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Everything posted by Howe

  1. Hoping a politician fails is not the same as hoping for an economic recession or depression. Obama was viewed as a globalist and socialist. Republicans did not want him to succeed in his"fundamental change" of America.
  2. Democrats were hoping to destroy the economy since long before the coronavirus outbreak. Democrat Congressman and 2020 Presidential candidate John Delaney even admits this fact.
  3. I expect some Democrat governors will continue to enforce these illegal, unconstitutional lock downs until some one is shot. Police love to show their authority and use force. It’s simply a matter of time before a protester or police officer gets shot.
  4. Australia reports of U.S. citizens reaction to illegal, unconstitutional lockdowns across America.
  5. Liberal logic. BO is being ridiculed and humiliated yet doesn't have the common sense to stop his childish behavior of the serial "disdain" feature. His serial abuse of this feature resulted in one or more moderator(s) awarding Muda with 20,000 positive points. Any normal person would stop the nonsense after observing the moderator(s) reaction to such behavior.
  6. Democrats are going to continue to support an endless shutdown. That is their only chance of gaining power in November. Even if the coronavirus is here to stay, society is going to return to normal and people are going to accept the consequences. It is inevitable and common sense.
  7. Muda is correct. Nearly all career politicians are members of the uni-party. It sure beats a radical Islamic terror loving Muslim who hates America.
  8. Perhaps. However, no one is forcing anyone to work at a meat processing facility. Based on the statements from the President of the United Food & Commercial Workers Union, 99.98% of employees working the meat processing facilities have not died of the coronavirus.
  9. It's certainly not Trump's fault that those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome are dumb enough to believe CNN and the mainstream media fake news. Homicide detectives investigating death of Arizona man who ingested fish tank cleaner. https://freebeacon.com/coronavirus/police-investigating-death-of-arizona-man-from-chloroquine-phosphate/ The Mesa City Police Department's homicide division is investigating the death of Gary Lenius, the Arizona man whose wife served him soda mixed with fish tank cleaner in what she claimed was a bid to fend off the coronavirus. A detective handling the case confirmed the investigation to the Washington Free Beacon on Tuesday after requesting a recording of the Free Beacon's interviews with Lenius's wife, Wanda. Gary Lenius, 68, died on March 22. Wanda, 61, told several news outlets last month that both she and her husband had ingested a substance used to clean aquariums after hearing President Donald Trump tout one of its ingredients, chloroquine phosphate, from the White House briefing room. Detective Teresa Van Galder, the homicide detective handling the case for the Mesa City Police Department, confirmed that the investigation is ongoing but declined to provide additional details. "As this is an active investigation, I cannot go into any details at this time regarding the case," Van Galder said. The Free Beacon provided a recording of its interview last month with Wanda Lenius. News of the police probe comes after a series of Free Beacon stories raised questions about the portrayal of the couple in the initial NBC News report that vaulted the story onto the national stage. Though that report and others suggested the couple mindlessly followed the president's medical advice to disastrous results, friends of Gary Lenius told the Free Beacon they were skeptical he would knowingly ingest fish tank treatment. Rather, they described Lenius as a levelheaded retired engineer and recounted a troubled marital relationship that included a previous domestic assault charge against his wife, of which she was ultimately found not guilty. The Free Beacon also reported that Wanda Lenius was a Democratic donor whose most recent contribution went to a "pro-science" super PAC. "What bothers me about this is that Gary was a very intelligent man, a retired [mechanical] engineer who designed systems for John Deere in Waterloo, Iowa, and I really can't see the scenario where Gary would say, ‘Yes, please, I would love to drink some of that Koi fish tank cleaner,'" one of his close friends told the Free Beacon. "It just doesn't make any sense."
  10. I did not see a reference in the article stating employees were being forced to return to Tyson. I highly doubt any union employee would receive attendance points or be fired as a result of not reporting to work. All union employees at my employer received 80 hours of “COVID-19” pay to be taken at the employees discretion and no one has received attendance points for not reporting to work. We have some who have not reported to work for the past 6 weeks.
  11. Russia, Ukraine, Coronavirus. The Hitler strategy is consistent. Orange Man Bad
  12. Carolais are not more resistant to electrocution. They are more resistant to pink eye. Two or more bulls will fight each other for supremacy when one of the cows comes in heat. They cannot be kept apart. They will jump over most fences or "bull" through a gate. The only way to keep a bull from jumping a fence is to insert a ring through his nose and attach a chain.
  13. The democrat mainstream media strategy: If you tell a big enough lie and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The broad masses are more easily corrupted and fall victim to the big lie than a small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large scale falsehoods. When one lies, one should lie big and stick to it even at the risk of looking ridiculous. Adolph Hitler - Mein Keimpf
  14. I grew up on a farm. My father raised beef cattle. Purchasing meat directly from the farmer is always the best bargain. He raised Hereford until a bolt of lightning struck a huge oak tree all of the cattle were sitting under during a thunderstorm. The electricity from the lightning bolt traveled from the tree through each cow and killed all 30 plus the bull. He switched breeds to Charolais thereafter.
  15. This is not normal behavior for a grown man. BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Jones Act Waiver Under Consideration to Bolster U.S. Oil Sector 48 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Jones Act Waiver Under Consideration to Bolster U.S. Oil Sector 48 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Marching toward a debt crisis 49 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Marching toward a debt crisis 50 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Marching toward a debt crisis 50 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Marching toward a debt crisis 50 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: Memes - Abandon all hope - Ye who enter.... 53 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread 54 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread 54 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread 54 minutes ago
  16. Trump was correct when he stated "The democrats are politicizing the coronavirus. That is their new hoax". Democrats do not care about working class people. Sowing panic is their only chance to win power in November.
  17. Christians have some serious issues with the character of Trump. True believers realize god has used sinners such as Jacob, Moses and David. A lot of Christians believe god is using Trump to save our nation from lunatics.
  18. I just returned from grocery shopping and each week since the government shutdown Kroger and Wal Mart are absolutely packed with customers. These large corporations have ran all of the small independent grocery stores out of business years ago. Kroger and Wal Mart are the only options in my neighborhood of Indianapolis. It is ridiculous to have all of these businesses shut down to enforce "social distancing" and curb the spread of the virus only to have everyone congregate at the grocery store at least once a week. Eighty percent of the customers are not wearing masks and no one is maintaining social distancing. The Kroger and Wal Mart in my neighborhood are super centers and massive with hundreds of customers at all times.
  19. Democrats always attempt to make the "rules". Trump never claimed to be the moral candidate however, Biden does. It will be hilarious to watch Biden call Tara Reade a lying dog faced pony soldier and challenge her brother to a fight or push up contest on national television.
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