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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Gipper

  1. 2 hours ago, Boilernation said:

    Too lazy and disappointed to look it up, but I think we’ll over 50% of the roster is freshmen and sophomore’s eligibility wise. We have zero depth and the line play, especially O line, is atrocious. I’m conflicted on putting blame on Brohm for not fixing the line in 3 years, or giving him a pass due to the youth. Tiller at least had veterans to build good lines around in year 1. Could Brohm really not develop any of Hazells recruits?

    I know how you all are on rankings: TCU’s defense ranks 9th in the nation...

  2. 2 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Take a deep breath, say a prayer (if so inclined), grab an ice cold beverage and a bag of popcorn and cheer like crazy for your team.  Have a blast doing so.

    NOTHING has to be negative, ever.

    Spot on!!!  They do look to us, and when they see us acting like buffoons (BTW, Gipper is not guilty), it, in effect, give them a green light to do so as well.  Whitney Houston (well before she married Bobby Brown and subsequently went nuts) said it best, "I believe children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way"...

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  3. 1 hour ago, boilerfan87 said:

    You aren't kidding, Gipper. It is incredibly disappointing for the young man and the team. I'll admit, as each injury piles up, bowl prospects look bleaker and bleaker. However, I will not put it past any Brohm coached team to make it in spite of all odds. The remainder of this season will certainly be his stiffest challenge yet! 

    We actually have some depth at LB— I think Jaylan Alexander and Cornel Jones will get more PT.

  4. 4 hours ago, BTF said:

    Unfortunately the State of Indiana somehow believes that an Interstate Highway between Indianapolis and Evansville is more important than an interstate between Fort Wayne and Chicago.....................now you can get out of Indianapolis via interstate to the N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, & NW. In the meantime, US 30 from FW to Chicago is an ABSOLUTE nightmare.................and dangerous!

    Driven it many times—no bueno.

  5. 5 hours ago, MarshallCounty said:

    Growth in the eastern edge of St. Joe county is slowing, population is shift a bit north acrossed the stateline to Edwardsburg. The Eddies have some dudes that in the past may have been Kingsmen. 

    Eddies?  Sweet handle—one for the Hall of Fame for sure.

    6 hours ago, MarshallCounty said:

    DT is making up both sides of the arguments and debating himself.

    But the drink must be stirred...

  6. 33 minutes ago, Indian72 said:

    I do not see it happening due to travel, time difference and you have to consider the other sports 

    A school bus ride to Crown Pt on a weekday is no short jaunt for the other teams

    Maybe the have over scheduled but if you cannot find anyone to play you have to get what you can.

    Most Indiana teams do not have open weeks after week 2-3.  And playing any of the other SB schools is a waste of time for them

    Maybe they just are not what they used to be at least currently

    And you can forget about neutral site games in Michigan City, Valparaiso, or any of the Travel Plazas along the Toll Road...

  7. 2 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    1)  With who? 

    2) Isn't the goal to score points? 

    3) PU best players are WR and QB

    4) OL best asset is PASS PRO not RUN BLOCKING 

    no doubt they are used to the Air Raid passing attack playing in B12 

    I just think a balanced attack would be best to keep a good defensive team like TCU honest.  But make it fun--reverse, direct snap, need to catch 'em napping.

  8. 12 hours ago, Irishman said:

    Dude, I was just going to mention Schwarz'. I have been to the one in St. Ann. IU has an alumni camp in Elkhart Lake that I used to help work, and we would make the trip just for Schwarz'. 

    A couple of my clients swear by it.  I was just up there for a golf outing and was hoping to go there, but the wait was 2 hours long!  Elkhart Lake is an amazing place, the Osthof is an amazing hotel.

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  9. 9 minutes ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    I love how this thread started as football but quickly went to what packer fans really care about.....good food and beer 

    And I'm cool with that....

    But the game against Minnesota Should be a good one.  GB will need to score a lot more than 10, though...

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