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Everything posted by Howe

  1. The claim that I "talked to every single one of those people" or "made those assertations" are your words, not mine. You can simply link the posts where I made those comments to ":add even more credibility to your position".
  2. I never claimed to have "talked to every single one of those people" or "made those assertations". Well over 99% of people in America have not contracted the coronavirus. There is nothing "astronomical" about most people having no knowledge of someone who contracted the coronavirus.
  3. I do not know. Perhaps you could contact your math expert friend and have him conduct a statistical analysis of two separate forum members submitting down votes within 60 seconds of each other four times in 83 minutes when only 67 members are in this club. The chances of that happening must be atronomical.
  4. Anyone could purchase a phone or use a company phone with an established ip address in one area of the state yet reside in another area of the state. It is possible for one person to have consistent ip addresses from two different area's.
  5. Anyone could create three separate user ID's without using a VPN. One for cell phone, one for personal laptop and another for company laptop.
  6. He didn't ask for the positive points. He asked what would happen when his serial down voter succeeded in his goal of turning his "reputation" rating to negative points. One of the moderators offered to award positive points and he accepted. Shortly thereafter, Muda was awarded 20,000 positive points.
  7. Apparently one or more of the moderator(s) considered the serial down voting of Muda as harrassment as he was awarded 20,000 positive points. This forum has a neo-liberal and his alter ego submitting serial down votes to anyone who threatens his "safe space". Hilarious!
  8. 09er was using multiple user ID's a decade before VPN's were widespread.
  9. Aren't you the member who posts comments such as TrojanDouche and claiming others they are liars? Could that be considered "harrassment"?
  10. VPN's will show IP addresses from different locations. Anyone could use a laptop and a cell phone without a VPN.
  11. This forum has at least one member who utilizes multiple user ID's. There are only 67 members in this club. I have seen multiple instances where two user ID's have submitted down votes within 60 seconds of each other on several occasions. Both user ID's have demonstrated a previous pattern of serial down voting. That isn't a coincidence. That is one person who maintains multiple user ID's.
  12. I do not serial down vote forum members who post comments I disagree with or report "offensive" comments to the moderators. I also do not maintain multiple user ID's.
  13. I have observed other long time forum members referencing the amount of time you spend on Facebook.😂
  14. Dann Ellenwood is the member who referenced Obamagate. We are aware you receive most of your CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Guardian and mainstream media neo-liberal information via Facebook and Reddit.
  15. Dan Ellington referenced Obamagate and gonzoron claimed he had never heard of Obamagate. I highly doubt this is true however, it could be possible. He strikes me as the kind of guy who gathers information from CNN, MSNBC, Vox, Guardian and the neo-liberal mainstream media. A lot of far left progressives view Obamagate very similar to conservatives.
  16. Obama administration Director of National Intelligence and current CNN National Security Analyst James Clapper disappears when asked about Obamagate.
  17. The lockdown for 15 days the "flatten the curve" so our hospitals are not overwhelmed has become "we must lockdown until a vaccine is available". I am looking forward to November 04 when Trump fires this quack.
  18. The Democrats have no plan except the coronavirus. Their plan for the past three years has been the Russia hoax, Mueller Dossier and Impeachment hoax. Plan B is to use the pandemic to destroy the economy and utilize their propaganda machine in an attempt to convince voters Trump is to blame. I would not be surprised to see Hillary as the democrat candidate again. It doesn't really matter, Trump will win by a larger margin than he won in 2016.
  19. During the past three years, on which subjects were your opinions accurate? Trump/Russia Collusion? The Russians hacked the e-mails of John Podesta? All 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies agreed the Russians Hacked the DNC? The Mueller Dossier? Christine Blasey Ford? Hillary Clinton would win the 2016 election?
  20. He is incapable. Traditional Democrats such as Alan Dershowitz or Socialists such as Jimmy Dore see reality. The Democrats on the GID forum are incapable of altering from the CNN, MSNBC or mainstream media narrative.
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