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Everything posted by Irishman

  1. This is hilarious....and sad. I did not state anything even close to that....wow. The article I posted showed police busting water bottles at an aid station. I then added that someone that lives in that area stated that there are militia dressed as police.
  2. Here is an article explaining what antifa's role in the protests have been. It does include info about far right groups as well. https://www.trtworld.com/americas/what-s-antifa-and-its-role-in-black-lives-matter-protests-36922 Interesting quote from the article: " Twitter said it suspended two fake Antifa accounts, one of which was run by people with ties to a white supremacist group. There's also a growing presence of Boogalo Bois, a gun-toting, Hawaiian shirt-wearing anti-government group, often misrepresented as a straightforward white supremacist group, at the Black Lives Matter protests. They have been accused of fomenting some of the violence blamed on Antifa by the Trump administration. Boogalo Bois, or their other iterations, openly called for people to join them in raising militias against the Minneapolis police after the black man's death, Bellingcat reported." Good God man, can you not read???? I simply stated that someone from that area....maybe a facebook comment; maybe a friend that lives there stated it. Did not think it needed explaining that it was not part of the article. Geez, you are hilarious some times.
  3. So, reading comprehension is not your strong suit, huh? lol Noticed I said that someone from that area stated it. I did not state it as a fact, just raised the point to ponder. Good to see you doing some research though.
  4. For someone so adept at finding videos to state your opinions, I would think you could easily find this. This took 5 seconds. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/george-floyd-protests-white-supremacists-antifa.html This was just a couple links down from the previous one. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-06-02/george-floyd-protest-violence-blame What was it you were saying about your opinions being right? And mine and others being wrong? lol
  5. Oh, so you just have not been paying attention???? There is evidence out there; plenty of it, actually. But you took the time to blame the left only so often for the violence.
  6. Stay focused here...so, you just proved my point....that you have pointed the finger in one direction. You have not posted a thing that would show that you blame right wing extremists. I on the other hand, have stated multiple times there are extremists on each end of the spectrum that are stirring things up. I figure you keep posting with blame on the left, so I balance that. I never chimed in as far as the details of the Mueller investigation. The only thing I have challenged you on is that it is your belief that the only indictments should pertain to the investigation itself, and that the other crimes that warranted indictments, plea deals, and guilty verdicts should have been ignored. My challenge has been that in any investigation, if other criminal activity is discovered, charges are almost always filed for those additional crimes; even though they did not pertain to possible crimes being investigated.......and I get accused of lumping all people of a certain ilk into one category....lol I have been a skeptic of the Hydroxychloroquine use. BUT, there was a point where I did state, I really do hope it works. But at the time you started posted, the evidence was not conclusive. I have not seen anything that shows the drug is overwhelmingly effective. But go ahead and keep patting yourself on the back
  7. You are going to use videos showing a few democrats blaming Russia to counter my point of you pointing the finger at just the left???? Maybe I am missing something. You are saying that you are pointing the finger at the right wing extremists as well for the violence during the protests?
  8. Then why refer to living in Virginia if you were not using it to add some level of credibility to what you posted? But you did claim in one sentence to know what the monuments were not meant to be, but the previous sentence you stated you had no idea what the intent was. lol......did the cider go hard on you? lol Never did I even attempt to paint all Southerners with one broad stroke. I was referring to those that get their panties in a wad over the removal of the statues, especially the ones that show up at the rallies with their confederate flags and nazi flags. I got a kick too out of the large font. You can backtrack all you want to, but your statement was I was way off on my claim. I just countered it. You sure don’t like being called out do you? Toppling statues equates to burning books.....yeah ok. That may be your funniest line yet. Nice stretch though. I think even Muda would be impressed with that reach. That comment actually leads to a point I made. There are museums dedicated to what has happened. There are thousands of books written about the events of that war. But oh my God, we cannot tear down the statues that glorify those individuals. I get the intent behind the monument in Indy. There actually is a monument where they are buried now, which is fine. They are not nor ever were buried in Garfield Park. The reason it is there is because of the klan......enough said. Again....plenty of details are written about them and what happened to them. Removal of the monument does not and will not erase that.
  9. Just cannot let it it go, can ya? lol So you have not seen a single post of mine blaming extremes on both. That is the whole point of what I have been posting, to point out the fault of the people responsible on both sides. Howe continues to look just one direction, so I challenge those posts. So I see you challenge those guys regularly, yet never call out Howe. Some of his posts are flat out ridiculous, yet you say nothing wonder why? Funny how that works huh? Why is it you are trying to hold me to a standard you choose to not live up to yourself?
  10. Yep....and in the middle of a vigil in Downtown Columbia City, a group of truck enthusiasts decided to drive by with their trucks decorated in confederate flags and other decorations.
  11. Good old Indiana folks. The phrase from earlier posts comes to mind here...."know your place". https://www.tmz.com/2020/06/06/armed-residents-indiana-crown-point-guns-blm-protest-stare-down/?fbclid=IwAR3HQm6ryQQ7j-ZO9k6qYwHI7eAqLDiUTGbu7KV7Ss7EuK2mqr3-3wiTjbY&fbclid=IwAR25ufufftH-Hrhi0YSfwG61E_LK1Unfohblx5i1RexCfiOJKqCpVARW_8w
  12. I get what you are saying and would agree, in principle, this is what the scale is supposed to look like. But like many things, in practice, it becomes quite blurred. It is amusing to some extent to see so many “conservatives” supporting an authoritarian like Trump, and cannot see past the notion that he did indeed have some good people in his administration that he either fired or forced out because of some big disagreements. General Mattis is always first in my mind when I make that statement.
  13. Yeah, let’s just COMPLETELY ignore that it has been said there are people in extreme groups on both ends of the spectrum that are causing problems. In fact, I don’t recall seeing a single post by anyone but you that points the blame in just one direction. But yeah, let’s just keep pointing the finger in that one direction. https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/05/31/us/politics/ap-us-america-protests-behind-the-protests.html
  14. But he also says this: "The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them."
  15. From North Carolina: Interesting comment though. Not sure if it is true, but someone claiming to be from there said these were not police at all, but militia members dressed similar to police to avoid being attacked or arrested. I have not verified that, but there are similar stories from other cities. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/03/george-floyd-protests-police-destroy-medic-station-asheville/3124847001/?fbclid=IwAR0H55usku7Zv918GCCT8VxCMqHb-jiVfHew4J20lQZ5En6GrHrWoUBJ81w
  16. As far as the bold part; which is it? You either have no clue of the intent of erecting them or you do. So, your years in Virginia made you an all knowing expert? lol, yeah, ok And the last part? Yeah I was WAY off. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demolition_of_monuments_to_Vladimir_Lenin_in_Ukraine "The demolition of Lenin monuments in Ukraine happened in four stages. During the 1990s more than 2,000 Lenin monuments were demolished in Galicia and Volyn, at the turn of the 1990-2000s more than 600 Lenin monuments were removed in western and central areas, in 2005-2008 more than 600 were demolished mainly in central areas, and in 2013-2014 552 monuments were demolished. Yep, way off....my bad.
  17. What is so controversial? You mean beside the fact that this is not the place where the soldiers died or where the graves for them are? or beside the fact that the reason it is in the spot it is in was decided by members of the klan so that it would be more visible to all residents of the city, including the minorities? Beside the fact that no one really spoke up for keeping it when it was up for discussion in 2017 when the Parks Department voted to have it removed. From that time, museums have had the opportunity to take the monument, but no one has stepped up. I would also add that this marker currently sits in Crown Hill Cemetery where the remains are actually buried now.
  18. Taking down monuments erected anywhere from 70-80 years or more after that war are not meant to preserve history in the sense many think it is, and it is not even trying to sweep history under the rug. The Robert E. Lee statue that started the whole mess was finished in the late 1920’s. The statue is in a place where many can see it, and serves as a reminder to remember their place in that State. Just like the memorial in Garfield Park in Indy. The klan’s influence had it moved to e more prominent, visible spot as a message to many who don’t look like them. How many monuments are dedicated to British soldiers who fought in the Revolutionary War? Should the Germans have kept monuments to Hitler to help preserve their history? Should Iraq keep statues to Saddam Hussein? Should the Russians keep the statues of Stalin and Lenin up? All those are ones that were taken down, and the history behind those people has not been lost, or even swept under the rug. The fact is that the notion that getting rid of these would somehow erase history is weak. There are still museums dedicated to such important moments in our Nation’s history. Just like there are museums dedicated to what Hitler and the nazis did.
  19. I am not sure this is an accurate "picture" of the political spectrum. I agree that fascism and anarchy are opposites; but the spectrum looks at the level of control from a governing standpoint; the further left, the more control there is at the national level. The further right is less control overall, but the control is more at the local level. So, the extreme right is anarchy, while the extreme left is fascism. Now, if you want to raise the point about lines being blurred; no argument there, I would agree.
  20. Funny to see so many on the side that won fight so hard to preserve the flag and the monuments to the other side now.
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