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Everything posted by Howe

  1. Perhaps the DNC and their big donors have made their decision on who Biden's vice presidential candidate will be. Biden has no input on this decision. Klobuchar's husband used Hydroxychloroquine treatment for the University of Minnesota Hyroxychloroquine COVID-19 Clinical Trials. Klobuchar trolls Trump on taking drug that husband used to treat coronavirus Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar mocked President Trump on Wednesday about a COVID-19 treatment she believed her husband John Bessler was treated with during his bout with the disease. “Well, I think that I listened to the science there. I believe he did briefly take that drug… or some drug like it, but I think that we have to listen to the science and you have to listen to your doctors with what is going to work in each individual situation,” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/klobuchar-trolls-trump-on-taking-drug-that-husband-used-to-treat-coronavirus
  2. The shut downs were based on wildly inaccurate projections from so called "experts". I never supported any shutdown. The proper protocol is to quarantine the sick, isolate the vulnerable and let everyone else beat the virus with their immune system. It's pretty sad when a political party is so weak and their presidential candidate is so pathetic that the strategy of destroying the economy is considered by them as their best chance of winning an election.
  3. Michael Flynn will not spend a single day behind bars and his record will be expunged. Judge Sullivan is wasting money.
  4. Some GID forum members get all riled up and attempt to "fact check" memes.
  5. Interesting perspective. Perhaps fear mongering is responsible for the economic shutdown of most businesses in Indiana for a virus where 99.99976% of residents have not died.
  6. No one is hated more than he who speaks the truth - Plato
  7. Last week, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote for as unanimous Supreme Court decision eviscerating and reversing the 9th District Circuit Court for inviting outside council to brief on an issue not before them.
  8. The most ridiculous part is there are lunatics who are cheering for the renegade judge.
  9. Hoover Institution predicts 125M deaths from starvation as a result of coronavirus economic shut downs.
  10. Dr. Daniel Wallace, a board-certified rheumatologist practicing at Cedars-Sinai medical center in Los Angeles, wrote that “hydroxychloroquine is a very safe drug” and has been given to “tens of millions” of people around the world since it was approved 65 years ago “and as monotherapy has not been associated with any deaths in the recommended dose.” Wallace wrote, “In 42 years of practice, no patient of mine has ever been hospitalized for a complication,” “He’s not alone. A lot of his colleagues agree with him,” Oz said. “When I spoke to [Dr.] Didier Raoult, the famous infectious disease specialist from France. He’s now acquired 1,000 patients on the combination of the hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin. “He also says the complications have been trivial, things like rashes, any minor issues, but this man was born in Africa and knows this drug very well because of the malaria he has faced in his practice and he says there's been a billion doses prescribed,” he said. “It's not what they worry about, but Dr. Wallace said what was interesting and might catch the attention of the viewer is that in their protocols, they don't ever mention complications from hydroxychloroquine because they are so uncommon,” https://www.cnsnews.com/article/national/melanie-arter/dr-oz-complications-hydroxychloroquine-were-trivial-rashes https://attunehealth.com/our-staff/dr-wallace/
  11. I consider you to be a Democrat. All criticism has come after some one gets triggered over the word "libtard".
  12. Only one moderator has ever posted comments regarding my "abrasive style". The few forum members who have responded are lefties so that comes as no surprise. I use a term to describe those who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and refuse to apply common sense which triggers some on the left. I thought moderators were supposed to be neutral.
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