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Everything posted by Howe

  1. The percentage of Indiana residents tested does not change the fact that 99.99595% have not tested positive for the coronavirus or 99.99976% have not died from the coronavirus . This is the third time you have asked what percentage of Indiana residents have been tested "yet you keep repeating it". You can go to the website and look it up.
  2. Anyone can visit the Indiana State Department of Health for review of updated coronavirus data. Some people who work in my department received coronavirus tests. The results were negative for all of them.
  3. Based on updated Indiana State Department of Health coronavirus data, approximately 0.00024% of Indiana residents have died from the coronavirus. The state began including people who had never been tested a few weeks ago. Approximately 99.99976% of Indiana residents have not died from the coronavirus. It is interesting to observe people getting so upset over these statistics.
  4. A more accurate representation of updated Indiana State Department of Health coronavirus data would be approximately 99.99595% of Indiana residents have not tested positive for the coronavirus.
  5. He is referencing a comment I posted on Saturday regarding the fact that updated Indiana State Department of Health coronavirus data reflects approximately 99.995% of Indiana residents have not tested positive for the coronavirus. Some people get very upset when they discover approximately 0.00405% of Indiana residents have tested positive for the coronavirus.
  6. Elon Musk reopens Tesla plant in defiance of California county. Nightclub owners in New Jersey are reopening as well. Blue state business owners are revolting as "two weeks to flatten the curve" has turned into month three. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2020-05-12/elon-musk-reopens-tesla-plant-in-defiance-of-california-county
  7. I have always viewed him as much more of a partisan than a moderator.
  8. Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history The new coronavirus is real. The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed. In fact, COVID-19 will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health matter in American history, one that was carried largely on the lips of medical professionals who have no business running a national economy or government. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/28/coronavirus-hype-biggest-political-hoax-in-history/
  9. I use the term "libtard" to describe those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and refuse to apply common sense. I never reply to a comment by calling the member a libtard. This forum has members calling each others liars and worse quite freguently.
  10. I did not conduct a forensic analysis of the disdain reaction from multiple user ID's within 60 seconds of each other on the same thread four times in an 83 minute period. To my knowledge, no one else has conducted such analysis either. I have a brother who is a former high school principal and football coach. He joined this forum a few years ago. I am confident that I could get his password and post comments under two separate user ID's.
  11. You are similar to Presidential debate moderators. You clearly support and add interference for one side. No one asked for your input on "the claims like the ones he made that started this recent exchange were just ridiculous". You posted your opinion but no proof that the claim was "ridiculous".
  12. I'm just a guy posting comments on a high school football forum. My comments are not considered "news" to anyone.
  13. I have never commented on whether I wear a mask or don't wear a mask.
  14. Perhaps you should direct your opinion to Dr. Karlyn Borysenko. She is a lifelong Democrat who created the shirt and is marketing them. https://teespring.com/my-body-my-chocie?cross_sell=true&cross_sell_format=none&count_cross_sell_products_shown=5&pid=2&cid=2397
  15. Based on recent data updated by the Indiana State Department of Health, approximately 0.00405% of Indiana residents have tested positive for the coronavirus. Approximately 99.995% of Indiana residents have not tested positive for the coronavirus.
  16. I forgot about 09er. He was the head basketball coach at Howe.
  17. Interesting. So you know both individuals personally? I have met several forum members on Harrell's forum but have never met anyone on this forum.
  18. Two complete opposite personalities with opposing positions on most subjects submitting down votes within 60 seconds of each other on separate threads is not suspicious. Two different forum members submitting down votes within 60 seconds of each other four times in 83 minutes on the same threads when only 67 members are in this club is suspicious.
  19. You and TrojanDad have complete opposite personalities and opposing positions on most subjects.
  20. I highly doubt you and TrojanDad "are submitting downvotes within 60 seconds of each other this morning" on the same thread.
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