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Posts posted by southend

  1. 8 hours ago, DE said:

    Saw a brief on line “spat” between Herbstreit (who is apparently anti opting out) and Shannon Sharpe (who posed the question about coaches leaving before the bowl game). 

    IMSC, SS even referenced BK doing this twice to 2 of his programs. The most recent being ND to LSU. 

    Yes, again, there isn’t a set answer here. The kids are looking out for their futures just as coaches are looking out for themselves. 
    My point being, the title of this thread. I know bobref went in to reference players ,but it really is the same if you think they have a moral obligation. If not, then it isn’t. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Irishman said:

    While the Alabama Cincinnati score was predictable, I did not see this coming in the UM Georgia game. 

    Why? Georgia is the best team in lfootball.  Heads and shoulders above any big Ten team. And the championship game will bare this out. 

    2 hours ago, DE said:

    I’m the opposite. I was more surprised with the score of the Bama/Cincy game. 

    I didn’t give Cincinnati a chance 

  3. Just now, southend said:

    But I mis-spoke, there are 4 schools with Linton. Anyway the largest county, area wise, in the state. But yeah it would be great to get White River and Bloomfield started on a coop football program. A new 2A program. Wondering what the nickname would be?A Wolverine and a cardinal. 

    They WRV, go by “Wolves” I think. So? Bird dogs?

  4. 2 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    An Eastern Greene/Bloomfield football co-op team would be a perfect fit, and a good experiment for the IHSAA to sanction.


    Not a bad idea , a little traveling involved.  Just an aside. , the county doesn’t really need three schools relative to population and could combine scholastic offering’s ,greater than each have ,if combined. But geographically this county is so big, It would be a hardship on students and parents to close any of the existing schools. 

  5. The example that they gave was last years scenario, Alabama (1) Florida (7) .If Either one of those not getting in But PAC 10 winner Oregon (27) getting in. This wouldn’t pass the “ fair” test. So that is the sticking point for 8. 

  6. There has to be all hands on deck approach to get these programs back to being respectful. Parents, administrators, athletes, coaches staff among other program influences..If one or two of them don’t cooperate then is kind of like a three legged dog. But obviously there is one or more influencers with in these specific programs that’s not doing it’s share to run a program. So identify and do. 

    3 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    That’s only 4.

    Brilliant! This early in the morning 

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