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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 2 hours ago, PHJIrish said:

    Well, if I was Jimmy, Ballard would have been gone, along with Frank, after the season ending loss to Jacksonville last season.  IMO, a top level coach isn't going to consider the Colts as long as Ballard is the GM.

    I agree....

    My fear goes beyond the GM....and I am purely speculating.  The Colts were a top tier team during the Polian era.  He left after unsuccessfully pushing one of his son's for the GM job.

    Irsay since has hired 2 rookie GM's.  (Grigson and Ballard)  My fear is that we have an owner that likes to be heavily involved.  And if so, that can also be a deterrent for both a top coach or GM.

    I may be way off base...but that is my fear.

  2. Just now, Bobref said:

    We can agree to disagree on whether this is a tough decision or not.

    Didn't read the entire thread Bob....are you thinking the Bears will trade out of that pick and acquire multiple picks??

  3. 3 hours ago, Titan32 said:

    Purely Hypothetical question.  Let's say they find no underlying conditions that could have caused his cardiac arrest, and he makes a 100% recovery and is cleared for all activities.  If you are Damar, would you step back onto the field?  If you were an owner, GM, or coach, would you be just a little nervous with Damar on your team?

    Great question....I have been thinking the same thing once Damar fully recovers.  I can't help from wondering what will be the opinion of his doctors...and how much that will weigh into both his decision and the decisions of GM's.

    So happy he is pulling through and on the right track.  I so hate he has went through this life challenge....but the beauty from it has been absolutely incredible.  

    • Like 2
  4. 48 minutes ago, temptation said:

    And then they provide data and the others involved in the "conversation" resort to name calling and eventually disappear because they have no substance remaining.

    Does your ego to allow you to acknowledge that maybe you were the troll that jumped on a thread you didn't create with less than positive comments about the person the thread is about?  This entire thread was about CS getting some nice time on ESPN and later his move to UCLA, only to have you try and find some fault with the kid.

    Don't confuse disappearing as a lack of substance....just tired of playing your game.

    • Thanks 1
  5. On 1/8/2023 at 7:58 AM, temptation said:

    No one.  But I was mocked for calling him a “bruiser” with the “how many times did you see him caught from behind” line.

    The first thing I think of when I think of Steele is him just carrying dudes across the first down line or wiggling out of a tackle.  Doesn’t mean he “can’t” outrun guys.

    But hey…he was “competitive” in track so it’s all good.

    No one mocked you....simply disagreed with your comments first about CS track assumptions by Coach Moore, then your inflated speed comments about RY.  You are not close to the CG program and some of those comments made were simply inaccurate.  I did ask you a simple comment about how many times have you seen Steele tackled from behind on break away runs either in HS or college.  You avoided the question...repeatedly. I challenged you to go out and find some of RY's track results from his CG days.  Really solid times....but not the fastest on the team...not in the top 2-3 on the HS team.  That is fact...I sat in those stands.  

    I understand you try to come across as the "all knowing football expert" on this forum.  Always right and never wrong....that's why I don't like debating with you as that your ego will not allow you to just stop, even when you are out of your lane.  You making assumptions doesn't make something fact.  Sometimes its better to just stop and move on to the next topic.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 hours ago, temptation said:

    Competitive?  That’s where we are at?

    Never said he wasn’t competitive…said he wasn’t one of the fastest kids on the team.

    Don’t put words in my mouth.

    You were flapping your gums about RY. Your statements were incorrect. 

    You don’t know jack about either former Trojan when it comes to their track or speed backgrounds. Do yourself a favor, admit it and tackle the next issue. 

    The only spew that comes from your mouth is 100% self inflicted 

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, temptation said:

    Russ ran 4.58…current Bengals RB Chris Evans ran 4.52 at his pro day.

    Evans was an all-state sprinter and ran high 10.7/low 10.8 for the 100 meter dash, meaning it is feasible to think Yeast is high 10.9/11.0 if he focused on the sport.  

    Sub 11 second 100 meter guys just don’t grow on trees.  

    You truly don’t know when to stop, do you??  I was at a number of his track meets as one of our children was running on the team. He was competitive. But hey, it is impossible for you to be wrong, so time for me to move on. 


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  8. 17 hours ago, temptation said:

    I’m gonna call BS on that one.  Russ was a high 4.5 kid according to his combine stats and his sister earned a full ride track scholarship to The University of Louisville.

    You would be incorrect….again. 

    CG’a track results for this period can be found. Do the homework. 

    Russ is not his sister when it comes to track speed. He’d be the first to tell you that. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. On 1/5/2023 at 2:15 PM, temptation said:

    Didn’t get to see him on a regular basis but the fact that you’ve now asked twice leads me to believe it doesn’t happen too often.

    I mean 48 yards was his longest TD rush of the season but I’m not sure what that tells us.

    As far as track is concerned, you are right.  I don’t know.  What I do know is that Moore is a super competitive coach and one of the few who takes his track and field as seriously as his football.

    You can list up to 8 names for the tournament in the relay events (4 compete).  Steele was not among the 8 listed for CG in the 4x100 during his time there.  That leads me to believe Moore doesn’t think much of his “speed” either.

    All speculation but pretty telling to me.

    48 yds was far from his longest high school runs playing in the MIC. 

    You have no idea why Moore didn’t choose to run Steele in track. You dont know Moore and you have zero insight. 

    We do agree that you are speculating at the very best. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, temptation said:

    1.  Speed.  Steele’s numbers don’t jump off the page and he threw the shot for CG in the spring.  That’s not a coincidence.  

    Speed is speed.  “Football speed” is the single dumbest two word phrase I’ve ever heard and I have no clue why I consistently gets trotted out there.  Now, if you want to talk lateral quickness/agility, I’d be willing to listen.

    2.  Bruiser.  Maybe it’s the wrong term and I’m becoming a victim of the very same language that I’m critical of above but I feel like there are most often two categories of running backs.

    Maybe I’m short sighted on this particular topic but I feel that these two “categories” are most commonly used and Steele is much closer to the second than the first.

    ”A bruiser with agility?”

    you failed to answer my question about how many times you every witnessed this young man being caught from behind on his long TD runs in high school or college?

    As far as what Coach Moore had him doing on the track team, you are speculating at the very best.  You truly have no idea.

    single dumbest phrase....you might be surprised to know other people's perceptions of various phrases and posts.....😮

  11. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    The perception surrounding a white running back/skill position player gives recruiters pause.

    A subject that makes other folks uncomfortable, but not me.

    (Also, Carson’s speed is an issue and most modern offenses don’t want a bruiser but rather a guy who can make guys miss in space and put them in their rear view mirror.)

    Just my opinion.

    Speed?  Interesting comment....how many time have you seen Steele caught from behind during his CG days in the MIC or with Ball State in the MAC?  Definitely has had some decent TD runs.  Maybe he doesn't win a ton of 40's, but the young man has football speed for sure.

    Bruiser?  If you mean he doesn't go down on the first or 2nd hit.....but he is a different back than let's say a Charlie Spegal.  I don't see Bruisers as backs that hurdle guys, and Steele has done that pretty darn frequently.

    • Like 1
  12. 49 minutes ago, psaboy said:

    Always wondered why he was overlooked by most P5 programs coming out of high school.



    Especially P5 schools in his own state.  IU and Purdue only offering PWO's.  IU is really disappointing....Carson grows up about 30 miles from campus, 4 year starter in the MIC, state championship winner and Mr. Football, and IU doesn't believe he is worthy of a scholly.  Yet Allen will go to Florida and pick up the kids the Florida schools take a pass on, and feel like he's done something.  How's that working out IU???

  13. 2 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    I would gladly welcome him back 

    Don't remember saying anything such as take b10 by storm, but he was productive at Texas and would think he would be productive at Purdue.   Ask yourself why he no longer earned the starting job at Texas.   


    Productive stats in the 3.5 games he played after 5 star #1 recruit in nation https://247sports.com/PlayerSport/Quinn-Ewers-at-Southlake-Carroll-191207/RecruitRankHistory/ got hurt vs Alabama.   And Arch Manning coming once Ewers is done.   Made all the sense in the world for him to transfer and Purdue was fortunate to get him as no matter what they were getting a portal qb even if Brohm stayed.  

    He will have 2 years of eligibility left.   

    I never stated you said he’d take the Big 10 by storm. But there seems to be a ton of excitement about him coming to Purdue. Just seems his stats at Texas were solid…but not eye popping. My guess is that people must see his potential. I was just curious as to your perspective. 

  14. 5 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    Purdue has to have the youngest P5 staff in America, already got one of the top QB from the Portal and will continue to go shopping in the next weeks.  


    Coach, I realize Hudson Card was a 4 star HS recruit.  But he didn't exactly tear it up at Texas.  In 3 years and 22 games, he's averaging 138 yds/game with 0.5 TD's/game passing.  (11 TD's total)  He lost his starting job.  What makes you or others think he's going to come in and take the Big 10 by storm?  

    I am not saying he won't do well....but his history is ok.  Why is he ready to take it to the next level??

    Does he have one or 2 years eligibility remaining??

  15. 6 hours ago, temptation said:

    You are asking the wrong guy.  I don’t play a doctor on the internet.

    When I do, its only because I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express the night prior....please don't question my credentials.

  16. 4 hours ago, Boilernation said:

    I watched at most 3 minutes of that game. The writing was on the wall when it was known the amount and quality of Purdue starters who were sitting out. LSU has way too much talent across their depth charts for a seriously depleted Purdue team to compete with. With that said, is it fair to criticize Brian Brohm and Hagen at all for that performance? Personally, I would have been embarrassed if I were them. No fight whatsoever. Nor did they look prepared. 


    I'm with you..Kelly had to know Purdue was depleted....that is why I thought he could have taken his foot off the gas more than he did.

  17. 19 hours ago, PHJIrish said:

    IMO, this matchup wasn't a good one from the beginning.  Purdue without a QB was awful to watch today.  It just shows how important the QB position really is.

    And I will never again be a Brian Kelly fan.  I don't care about anything he accomplished at Notre Dame, the way he left was classless!

    that was a serious beatdown.....I thought Kelly would take his foot off the gas a little more than he did.  When I saw them passing into the endzone with a 42-0 lead, (ended in a pick I think) that had me scratching my head.  

    Tough flight home......

  18. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    Lawyer by day, ref in the evening, doctor as a hobby?

    Wow!  Either someone is still grumpy about the Michigan loss, or someone pissed in your Wheaties this morning.....

    Is sharing some possibilities as to the cause of such a horrible event really that bad?

    After all, this is a forum....and I've not known you to be shy about sharing your thoughts......

  19. 20 minutes ago, PHJIrish said:

    Some of the Bowl games seemed to be unevenly matched when announced, and I for one thought the Tulane/USC games was one of those.  Boy was I wrong!  It was a good one!

    It's sad to see half empty stadiums in the first 3 games today, though.  I hope the Rose Bowl has its usual big crowd.  It looks like it on TV.

    Quite the comeback for Tulane.  From 2-10 last year, to 12-2 this year and a Cotton Bowl win over USC, quite the program turnaround.  

  20. 5 minutes ago, BTF said:

    If Saint Francis can beat ISU by 5 touchdowns, I'd hope that IU could too. 

    you lost me...what year did that happen?  I know it wasn't this past season or the previous 4.  

    St. Francis would not beat ISU, let alone by 5 TD's

  21. 16 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Some dates are TBD.

    Gotcha...so the four that are TBD could be anywhere on the schedule...I did see some weeks  with openings earlier in the season...that makes sense.  I missed the TBD

  22. 4 hours ago, Irishman said:

    Following Bob's lead from the ND topic; time to turn the page. Not holding out much hope for this coming season. 2 teams in the division making the CFP does not help. A number of players have entered the transfer portal; guys who could have played key roles this coming season. IU keeping Allen is purely a financial one on their part. I worry what it costs them in the long run; not that things will get much worse than last season, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel. And whoever the AD is needs to be fired. 1. for agreeing to the ridiculous buyout for Allen. 2. for allowing the season opener to be against osu. 
    prediction....2 wins, Indiana State and Akron, providing that no one gets injured playing an angry osu team, who has shown they now love to pour it on when it comes to playing IU. 

    IU didn't exactly handle Idaho (FCS) this season.  ISU and Akron will not be gimme's.  

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