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Booster 2023-24
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About Komets2727

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    Fort Wayne Snider
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  1. No North Side this year and got spanked by Carroll. Are you counting those as ugly wins??? South Side was ugly for sure
  2. Well, the Dwenger game was an ugly win, best thing I can say about it.
  3. I would flip Brownsburg and LN as Brownsburg has played a tougher schedule so far from what I see. Maybe it evens out soon. Starting at #8 is where I see issues. How many of these 4A and 5A teams you really believe are better than HSE, Carroll, Snider, Franklin Central, Fishers, Carmel, and Ben Davis? Yes, you should reward wins, but you still have to be realistic. I see both sides of the story, but I know for example if New PAL and Ben Davis played, I got BD by double digits
  4. Good explanation. Mistakes happen as we all are human, just bad optics on the final play of the game
  5. South Side 14 -Luers 13, final. Blocked extra point with 19 seconds to go is the difference. Big upset
  6. Columbia City 21 - Leo 18, final South Side 14 - Luers 7, 2 minutes to go
  7. Snider 10 - Dwenger 0 halftime North Side 14 - Wayne 0 East Noble 28 - New Haven 0 Columbia City 9 - Leo 7 Luers 7 -South Side 0
  8. Snider 7 - Dwenger 0 Homestead 21 - Concordia 0
  9. Homestead 14 - Concordia 0 Snider/Dwenger tied at 0 after first quarter
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