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dazed and confused

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Posts posted by dazed and confused

  1. 4 minutes ago, Howe said:

    I have a brother and a sister who are teachers. They said online courses take 3-4 hours per day. It must be sweet to stay home for 3 months and get paid in full to work 15-20 hours per week. I work in a manufacturing plant with over 1,000 employees. Our plant never shut down. We have had five people test positive for the coronavirus. The company implemented a mandatory mask policy two months ago. Approximately 800-900 union workers refuse to wear a mask. We have had no other workers test positive for the coronavirus. No one has died from the coronavirus or even been hospitalized. We never had any problems purchasing surgical masks throughout the outbreak.

    The mainstream media keeps hammering everyone with the panic porn. My work schedule has remained business as usual throughout the outbreak. Real world experience is not consistent with all the hysteria.

    yeah....we've heard that several times and i'm glad for your factory but you avoid my question .... AGAIN !

    • Like 1
  2. 20 minutes ago, Howe said:

    The statistics for Flu deaths among school age children is consistent with previous Flu seasons. The Covid-19 deaths are most likely grossly inflated which is consistent with the overall Covid-19 deaths in America. Big pharmaceutical is the most powerful lobby in Washington DC outspending big oil and gas 2 to 1.

    and where did you get your stats ? the CDC ?

    ... and your "most likely" comment.... hilarious !  sounds like you're not sure.


  3. On 7/16/2020 at 12:42 PM, Raven67 said:

    One of the top medical journals in the world (New England Journal of Medicine) ran a study on child transmission. Out of everyone they contact traced...Kids couldn't transmit... this is science. This is the science everyone refuses to see.

    that may be but then we have this.... https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2020/07/18/young-people-most-likely-to-spread-coronavirus-at-home-large-study-finds/amp/

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  4. 17 hours ago, EVVHSFOOTBALL said:

    Here's an interesting fact to consider. According to Dr. Scott Atlas of the Hoover Institute. Every developed country in the world except the US has opened their schools many without social distancing or masks. This is because the facts are children rarely contract the disease and rarely transmit the disease. Check him out if you doubt this.  Real life experience trumps all the studies to the contrary.

    Fact ?  This just came out.... https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2020/07/18/young-people-most-likely-to-spread-coronavirus-at-home-large-study-finds/amp/

    • Like 1
  5. 16 hours ago, Temptation said:

    Or hospitalizations...you know the ORIGINAL data point about why we were shutting down back in March.

    hospitalizations trending upward(see below what wabashalwaysfights posted) and hopefully won't follow suit with whats happening South and West https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/18/covid-19-cases-us-icu-beds-south-west

    back in March more people took precautions and the curve went down...today, not so much (see above link)

    I wish for the best but doubtful !

    6 hours ago, wabashalwaysfights said:

    This? Pulled from https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/ at about 7am on 7/18/2020. Seems as though we are have just gone through a month long uptick like what we saw early on.  If that is the case, the next few month should see another large scale drop, but that takes time.

    Annotation 2020-07-18 065738.png


  6. 59 minutes ago, TheStatGuy said:

    I love me some Zepplin!! Beatles too. 

    I may be alone on this hill but i hate pink Floyd

    is it because of the BLM movement ?

    when I think of bands I think of Benny Goodman, Henry Mancini and Glenn Miller


  7. 1 hour ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Why’d you edit sport?  

    just had "link ?" posted and added rest after quick search thats all....been busy and ask for link to make it quicker so thanks pal ! BTW mosquitoes are terrible tonight !!!

    1 hour ago, wabashalwaysfights said:


    Toward the bottom is a PDF with some data. I haven't looked through it all, but an educated guess would say that the chart posted here is in there somewhere. 

    Apologies if this is the wrong link.

    thanks !

  8. 1 hour ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Ok. That was BEFORE what all those liberal progressive “leaders” have allowed in their states. 
    Wisconsin. Antifa and black lives matter attacked a gay democrat legislator ON CAMERA!

    wolfe (pa) and Whitmer (Michigan) both killed the elderly by putting sick patients into nursing homes. 
    What else ya got?

    how did they kill the elderly if the virus is a hoax ?

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  9. 1 hour ago, wabashalwaysfights said:

    Who had the over? I should have set it at about 5-6, but I also didn't consult Vegas so...

    I saw this circulating on social media a while back.  The problem with this logic has to do with the perception of danger.  

    If I'm being honest, the "no shirt, no shoes, no service" thing never made any sense to me other than, well, we don't all need to see that...

    no shirt no shoes is a sanitary thing but I agree we don't need to see that !

    1 minute ago, DannEllenwood said:

     I’m sure you have Karen. 

    Come have a meal with me. I’ll buy. I’ll tell you the same thing in person as I do right here (notice my name is here and yours isn’t. 🤔). All. Lives. Matter. Why on earth would I ever be ashamed of saying that?

    Triggered level 100! 😂 


    yawn !      

  10. 1 hour ago, Howe said:

    A chief of pediatric infectious disease at UC Davis and a professor of chemical engineering at UC Davis say masks reduce the risk of coronavirus spread by 65%.

    I have posted video's of Dr. Fauci, The Center for Disease Control, The World Health Organization and The Surgeon General stating cloth and surgical masks provide no protection against the spread of coronavirus. 

    The factory where I work had five people test positive about 7 weeks ago. The company implemented a mandatory mask policy. Currently approximately 90% of the union workers refuse to wear a mask. Around 900 union employee's refuse to wear a mask or social distance yet we have had no further spread of the coronavirus. The label on the masks our company has says the mask provides no protection for the coronavirus and are not for medical use.

      You run Fauci through the woodchipper then use him to try to support your argument....hilarious !

    Glad for your factory but it isnt Fla., Texas, etc.....

    • Thanks 1
  11. this aint Fauci....Fox news !


    sounds to me like with the recent spikes (full blown mess if you ask me), that all the non mask wearers non social distancing people on beaches, in bars etc. have nothing to do with it..... it is all the social distancing mask wearers causing it ! (heavy sarcasm)

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