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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 2 hours ago, US31 said:

    Not likely....families move across country just to put their elite kids in this program.  USA Diving is also headquartered in Indy so that is an additional incentive.  Ironically it doesn't seem like Carmel had a very good diver this year?

    Interesting enough, Center Grove's leading diver won the state championship for the 2nd year in a row.  The junior finished 2nd her freshman year.  Next year she will be a senior, and it would seem she won't be competing against Carmel.  

  2. 7 hours ago, Bobref said:

    The guy who was called for the foul doesn’t think so. He fessed up.


    Yea, he fessed up...it was holding....but as minor as it gets.  Smith-Schuster was not impaired in running his route and showed no emotion like he did earlier in the game when he was held (at least in mind) with no call.

    Guarantee if we go back and look at tape, we will see much more egregious levels of holding that was not called.  Sometimes its not a matter of being right...its a matter of consistency.  The official that threw the flag for something very minor and not called consistently during the game , basically ended the contest and took away a chance to see a magnificent ending.  But yes, technically his call was correct.

    One former NFL DB indicated his failure was to wear a black glove.  Had his glove been white up against a white jersey, he predicted a non-call.  The color contrast did him no favors.  Thought that was interesting.

  3. 3 hours ago, temptation said:

    Since it appears caramel is not going to release a statement and be transparent about this issue publicly let’s go ahead and get this out of the way.

    Now that their homework assignment is complete, how long until Carmel and a member to be named later are announced as new members of the MIC?

    I have been out of town, but reading much about Carmel's plans to drop CG from all athletic competition.  If this is truly about the basketball game with the student's rushing the floor, this really has my head scratching.  I watch the video of a coach sending his players to walk around the students, yet he decides to aggressively push through the students bumping multiple kids along the way.  And this is ok?  Why didn't the head coach simply walk with his players?  It would seem its the classic direction, "do what I say and not what I do". A 40+ year old man decides to push his way through a group of students in lieu of simply walking around them? And this is what Carmel admin is upset about?  Yet they won't comment nor state how they plan to hold their coach accountable for an incident they initiated.  So you drop your top rival for 25 years over that one incident?  Its ok to have your players running off a field of competition for gun shots at a venue, but this type of incident self-instigated is the back breaker?? It makes zero sense......unless....

    There is something deeper....I too believe Carmel is working to distance themselves from CG, to win favor from a number of MIC schools to get re-admitted to the conference.  There is something more going on here.  25 years together competing and can't even reach out to their rival school to discuss like adults?  Blind side with an announcement to the same school that stuck besides them when attempting to join the HCC?  

    But hey...as one long time GID member (just happens to be a BD guy) praises the Carmel AD for being such a swell human being recently in a post, indicating that may be enough to get Carmel into the MIC.  I honestly thought it was a joke at the time of his post, given it would take more for the state's largest school to get re-admitted to a conference they had scorned a year later, than simply having a "likeable" AD.  Now I am guessing he had more insight that I realized.  

    • Like 2
  4. On 1/31/2023 at 11:33 AM, BDGiant93 said:

    I don't recall mentioning Center Grove. 

    You didn't....but sometimes an intentional omission is in itself a statement.

    You mentioned that Carmel may get MIC readmission consideration because the AD is such a good guy.  My question to you is admission to a conference for the state largest school (by far) a little bit deeper than if one major player is a nice guy?? Admittance is based on whether an AD is "liked" or not??  One school is admitted and one is not based upon AD popularity?  That sounds more like a country club without rules.

    That is your comment that I am asking you to expound a little more.....

  5. On 1/31/2023 at 8:40 AM, StatQueen said:

    Wow! I guess they really got tired of losing to that team from the south side!  At first thought, you'd think... wow, hate to lose that CG/BD rivalry game.... but it has been so one-sided recently not much of a rivalry anymore.  Embarassing for them I guess. Good luck vs. the Academy from the deep south though.  Better optics losing to them.

    Great news is that it opens up another possibility for CG/Roncalli reunion in the future!!

    Sitting in the stands for some many BD vs CG games (at both venues) over the years, I sure hope that series continues.  While at times each team has ran off a few in a row, it has been a great series for quite some time.  Some incredible games over those years in the regular season and the playoffs.

    Would love to see CG and Roncalli bring that game back.  2 major southside programs, with huge gates.  Roncalli has a number of kids that come out of White River township that attend a number of local parishes including St. Francis and Clare.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, HoosierFB_JG said:

    I don’t believe any of what you’re insinuating was mentioned. 

    Not insinuating anything. Asking HIM to elaborate on his comments. I wasn’t clear as to what he meant. I’m sure Mr. Inskeep is a great guy. How does that factor into 6 high schools deciding the state largest high school be admitted into their conference? 

  7. 16 hours ago, BDGiant93 said:

    The MIC just pushed them out the door.

    Don't count out a return of Carmel. The fact that Jim Inskeep is a class act is not lost on many in the MIC. I have nothing other than anecdotal evidence and informal conversation to base that on.

    …..CG admin lacks class? 

    so administrators make decisions on admitting a school to a conference if they like one AD over another?

    Thanks for elaborating 

    • Disdain 1
  8. 6 hours ago, SenatorFan said:

    Probably need to duct tape Irsay to his chair in the skybox and start with a blank piece of paper. 

    Spot on......

    He has not had an experienced GM and head coach since Polian and Caldwell.  I believe that is absolutely for a reason.  Irsay loves to be the puppetmaster and in the limelight.  

    I have not seen an experienced head coach on his interview list with the exception of Dan Quinn.  Maybe I missed some of the interviewees.  

    • Like 1
  9. 14 hours ago, temptation said:

    Positive news coming out on Mahomes’ ability to practice/play.  He’s saying all of the right things anyway.

    We will really find out on Sunday.  Could be gamesmanship.

    I think he will play...but with a high ankle sprain just a week ago, will he be the same Patrick Mahomes?  If a legit high ankle sprain, the answer is "no".  But perhaps the injury wasn't as bad as it looked on TV.  

    Makes a good headline regardless.

    15 hours ago, Boilernation said:

    Agreed. IMO, Mahome's ankle is more of a concern than Cincy's O-Line. If he's required to play in a phone booth the Bengals can go to man coverage and have no fear of Mahomes beating them with his legs. 

    Hard to throw sidearm inside the pocket......

    Will Cincy actually start to double team Kelce and make someone else beat them?  Will they get nasty with him on the LOS make it much harder for him to release and get into his pattern???

  10. 17 hours ago, Boilernation said:

    I heard some great stats today about Cincinnati from a betting perspective: 

    • 8-1-1 ATS in their 10 game winning streak
    • NFL best 27-12 ATS since the start of last season
      • 12-3 ATS when they're a dog
    • Burrow is 32-16 ATS in his NFL career

    Will be interesting to see how the Cincy Oline replacements fare against a stronger D line and a D coordinator that loves to bring the heat.  Also, how Mahomes does with a high ankle sprain against a really good D line that will work to keep him uncomfortable staying inside the pocket. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Bobref said:

    Looks like Cincy is about to open up a can on the Bills.

    Guess I was surprised given the Bengals Oline had taken an injury beating and I believe some of the positions were being manned by backups.  Bills could get to pass rush on Burrow, nor could stop the run game.  Hats off to the Bengals Oline.

    Tough chore going into KC next week....but Cincy has the QB with moxie and Mahomes is dealing with a high ankle sprain.  If Cincy can protect Burrow, I like their chances.....

  12. 4 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    Man, I would love if the Colts were stupid enough to trade Leonard


    I don't necessarily agree with you on that one.  Can't stay on the field for one thing.  Also has some interesting tweets that causes one to scratch their head...both with content and timing.  Makes me wonder about chemistry

  13. An interesting playoff weekend.....

    Any surprises??  For me, I guess the obvious would be the Jacksonville comeback.  But I was also surprised how close the Buffalo/Miami and Cincy/Balt games were given one side had backup QB's going.  In the case of Miami, their 3rd string QB.

    Cincy needed a 98 fumble return to move on....a Raven's score there would have made that game really interesting.  

    Thoughts going into the 2nd week?


    • Like 1
  14. Interesting article about Dasan McCullough leaving IU.  An interesting conclusion is that with NIL, a coach will sometimes need to recruit the same player year after year.....


    With NIL, the landscape of college football has changed, and it will never be the same again.....the rich will get richer

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    1.  Not emotional at all.  Just ask for people to justify their opinions with facts.  I did so in the Steele thread and you didn't like it.  I am completely open to differing opinions as long as its grounded in something factual and not emotions/tropes that are tossed out there by the talking heads.  I may get heated but at the end of the day its just sports.  We are all passionate about it as we visit this site daily but its not life or death.  Don't flatter yourself.

    2.  You are once again picking and choosing.  Why does UGA get a pass for struggling with Mizzou?  Why does OSU get a pass for struggling with Northwestern?  Michigan dominated  a damn fine Penn State outfit (could have honestly won by much more) yet Ohio State was trailing in the fourth quarter against them?  I stated that I think OSU was a better matchup for UGA than Michigan but we will never know.  I can pick and choose too.

    3.  Had UM won at the last second or in one possession games, that would be a valid argument but they won both going away in DOMINATING fashion.  You have once again cherry picked (17-2) your data which spans over multiple coaches for both teams.  Yes, Harbaugh is 2-5 against OSU but is 2-1 against Day.  A much more relevant data point than using the last two decades.  OSU fans and players have once again convinced themselves that Michigan beating them was a fluke and I hope they bring that same mindset into next year's game (though I think UM should be favored actually).

    4.  Michigan had many poor decisions against TCU which led to their demise.  TCU had the kryptonite to every Michigan defensive play call at the perfect time it seemed.  Michigan almost got home on multiple blitzes that resulted in big plays/TDs for TCU.  Credit to them.  But once again, you are viewing this through one lens.  Michigan scored 45 points, allowed TCU's defense to score 13 (missed XP) and had more first downs and more total yardage.  A loss is a loss and you are allowed to have your opinion but don't magnify it as a one sided affair.

    5.  Jim and the AD are in negotiations right now as it relates to his base salary, assistant coaches pool, commitment to NIL and most importantly, his buyout number.  The latter is the main hold up on the negotiations as Michigan doesn't want to go through this annually, nor should they.  I see both sides.  Jim says "look at that clown up in East Lansing that is making $9+million" and "look at what other schools are doing as it relates to NIL and compared to our current "sanctions"" whereas Warde (Michigan's AD) is countering with pause due to the "sanctions" being spoken of and Jim's annual interest in the NFL.

    I'll tell you this.  The NFL is plan B as of now, but if these negotiations aren't wrapped up by the middle of next week I think its bad news for Michigan.

    As always, respect your opinions...just disagree with most of them.

    Done arguing about Michigan football status.  I am neither a fan nor an enemy of the program.  I was hoping they would beat TCU in the playoff game. They didn't.  Why you care so much about my feelings regarding Michigan football is beyond me.  Truly puzzling.  BTW, never magnified it as a one sided affair.  Those are your words.  But they absolutely beat Michigan in the run game, Michigan couldn't get them off the field at the end, and forced an average QB into multiple mistakes by making the Wolverines one-dimensional playing catchup the entire game.  Make all the excuses you want, but that is exactly what happened.  

    A forum is all about opinions and I get it it...but asking for people to justify their opinion with facts, you would come off far more credible if you adhered to your own expectations.  And that absolutely includes the CS thread.

  16. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    As I was taught by my late mother you always need to have the attitude of "I may not be right, but I'm never wrong."


    Never heard that one before.  My father taught me as a married man, "son, your wife is always right".......😉

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