankfort will have to pay more than that to get me to watch !  just sayin'

    • Haha 1
  7. 53 minutes ago, Howe said:



    A Knight Foundation/Gallup poll released this week showed that 86% of Americans believe that there is a “great deal” or a “fair amount” of political bias in the mainstream media. This is 25% points higher than the same poll taken in 2007.

    78% of Democrats and 94% of Republicans, believe that there is at least some bias in the media.

    84% assign the media either a ‘great deal‘ (48%) or a ‘moderate amount‘ (36%) of blame for political division.

    The poll noted when respondents were asked about their views of media outlets they distrust:

    -79% of poll respondents said those outlets were “trying to persuade people to adopt a certain viewpoint.

    -When news is inaccurate, 54% of Americans think it’s because reporters are “misrepresenting the facts,” while

    -28% assume they’re “making them up entirely.

    Does any of this surprise with the recent revelations outlined in the open letters from former MSNBC producer Ariana Pekary former NY Times op-ed contributor Bari Weiss. 

    so.... based on your stats....a good deal of us are skeptical about what you just posted....

    • Haha 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Whiting89 said:

    According to John Harrell yes

    also thanks admin for banning that poster that derailed all these posts and started stupid posts such as parents fighting for kids

    I wouldn't necessarily call it stupid....just missplaced !

    1 hour ago, Impartial_Observer said:

    OG=Old Guy

    Watch it there I_O !!!  ( ;

  9. 15 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

    Its crazy what's going on. 

    I get why Marion County and Elkhart County are trying to do the right thing and people don't get that. ..and the ihsaa likes to make phone calls. 

    Once an outbreak happens in the school and happens in the football pprograms. They'll be shut down anyway. I just hope that none of the students or teachers or coaches die.

    you forgot parents...kids have to come home I guess and that is what topic is about...

  10. 14 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    I forgot something.....

    If the family chooses to on line/ home school, they should be refunded their tax dollars of whatever the going rate is nowadays, set forth by the state government.

    What about teacher/coaches posting here during school hours all day long... is that being a good steward of our tax $ ?

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    • Haha 1
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