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Everything posted by Howe

  1. The directive from Human Resources made no reference to contractors. I assume they are required to wear a mask. One interesting observation is forklifts are assigned to each individual per shift. One forklift has TRUMP painted in large black letters across the back. The company has painted over the letters on the forklift but they reappear a few days later. The company has given up and the forklift still has TRUMP painted in large black letters across the back. The individuals on each shift who are assigned to that particular forklift are black.
  2. This November will be even more hilarious. The Democrats and their mainstream media propaganda machine have attempted one hoax after another. Their scams are absolutely ridiculous. Only hardcore libtards are dumb enough to fall for their nonsense.
  3. Liberal lunatics reside in a fantasy world. November 04 will be hilarious. I stayed up until 3:30 am in 2016 switching the channel between CNN and MSNBC while laughing my ass off.
  4. Independent voters in swing states are intelligent enough to determine the Democrat motives of destroying the economy via the coronavirus lock down hoax and inciting riots via the Minneapolis murder. Trump will win the 2020 election by a wider margin than he won the 2016 election. Democrats will be swept from House control and Republicans will maintain control of the Senate.
  5. And none of the daily murders are covered by the liberal mainstream media.
  6. The Secret Service makes the call, not the president. Soros funded radicals have incited riots across the nation. Rioters murdered a former St. Louis Police Captain yesterday. Liberal lunatics are violent and easily manipulated gullible fools. They are libtards.
  7. The mainstream media overblown hype of the coronavirus will also play a role in the officers defense. The defense will claim Fentanyl toxicity combined with recent methamphetamine use and COVID-19 were the primary causes of death. Democrats ruin everything.
  8. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the trials since all four officers have been charged and Chauven has been charged with second degree murder. The official autopsy will certainly play a role in their defense. Police are rarely ever convicted of murder in Minnesota. Democrats hold the Governor office and Minneapolis mayor office as well as every city council member. Minnesota Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar had several opportunities to prosecute Chauven on prior incidents yet never filed charges when she was a prosecutor. Minnesota Democrats have done a terrible job of protecting their black citizens..
  9. Autopsy report shows Floyd had tested positive for COVID-19 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/autopsy-report-shows-floyd-had-tested-positive-for-covid-19/ar-BB1505Z9?ocid=spartandhp MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A full autopsy of George Floyd, the handcuffed black man who died after being restrained by Minneapolis police, was released Wednesday and provides several clinical details, including that Floyd had previously tested positive for COVID-19. The 20-page report released by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Office came with the family's permission and after the coroner's office released summary findings Monday that Floyd had a heart attack while being restrained by officers, and classified his May 25 death as a homicide. Bystander video showing Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin pressing his knee on Floyd's neck, ignoring Floyd's “I can't breathe” cries until he eventually stopped moving, has sparked nationwide protests, some violent. The report by Chief Medical Examiner Andrew Baker spelled out clinical details, including that Floyd had tested positive for COVID-19 on April 3 but appeared asymptomatic. The report also noted Floyd's lungs appeared healthy but he had some narrowing of arteries in the heart. The county's earlier summary report had listed fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use under “other significant conditions” but not under “cause of death.” The full report’s footnotes noted that signs of fentanyl toxicity can include “severe respiratory depression” and seizures. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison on Wednesday upgraded charges against Chauvin to 2nd-degree murder, and also charged the three other officers on the scene with aiding and abetting. Floyd family attorney, Ben Crump, earlier decried the official autopsy — as described in the original complaint against Chauvin — for ruling out asphyxia. An autopsy commissioned by the Floyd family concluded that he died of asphyxiation due to neck and back compression.
  10. Accurate meme and video. These lunatics are the scum of humanity. Their minions are easily manipulated, gullible fools.
  11. The manufacturing plant where I work implemented a mandatory mask policy effective June 01. The directive from Human Resources was to send anyone home who refused to wear a mask. Approximately 400 employees are having no part of the mask policy and refuse to wear a mask. The union is supporting the employees. Needless to say no one has been sent home for refusing to wear a mask. Despite all the hype, the workers are capable of third grade reading and fourth grade math levels. They realize the coronavirus has a mortality rate comparable to the annual influenza virus.
  12. My sister is an elementary teacher in suburban Los Angeles. She said a considerable amount of people are fed up with the coronavirus lock down hoax. People are realizing their Democrat leaders do not care about their welfare and will bankrupt them and their businesses.
  13. I see you are as fired up about my statement "the liberal mainstream media hasn't said a word about the lack of masks and social distancing" as you were the Russia hoax and the Mueller Dossier. I should have been more clear in my statement. I was referencing the liberal mainstream media national broadcast news.
  14. A long list of links. I read through the articles and did not see a reference to wearing masks or social distancing in some of the links. Perhaps the reference was included in the video. Several of those articles were published 4-5 days after the riots started.
  15. Interesting to discover it took the New York Times only five days to mention a word about some of the "protesters" not wearing masks or maintaining social distance.
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