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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Everything posted by combthehair

  1. I’ve got a fully charged phone and no plans. Let’s do this!
  2. About time to start a new thread for next year so we can all bitch about how our teams are over looked?
  3. How the hell is that legal?!?!?!? New life goal. Go to law school to be a pain in the IHSAAs ass.
  4. I don’t think he “should” retire. I just think it’s natural for people to be curious. There is nothing wrong with that. I figure he’d want to give up the grind and go more into politics and commentating. He and Mauer are fantastic calling the state wrestling finals. AWESOME!!!! I’m ready for next season.
  5. I need more info on this sandys pizza. Congratulations MD! Has Goebel been given the key to the city yet? Hot damn is he good.
  6. Can we all just appreciate Goebels hair at 70! Full and only half gray.
  7. Sounds like he had his priorities right at seminary. Dudes like 6’6. So also congrats to the alter servers holding his legs.
  8. Im so confused by some of the comments. He is obviously injured and working his ass off to do all that he can.
  9. Congratulations MD!!! They put everything together at the right time.
  10. This announcer is amazing. It must be really hard to call a game with marbles and razor blades caught in your throat.
  11. Yeah. Ive been watching. STUD teams. I havent been watching any of the 5A.
  12. Linton figuring out how to move the ball. But they still haven't figured out how to stop MD offense. TD linton. 31-16 MD heading to half
  13. 17-0 half way through the second. MD Close to scoring again.
  14. Week 13 Matchups Bloomington South East Central Southridge Triton Central [0] Linton-Stockton [-21.5]
  15. Week 12 Matchups Castle Memorial Mater Dei Owen Valley Southridge Tecumseh Linton-Stockton
  16. Jasper goes home after the first game of sectional for the second year in a row. We are on quite the tournament drought. But proud of our guys and how they played in a tough year. Multiple key freshmen got a lot of experience this year which will only help us in the future. Good luck to Memorial next week. Don't you dare get beat by Boonville or we will never hear the end of it. Lol
  17. Another interesting stat, jasper threw a pass on 1st and ten. I didnt know we could do thaf. Back to back drives of long run tds for the tigers. I was surpised we made a game of it after that.
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