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Everything posted by Howe

  1. Millions of people have been prescribed hydroxychloroquine by thousands of doctors worldwide for over 70 years.
  2. This article cites CNN as the source 8 times yet does not show or link the memo Fox supposedly sent to employees. CNN had most liberals whipped into a frenzy over the Russia hoax, Mueller Dossier, Impeachment hoax and Kavanaugh hoax. All were complete and total lies.
  3. Liberals are in the same fantasy as their ridiculous Russia hoax. The coronavirus has a greater than 99% survival rate. If tested positive the president would receive the most effective treatment on the planet which is hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.
  4. Democrat activist judge is wasting money. Trump holds the ultimate ace card.
  5. New York University study shows positive results from hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate and azithromycin treatment.
  6. With a greater than 99% survival rate, I doubt if the coronavirus would incapacitate both the president and vice president simultaneously. I'm confident both would seek treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin at the earliest possible point.
  7. The liberal mainstream media fake news complex would be elated. Democrats would celebrate. The stock market would decline.
  8. The Directors of the FBI, CIA and NSA testified before congress that they had never conducted any type of forensic analysis of the DNC servers. James Comey testified that the FBI relied on Crowdstrike. I have posted videos of all three directors testimonials. With the recent declassification and release of transcripts from the House Intel Investigation it is not surprising to anyone with common sense that Crowdstrike testified under oath that they had no evidence of Russia hacking the DNC servers or the e-mail of John Podesta.
  9. Democrats and their mainstream media propaganda machine lied non stop for nearly three years. Damn near every Democrat on this forum were whipped into a frenzy. Hilarious!
  10. House intel transcripts declassified and released. Every Obama administration official testified under oath that they had no evidence of Trump / Russia collusion. Crowd strike also testified that they had no evidence of the Russians hacking the DNC servers or the e-mail of John Podesta.
  11. BARRYOSAMA and gonzoron reacted with the "disdain" function within 60 seconds of each other no less than four times during the past 2 hours. gonzoron and BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 30 minutes ago gonzoron and BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 31 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA and gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 2 hours ago BARRYOSAMA, Muda69 and gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 2 hours ago
  12. Precisely. Yet nearly every democrat across America will pretend the illegal lock downs are for “public safety”.
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