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Posts posted by southend

  1. 14 minutes ago, DE said:

    Are there studies out there of these athletes (the ones we are talking about only) who end up broke?  Then what?

    I agree, the money is enormous.

    I have also heard where their teammates support them for opting out.

    I am in your "camp" southend.  I would never think of leaving my teammates like this, BUT, I have also never been in the situation we are discussing.

    Right, with no moral or conscience pressures about this kind of move.

    I don’t think my or your parents would have condoned it. But I’m with you, not actually put in that situation. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Bobref said:

    I was thinking of it more from a player’s standpoint. If I were a kid about to make it big, who got help from my teammates all along the way, I don’t know how I could look them in the face  and tell them “thanks,” but they’ll have to play in their NY6 bowl game against a worthy opponent without me.

    Yes, this is a generational difference, from ours to the present. My parents instilled in me exactly what you are saying. Probably starting with my generation, we didn’t do a good enough job. To much me, me , me now.  

  3. So the show goes on, with or without first round draft pick. I’ll still watch if it’s a team I follow is playing.   I’ll even attend the game if it’s in warm weather. I think most that follow teams will do the same. Sponsors know this.  If the money is there, the show goes on. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, HHF said:

    I disagree,  I think you will find a different attitude and a different type of response down in Class 1,2 and 3 where they actually experience this situation of massive roster variance    You generally see more and bigger blowouts at the lower levels, thats pretty well documented.  Coaches dont want to speak out because its an extreme hot button issue.  But I like to ask the question anyway.  Dave Pasch does not respond to questioning, Eric Moore has bigger issues on his mind currently and Nick Hart , who has been a great friend to The HHF, chose not to respond.

    I thought the story and the response out of Crawford County were compelling.  The list of serious injuries was frightening.  I wonder what the cost of insurance and hospitalization and recovery expense and lost time at work and school were relative to the $10,000 in annual football related revenue .  



    Good points

  5. Results of a revolving door of coaches, that has plagued indiana for years, don’t have the deep pockets at this point to hold onto the good ones. Amplified now by transfer portal.  

  6. 29 minutes ago, DE said:

    Do players that opt out have a certain date to make this decision?

    If so, what if the decision has to be made prior to teams finding out where they will play their bowl game….

    While this may work, it gets to be a cat and mouse situation then. Now ,as the likeness situation evolves mor and more,it’s the University owes you everything and the player owes the university nothing. Ethical and moral issues aside. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, HHF said:


    I cant clarify.   Im just reading through the tea leafs, just like everyone else.  MIC admins were very clear however in their assertion that they felt that CG and CA viewed the MIC as an "athletic first" conference, which is not in line with the original charter.  

    What ever it was , it was the opinions of several of the MIC schools.

    Majority rules

  8. 10 minutes ago, Irish Line Momma said:

    Great points, I am just thinking out loud.  Maybe they would enjoy being independent schools or taking a few years to form a new conference?  Just my thoughts. 



    Penciling in a game here and a game there every few years is fairly easy as compared to having to come up with a complete new schedule without a conference affiliation. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Lysander said:

    Good question and I think different people may have different answers.  If it’s about self-improvement and the prospect of playing at the next level, I think you choose the HCC.  If it’s just about trophies and you are GOING TO IU TO PARTY, then chose the MIC.

    Wait a minute,Are you insinuating Indiana University is a party school!????

  10. Me and everybody else knows Allen had this guy,Bell, hired after th 4th game of the season this year. Quick decision  but not a hurry up hire. I think he was very well (vetted). While Bells delve into head coaching didn’t go very good, seems like he was on some pretty good staffs at some high profile programs. Maybe a sleeper for Allen to land. Hope so.  

  11. I’m not sure Indiana can write off anybody right now. 
    The  quick work by Allen, hiring an OC, means the coaches can huddle and get a game plan for the offense. Talent cures a lot of what’s wrong with IU.

    The weak QB play  was compounded by the terrible offense line that they had to deal with this year. So first, linemen are priority, then set up an offense that fits who you have coming next year. 

    Hope the new guy has some offense wrinkles to bring out whatever offensive talent Indiana has left. 

  12. 12 hours ago, Bobref said:

    So, Notre Dame and Oklahoma State in the Fiesta Bowl. Great matchup. Irish will put their streak on the line: they’ve never lost to a team coached by a guy who wears a mullet. 🤣😂

    And What’s wrong with a mullet anyway?

  13. I’m sure that is the case. Allen couldn’t risk another season in which Penix gets all the practice reps. Secondly, it frees up a valuable scholarship . I will have to defer on the new OC. Not familiar with the man. 

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