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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by psaboy

  1. Yes, I was wondering how he figured that out. The ISHAA has a procedure they follow to determine who is on the road and who is at home.
  2. Yep, wasn't implying Snider will be there at semi. They can beat any of the possible teams the could play or they could lose to any of the potential teams they play. I think it is that even. Mishawaka has a pretty easy path to regional as well.
  3. So you are guaranteeing a Pirate W over Snider if game is in Merrillville? Interesting bill board material IMO. Or are you just saying game will be in Merrillville?
  4. If Pirates don't make it out of sectional then something is terribly wrong. Regional you will be better challenged. If Snider and Merrillville match up in semi, I may have to go to game. The way Snider is playing, they look really good. Their sectional is scary though, they will have beat two quality teams to get to regional. There are no cupcakes on their path to Indy.
  5. Yep, my thoughts exactly, esp. the way Elkhart got dominated by New Prairie.
  6. Good catch, I think I heard they have a D1 at almost every position, so maybe 16 or more?? 😜
  7. Pirates must have been sitting their 9 D1 players this week, resting them for their march to Indy I suppose ??? Or maybe they entered the transfer portal for early enrollment 🙂
  8. That Merrilliville score can't be correct??
  9. I thought that last year as well. Still don't know what happened other than the Saints kicked Snider's butt.
  10. Columbia City up on Norwell by 1 with less than a minute to go
  11. Yes, I'm not taking any of the sectional games as a given. Thinking Snider is the better team in sectional, but anything can happen in a win or go home game.
  12. Didn't see, started watching late second Q, They looked good tonight, hopefully week of rest they can stay sharp.
  13. Yep, that was story, Luers hung in there pretty good 1st half, team depth in second half doomed them
  14. 38 - 7 Snider. They seem to be working on passing game, this game to get ready for the upcoming season
  15. Snider gets Dwenger at Dwenger. I'm thinking game will not be a repeat of last year unless Snider returns to old habits. Never a gimmie when these two teams meet, expect a closer game than the one we just saw. The team with the most points will win.
  16. I think you are under selling Snider. Yes, their long history of dumb flags always makes me anxious. That "team" can show up any time. any place with no warning.
  17. Waiting to see the sectional draw. Not going to say team favorite or another, anything can happen in a lose and go home game.
  18. He really doesn't need to be on field when game is over, that late. Let the yougins in, just IMO
  19. I'm not quite sure how to sum game up, 1st half was back and forth with flags on both sides helping and hindering each side. Second half Snider has pretty much in control after Saints first possession.
  20. Not sure why Langston is still in game with outcome sealed and less than 3 minutes left.
  21. Does high school have "out of the pocket" no grounding rule?? Any more so than a regular snider/dwenger game?
  22. Snider getting a lot of dumb flags, just like the good ole days.
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