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Head Coach Openings 2025 ×

Bash Riprock

Booster 2024-25
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    Metropolitan Interscholastic Conference
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  1. I think you know exactly what I am talking about and its been occurring in professional sports as long as I remember.... Example....Pat Mahomes in a playoff game against the Texans goes into a very LATE slide and is involved in contact with 2 defensive players. Head official throws flag (only flag) and personal foul is called. Its a 3rd down play and the Chiefs are awarded a first down. Replay shows that the Texan defenders made head to head contact with each other and not Mahomes's head. The actual contact to Mahomes was minor at best. Troy Aikman (former NFL QB and HOFer) openly voiced his displeasure at the call, watching several replays. My contention....a rookie or a non-big name QB does not get that call. The shadow of the doubt goes to the stars of the league and the NFL is absolutely invested in protecting its greatest assets. There is preferential treatment, whether intentional or not. Human nature. It has always been this way in professional sports...whether that be the size of strike zones, giving certain bball players an "extra step" or falling for the flop, etc. The NFL is no different. As far as what you toss off or not means absolutely nothing to me......
  2. Here it is…..
  3. I watched the video on TikTok of Josh watching this video for the first time. He got emotional...and said he didn't want to cry that night. He talked about how easy he has it in life playing a game, and its nothing in comparison as to what the children face. He stated they inspire him every bit as much as he inspires them....all the time with teary eyes. Its hard not to dwell on the ugliness of this world, and forget how much beauty is all around us. Thank you Josh for being a beacon of light to so many that need it. Truly one of the good guys.
  4. Such an awesome guy...loved his MVP acceptance speech
  5. Just having fun Coach....love your posts....and in this case, understand your feelings!! Enjoy the game!!
  6. Coach won't ease up on this....me thinks he has a secret mancrush on the Chiefs. If you don't think there is a benefit of the doubt given to the rash of close calls they have received or in which a flag is not thrown, then you simply choose to be blind. So many sports leagues have champions that do receive the benefit of doubt and its been that way for a long, long time. If you think that this doesn't happen for the Chiefs, then you choose to keep your eyes closed. Burrow knows where his bread is buttered and he's a QB that is very much protected. You know other NFL players say very different things and you choose not to highlight those....guess they are just dumb and lack common sense. We know where you stand....let it go...geesh
  7. So much luster lost with the portal.....who you sign with matters less and less...its who you end up with as an upper classmen (assuming production)
  8. Awesome to see Indiana boys having such an impact on the big stage!!
  9. I don't think they pay the man what they did ($9M/year for 8 years) if they don't believe in the future. I understand striking while the iron is hot.
  10. especially if there is doubt.....my guess is the administration is pretty high on Coach Cignetti and the future
  11. Another strong OL recruit
  12. I think he meant no tuition increases....tuition still applies
  13. Good news!!!
  14. 2025 Purdue = 2024 Northern Illinois???
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