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Posts posted by BTF

  1. 12 hours ago, Bobref said:


    In this context, I believe “draining the swamp” means getting rid of the other guy’s alligators so you can stock the swamp with your own.

    So you're one of those guys? Comfortable with the status quo? Begging for someone with an Ivy League education to lead the way? A political elite? So you're a follower, not a leader? Noted. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    Call me when Trump actually balances the federal budget and reduces the federal deficit.  

    Lol, no one can balance the budget. Not even Trump. Our "trustworthy" politicians corrupted the financial integrity of our country. We're at a point of no return. See Germany and Venezuela. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Muda69 said:

    And if you think Mr. Trump views you as more than an ant you are right.  He views you as ant with money to give to him.

    You mean like the 53 million his campaign generated 24 hours after his guilty verdict? Good for him. Whatever it takes for him to drain the swamp. You should be on our side Muda, not the political elites. Something tells me you're more like us than them. I mean, you're allegiance is to Rossville, not Punahou. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    Now that the Pandora's Box has been open, if Mr. Trump does win the presidency how soon before he suggests/cajoles/instructs his DOJ and other state's attorney's offices to investigate Mr. Biden and other prominent Democrats, looking for felony charges to bring against them?

    Tit for tat.  'tis the way of the uni-party.


    Day one hopefully. Drain the swamp. Shouldn't every average American want the swamp drained? No more back alley deals at the expense of the taxpayers. Funny how how Biden has three multi million dollar homes on his former and current salary. Same with the Obama's and Clinton's. They became rich off of politics............again, at the expense of the tax payers. 

    I find it comical that voters worship the political elite. We're nothing but ants to them. Trump is a non-politician, at least he was until he became president. If the people want "change", then why not vote for someone outside of the "good ol' boy club"? Obama became president because people wanted change. To them, a black president was change. He went to the same elite prep high schools that the Bush's and Clinton's went to, lol. He's a good ol' boy. That wasn't change. Trump is "change". And the politicians hate him because he's better at it than they are. 

    Make America Great Again

  5. On 5/30/2024 at 7:23 PM, Muda69 said:

    Guilty on all counts, Donald Trump becomes first US president convicted of a crime


    I'm not surprised with this verdict.  Now the fun begins.  Will the GOP really nominate a convicted felon to be their presidential candidate?



    That pretty much sums up the entire Democratic party. It's all a joke.......a game. Power first, America last. I truly feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to buy what they are selling the American public. Open borders, desperate for votes. Putting abortion clinics in all the black communities in the 70's  population control, has really come back to bite them in the butt. 

  6. 3 hours ago, temptation said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong here, but hasn’t Fort Wayne always had open enrollment?

    Just always assumed that the best talent was filtered to certain traditional powers.  


    Northrop's track success goes back decades. Probably not much to do with open enrollment, but more about those leading the program. I think all city schools are blessed with speed, it just doesn't translate to the football or track fields without the right person leading the way. 

    I honestly can't tell you when open enrollment started in Fort Wayne. If I were to guess, I would say it's been around for a couple of decades. I believe each school is allotted x amount of transfers, but it has to be academically motivated. Each school has an academic program that is specific to that school, therefore giving students the opportunity to transfer to that school for academic purposes. Does it get abused? Probably. But probably not to the extent that people think it does.

    Snider enjoys success because their coaches know how to develop players for the next level. They just do things differently than thier FWCS counterparts. Bishop Luers not only have good men leading the way, but they're also the recipient of many athletes on the voucher system. The Knights aren't 100% good ol' catholic kids like they were in the 80's and early 90's. Dwenger has always been good about developing through their pipeline (Dabo mentality). North Side is loaded with talent, but is at the mercy of who's leading the way at the time. Same with Wayne, Northrop, and South Side. Consistency is key, and Snider's had it for five decades now. They've built a community that spans over 50 years. That's the difference. If you look at major D1 football talent from Fort Wayne, you'll see that they come from just about every school district. I think Snider's just better at developing the DII and DIII kids. 

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, Basementbias said:

    Things are getting interesting in 2A North & the ACAC. Coach Kolkman is leaving the head coaching position at Heritage and is going to be an assistant at Bluffton. He just got Heritage back on track and seemed to be building a nice culture & foundation for the Patriots. Very solid addition to Bluffton.

    He seems to bounce around a lot. To be fair though, I'm not certain he left North Side on his own accord. Good coach. 

  8. On 5/7/2024 at 3:53 PM, temptation said:

    Will we next be getting updates on the glee club?

    Back on topic…no excuse for less than 10 wins and a playoff berth with this upcoming Irish schedule.

    Glad you brought that to the table. Thanks for the update Bash. 

    This Irish team is expecting a national championship. A nine win season would be a colossal fail. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Titan32 said:

    This won't increase transfer numbers much...it will just expedite the process by eliminating all the back and forth and legal types getting involved.

    This is a great idea.

    So is this exclusive to athletes only? What if a random kid wants to switch schools because he thinks the overall community is a better fit? Look, the team I follow would benefit greatly from this. In fact, it could make them so dangerous they could be considered illegal. But if you look at the overall picture, I'm just not convinced that it's good for the sport as a whole. Programs that are already struggling will get robbed of their athletes. And I think that if an athlete gets a pass, then all students should get a pass. I'm open minded to others opinions on this, I just think everything needs to be laid out on the table in order to make an informed opinion. 

  10. 14 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Zionsville is 15-1 all time against Harrison (WL).

    Even a “bad” Zionsville outfit would give Harrison fits.

    Agree. I was thinking a 28-14 type game on an off year. That's not a slight on Harrison by any means. It's more of a testament of how good Indy suburban schools have become over the last 15 years. I like my idea better of sticking two FW teams in Indy and two in SB. That would have pushed Harrison to the northwest. Crown Point is no slouch, but that sectional would have been easier with Penn being pushed to SB/FW. 

    • Like 2
  11. Although 2 FtW/2Hamco schools is exactly what it was.

    True. I'm not sure there's a right or wrong, either way, some teams were going to have to travel. I thought it was going to be Snider and Homestead to the south. Carroll and Northrop to South Bend. Harrison to Indy. 

  12. 54 minutes ago, Indiana Fan said:

    The split of Franklin and Whiteland in 5A south and placing Homestead with the 3 East Hamilton county schools are very odd for me.

    I think they did a good job with 6A North all things considered. Two sectionals comprise teams from the same general area. The other two are 3/1. Homestead is to Indy as Elkhart is to Fort Wayne. I'm not sure how they could have done it any better. 

    Putting Harrison into Sectional 1 would have shifted another FW school to Indy. You would have two FW schools vs two Indy schools. Two SB schools vs two FW schools. From a fans perspective, that's what I was personally hoping for. But geographically, I can see why the IHSAA did what they did. 

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  13. 2 hours ago, Hemmick said:

    Honest question, at what point does Indiana no longer become a basketball state and become a football state? There was one player from last year's NBA draft from Indiana. Although I'm not sure if there were other Hoosiers who ended up going to some other academy/etc. that is out of state. Does anyone have some good data on D1 recruits for basketball vs football and also professional player numbers? I've done some googling, but nothing too deep. 

    I know historically Indiana is unquestionably a basketball state, but how does that compare to the last 20 years? 10 years?

    Thirty years ago it was common for the State of Indiana to send between 4-6 teams to the NCAA tournament. Nowadays, the bar seems to be 3 or 4. 

    About 10 years ago, Pat Knight (currently an NBA scout), said there's "just something different about a kid from Indiana.........the way he plays and the overall basketball IQ." 

    I believe, just as recently as 4 or 5 years ago, Indiana had about 4 kid ranked in the recruiting Top 100. 

    Take it for what it's worth, but it does seem like the rest of the country has caught up. 

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