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Posts posted by southend

  1. 13 minutes ago, Footballking16 said:

    The CYO advantage stems from the depth that is produced at the feeder level. In other words, a 3A school like Chatard is drawing from 7-8 small catholic grade schools on the northside of Indianapolis who all have their own football teams comprised of 15-20 players who all get to play compared to a 3A public who may only be drawing from 1 large junior high school, in some cases two. So in most years Chatard is bringing in 3-4 QB's who have all started from 3rd grade on, 5-6 RB's, a ton of OL/DL, and so on. It not only provides depth once they get to the 9th grade but also competition that always rises to the top.

    If a school like Frankfort is just learning how to put on pads and standing in a huddle in the 9th grade that is a Frankfort problem, not a Chatard problem. 

    This. Very good analysis. And you arent even a lawyer! The publics have numbers ,big schools, but few are starters or are playing consistently. Small schools, numbers are low, thus every one gets playing time, game experience at an earlier age. multipe small schools produce more athletes who are ready to contribute earlier. 

  2. That’s the 64 dollar question. Southridge.  The last few years the Raiders have enjoyed consistent success. Some years better Than others , but successful non e the less.  
    So if they reload, I’m inclined to go with Southridge. 
    You guys know your football in Miner country, and from what your saying it will be a fun year at Linton.  

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  3. 16 minutes ago, MHSTigerFan said:

    Ha…anybody care for eggs this morning?  Just grab some right off my face here.  Got plenty.

    Shows you how much I follow wrestling.

    Not so fast. They do hold a team state tournament every year that classes the teams. Very nice tournament and pretty exciting. 
    This is not an IHSAA event. But includes teams from all over the state that qualify.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, MHSTigerFan said:

    Perhaps.  But that wasn’t the question put before the court.  It could’ve been any plaintiff.

    TSSAA’s defense was that they weren’t subject to Brentwood’s due process claim, because they (the TSSAA) were a private entity, not a state actor.

    That had to be answered first, before the actual claim itself could be dealt with.  The Supreme Court found that the TSSAA was sufficiently “entwined” with Tennessee’s public to be considered a state actor.  They also created an entwinement test for similar future disputes.

    Given the IHSAA’s governing structure (pretty much entirely governed by public school administrators), it seems a foregone conclusion that the courts would consider them a state actor just as TSSAA was.  As such, they’re subject to DP, EP, 1A, etc claims.

    Your proposal almost certainly runs afoul of the equal protection rights in the 14th amendment.


  5. An aside, one of the great volleyball coaches in the US , Arnie Ball, Olympic and college ,got his start at New Haven High. In the early 70’s. Then in about ‘73 moved over to the new EAST Allen school, Paul Harding as baseball coach. Then started the club volleyball program.  I think they lived i Woodburn at the time. 
    I know Bob Knight recruited the Ball’s for Basketball, pretty aggressively in the 80’s.  Was his  Son Lloy, who chose Volleyball, over Indiana. Both dad and some are legends in the sport, in a state that is ignorant of the popularity volleyball carries.  

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