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Everything posted by Howe

  1. CNN, NBC, Bloomberg, NY Times & USA Today articles were published after 6:00 pm yesterday or today. Fox News has been reporting on this insanity for three days. Tucker Carlson had a hilarious video last night.
  2. The left has clearly stated their position regarding a border wall and border patrol as racist.
  3. Interesting. The new leftist utopia has a border wall and border patrol.
  4. Calling me a liar is the best you can do? What is the foundation of your vast knowledge? The fact that you claim black people cannot be racist is evidence that you have not spent much time around black people.
  5. I have no doubt that I know more than you. You pretend to be the GID authority among white people on the subject, however, a Trump supporter has more personal experience and has spent more time around more black people than any white liberal on this forum. It isn't even close.
  6. Al Sharpton demands for the NFL to give Colin Kaepernick his job back during the eulogy for George Floyd.
  7. Political activist and Big Pharmaceutical spokesman. I haven't heard a word from this fraud since the Hydroxychloroquine study was retracted, withdrawn and proven to be based on a hoax.
  8. Chicago mayor: Will take 'Herculean effort' to get businesses to come back Walmart, Target among businesses in city that can't confirm reopening of stores Chicago stores mull permanent closure following riots, coronavirus lockdown Chicago stores are struggling to reopen after the coronavirus lockdown, riot violence and looting have physically and economically destroyed businesses. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/lori-lightfoot-alderman-chicago-walmart-looting Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said it would take a "Herculean effort" to keep businesses open in disadvantaged neighborhoods after looting and damage that occurred during the first weekend of protests following the death of George Floyd. "I've been on calls and text messages with people all day who fought hard to bring economic development to areas of the city, only to see the Walgreens, the CVS, the grocery store, everything vanish in an eye blink," Lightfoot said on a May 31 call with distraught aldermen. "It's going to take a Herculean effort on the part of all of us to convince businesses not to disappear, to come back. We're prepared to fight that fight." LOOTING COST BUSINESSES IN MAJOR METRO AREAS AT LEAST $400M, EXPERTS ESTIMATE Walmart can't confirm it will reopen its Chatham location on the city's South Side after it was ransacked. "We are still assessing the damage," a Walmart spokesperson told FOX Business. "No decision has been made." Target couldn't confirm it would reopen a nearby location either, The Chicago Sun-Times reported. Looting damage in metropolitan areas, including Chicago, between May 29 and June 3 totaled more than $400 million, according to an estimate from the Anderson Economic Group released Friday. GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTERS PUSH TO DEFUND THE POLICE: WHAT IT MEANS "I haven't seen s--t like this before," Lightfoot said on the call. "The number of places all over the South and West sides in particular that have been hit today has just been off the charts. Literally hundreds, if not thousands, of locations. Big stores, small stores, strip malls, many corner places, it is all over the city." Some aldermen had accused Lightfoot of prioritizing protecting central Chicago over the city's South and North sides. Lightfoot said on the call that the accusation was "simply not so." The city will spend up to $1.2 million to hire private security firms to protect local businesses and deter looters, Lightfoot's office said last week, according to the Chicago Tribune. GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE “The new guards are unarmed and solely in place to monitor activity on commercial corridors and notify the Chicago Police Department if any illegal activity occurs,” the mayor's office said in a statement to the Tribune. “None of the security guards have policing powers, but are another set of eyes and ears to support efforts to deter looters. All security officers will wear visible identification.”
  9. New York Congressman (D) Elliot Engel on George Floyd protests - "If I didn't have a primary, I wouldn't care" Chicago Alderman (D) Harris - "My major business district is just shattered. You lose the two biggest icons. Why would Wal Mart or CVS come back to our communites?"
  10. I'm confident he did not watch the video. He may have learned not all black people have the victim mentality. He already knows more than any of them. Morgan Freeman, Lil' Wayne and Denzil Washington would be referred to as Uncle Tom's and coons by the left.
  11. I have never claimed to be black. I was raised in the same area as my cousin. We are primarily rednecks.
  12. She graduate Cum Laude with High Honors in Journalism - Bachelor of Art, Journalism from Butler University and Juris Doctor, Law from Indiana University School of Law. She was also a member of the Black Student Union. Perhaps white liberals know more about racism than black people and are better tutors on the subject of being black in America.
  13. That is the primary qualification for most white liberals who pretend to be authorities on racism. I have been called a racist by more than one white liberal on this forum yet I am the only white person who has had a black personal tutor for the past 30 years.
  14. Black Lives Matter Co Founder demands Minneapolis mayor to defund police. "We don't want no mo' police"
  15. gonzoron and other white liberals need to put their masks on and shelter in place. They do not know more about how black people view other blacks than they themselves.
  16. Trump to resume trademark rallies after coronavirus hiatus https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-to-resume-campaign-rallies-after-coronavirus-hiatus President Trump will resume hosting campaign rallies sometime in the next two weeks, returning one of the president's most potent weapons to his arsenal as the 2020 campaign season enters a pivotal stretch, Fox News is told. Trump had suspended the rallies, which energize his base and allow his team to collect a treasure trove of voter data, in early March amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Americans are ready to get back to action and so is President Trump," Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale told Fox News. "The Great American Comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous. You’ll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that Sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of.” As late as March 9, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, remarked that going to campaign rallies may not be a bad idea. DEMS WHO ENFORCED STRICT CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWNS ARE NOW OKAY WITH 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' PROTESTS "You know, I can’t comment on campaign rallies," Fauci told reporters. "It really depends. We are having as we all said — this is something in motion. This is an evolving thing. ... If you want to talk about large gatherings in a place you have community spread, I think that’s a judgment call, and if someone decides they want to cancel it, I wouldn’t publicly criticize them." Trump had suspended the rallies, which energize his base and allow his team to collect a treasure trove of voter data, in early March amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Americans are ready to get back to action and so is President Trump," Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale told Fox News. "The Great American Comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous. You’ll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that Sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of.” As late as March 9, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, remarked that going to campaign rallies may not be a bad idea. DEMS WHO ENFORCED STRICT CORONAVIRUS LOCKDOWNS ARE NOW OKAY WITH 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' PROTESTS Trump had suspended the rallies, which energize his base and allow his team to collect a treasure trove of voter data, in early March amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Americans are ready to get back to action and so is President Trump," Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale told Fox News. "The Great American Comeback is real and the rallies will be tremendous. You’ll again see the kind of crowds and enthusiasm that Sleepy Joe Biden can only dream of.” As late as March 9, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, remarked that going to campaign rallies may not be a bad idea. “CNN Polls are as Fake as their Reporting,” Trump tweeted early Monday. “Same numbers, and worse, against Crooked Hillary. The Dems would destroy America!” The change-up also follows statements by many Democrats in charge of big cities -- including several who once insisted on strict quarantine measures -- championing the nationwide mass demonstrations over the in-custody death of George Floyd, sans social distancing. Epidemiologists, too, have abruptly changed their tune, even though they once said lockdown measures were so important that they justified widespread unemployment and business closures. "We spent the last couple of months being hectored by public health experts and earnestly righteous media personalities who insisted that easing lockdown policies was immoral, that refusing to social distance or wear masks was nigh upon murderous," Jonah Goldberg wrote for the G-File. "They even suggested that protests were somehow profane. But now that the George Floyd protests are serving as some kind of Great Awokening, many of the same are saying 'never mind' about all of that. Protests aren’t profane, they’re glorious and essential—if they agree with what you’re protesting about." More and more states are now reopening pursuant to federal guidelines and local leaders' assessments, and the nonenforcement of quarantine measures during the Floyd protests has left governors with little room to argue for extending the lockdowns. Prior to suspending rallies in March, the Trump campaign had previously been eyeing, but had not yet announced, a rally in Tampa, Florida, on March 25. CORONAVIRUS TIMELINE SHOWS CHANGING RHETORIC ON PANDEMIC The massive events are often an opportunity for Trump to hone attack lines against his opponents -- but also present chances for them to hit back. At a campaign rally in late February, for example, Trump calls Democrats' criticisms of his coronavirus response "their new hoax." More and more states are now reopening pursuant to federal guidelines and local leaders' assessments, and the nonenforcement of quarantine measures during the Floyd protests has left governors with little room to argue for extending the lockdowns. Biden and other Democrats then falsely accused Trump of calling the virus itself a hoax. Several fact-checkers including The Washington Post make clear, Trump was referring to the Democrats' response to the virus.
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