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dazed and confused

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Posts posted by dazed and confused

  1. 32 minutes ago, DannEllenwood said:

    FULL STEAM AHEAD!  If you choose to have your child take on line schooling or home school, absolutely fine.  For the rest that want and need in person schooling, LET'S GO!

    If you choose on line schooling or home school, you can not participate in extra/co-curriculars.

    I thought extra curriculars were ok for the IHSAA but could be overridden by local or school policy.

    • Like 1
  2. 16 hours ago, Mayo77 said:

    I didn't really need a study to tell me this as a parent but I'm glad they came out with it.  Me and friend were just talking about this.   The difference in just our kids attitudes in spring was completely different than normal.  Once we started allowing them in may to go be kids again and see friends,work out,socialize in general they were back to normal again.  

    this seems right. The problems I have about the survey is it only asked student atheletes and not all students so we cant conclude that it is just a student athelete problem. Also, in this story about the survey https://www.wsaw.com/2020/06/30/wiaa-university-of-wisconsin-study-shows-depression-is-up-among-wisconsin-high-school-athletes/ a quote from Mr McGuine there are alot of "could be's" they just don't know....

    STEVENS POINT, Wis. (WSAW) -The WIAA’s research with the University of Wisconsin discovered that 33 percent of high school athletes are showing symptoms of depression. That’s 3.5 times more than what the historical data shows.

    “It could be school closures,” University of Wisconsin senior scientist Tim McGuine said. “It could be cancelations. It could be as somebody said the economic uncertainty we’re facing right now.”

    Dr. Tim McGuine said that sports being canceled isn’t necessarily the only reason depression and anxiety have increased.

    “Teasing that out would be difficult,” McGuine said. “This is a snapshot of those athletes as we know and what we could control for.”


  3. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    Kicking the can down the road could be kicking it onto a landmine.  There is no reason to believe things will be any "better" in the spring particularly if rudimentary case counts are the metric.

    Why not... I read on here from experts that this will all change Nov. 3rd ...if that doesn’t get delayed.....

  4. 1 hour ago, DannEllenwood said:

    I have been quite outspoken on certain issues. I will do what is absolutely best for all. I still have my beliefs, but I truly appreciate those that have showed me such grace. I know I have not reciprocated at all times and I ask for your forgiveness. 

    Bottom line, I firmly believe we ALL want what is best for people. 

    Be well. See you all 8/14 and 8/15. 
    The Best is Yet to Come. 

    Interesting... someone must have spiked my pepsi !

  5. 4 hours ago, Bears62 said:

    I really think West Lafayette is going to face a strong falloff here soon. I think they will still be the best team in the Hoosier conference this year but they will have many close games. Word on the street is their numbers have been way down in 7th and 8th grade recently and may not have some of the top tier talent they’ve had the past 5-10 years. I’ll never doubt Coach Fry and his staff without seeing them perform but I just can’t see them being as good as they’ve been recently even with Yanni. Guess we will see week 1 against Jeff

    Would that be Sesame Street ?  I hope we get to see Yanni play this season. His field awareness reminds me of that Smith kid from Luers a while back.

  6. 5 hours ago, Raven67 said:

    Unfortunately, we keep going from...the death rate is what matters...to... positivity rate matters.... to... cases matter!!! All the while the death rate tanks... this was and is about saving lives.. and we are doing it. The damage that not going to school will do is unrepairable. I feel sorry for a generation that has had to watch adults whine and complain over EVERYTHING. There is no end in sight. When covid goes, you can guarantee we will have something else shutting us down. We will never be the same.. 

    Then quit complaining !

    5 hours ago, Temptation said:

    I said from day one when the talk of school returning began that it would be the adults who were the biggest barriers.

    I see you at the public pool (with hundreds of other patrons) with your kids, you post pictures from your kids’ travel (where you gathered with hundreds of other adults and children and stayed in hotels) baseball/softball tournaments all over social media and suddenly in mid-July, you “fear” sending them back to school or returning  to work yourself and want to “save lives.”

    Its maddening.

    You too !

    • Like 2
  7. On 7/20/2020 at 9:10 AM, DannEllenwood said:

    Another one...

    Was this your announcement that KV was one of them ?  If so, Coach Nowlin needs to work on his mind reading skills !

    2 hours ago, IndianaWrestlingGuy1 said:

    There are twice as many deaths in America from pneumonia than from Covid under the age of 25 (CDC). These school lockdowns are a complete farce. 

    As soon as the election happens, and especially if Biden wins, we won’t hear about this virus again. How many days will the COVID tracker on CNN last after a Biden win? I say a couple days. 

    In the meantime, our kids are going to turn into criminals, druggies, or worse from idle hands. I can speak for the privates and say there is virtually no chance we don’t return.  Most of the Catholics schools would close permanently if we go to E-Learning again. In Cathedral’s case, we’ll be in classrooms in mid-August. 

    I already thought wrestlers weren’t the smartest bunch but you leave no doubt !

    • Thanks 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Howe said:


    cant dispute the 10 and under kids as pointed out in the article I provided earlier https://www.forbes.com/sites/rachelsandler/2020/07/18/young-people-most-likely-to-spread-coronavirus-at-home-large-study-finds/amp/ its the 10 to 19 years old that are concerning. Maybe you didn't catch that....I copied and pasted it for you.... see below

    The study found that young people, between the ages of 10 to 19, were not often the first in their household to show symptoms—but when they were, 18.6% of their contacts contracted the disease, which is more than any other age group.

    By contrast, children 9 years old and younger were the least likely group to spread coronavirus in their household, with 5.3% of their contacts—which represents three people—testing positive.


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  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/07/19/coronavirus-update-us/?outputType=amp

    this part and says alot....can't make it up... 

    In Sunday’s interview, Wallace confronted Trump about his incorrect predictions that the virus would “disappear.”

    “I will be right eventually,” Trump told the host. “You know I said, ‘It’s going to disappear.’ I’ll say it again.”

    “Does that discredit you?” Wallace asked.

    Trump said he didn’t think so. “It’s going to disappear, and I’ll be right,” he said.

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