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Everything posted by Howe

  1. Gerber makes baby food. I realize most of the Democrats will continue to promote extended lockdowns and shutdowns. Perhaps babies should go without baby food.
  2. Some people have been out of work for 5 weeks and have yet to receive their stimulus or unemployment payments.
  3. Some interesting observations and "Expert Opinion" from Dr. Temte. Perhaps these observations and opinions should be peer review studied and forwarded to Dr. Fauci.
  4. I work in a large manufacturing plant with over 1,000 employees. The plant is union represented. The company cannot force employees to wear a mask. About 70% do not wear a mask. The 6' social distance rule is impossible on the assembly lines. Our plant has not shut down. Nurses record employees temperature upon arrival. I have friends who work at the Gerber baby food plant. They have not shut down either. Their assembly line workers are two feet apart and most do not wear masks. Perhaps it would be beneficial to discover why this Bubonic Plaque hasn't killed everyone?
  5. The liberal mainstream media is indeed fake news. Their approval rating is terrible. Of course, Fox is also fake news too. I haven't posted any Limbaugh articles or videos. He is too much like Glen Beck. I am unable to watch more than a few minutes of Hannity without turning the channel. I rarely post his videos. I do watch Tucker Carlson of Fox News and frequently post his videos. I do post a lot of videos and opinions from far left podcasts. I spend a lot more time gathering information and opinions from the far left than Limbaugh or Hannity. I have previously stated my definition of a libtard as typically a perfectly intelligent individual who suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome and fails to apply common sense. My sister is a microbiologist. Her husband is a pathologist. Both are perfectly intelligent and highly educated yet are libtards who still drink the Russia hoax and Mueller Dossier kool aid. I have 13 other siblings and we all think she has lost her mind. I have little tolerance for this type of mentality. Thank you for the advise.
  6. Bill Maher has a considerable challenge attempting to bring common sense to libtards. These brain dead mindless zombies have been brainwashed by their liberal mainstream media fake news.
  7. The content of this video is common sense for normal people. This video is intended to bring common sense to libtards.
  8. Apparently BARRYOSAMA and gonzoron share the same user account. BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Coronavirus - a virus from eating bats, an accident or something sinister gone wrong? 21 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 22 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 22 minutes ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 19 hours ago gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: 2019 Death Watch/Pool Friday at 12:54 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread Friday at 12:54 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: The Last Few Days Exemplify Why I'm Libertarian (and Why You Should Be Too) Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: Memes - Abandon all hope - Ye who enter.... Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: Alexandria Ocasoi-Cortez - Needs her own thread..... Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: HNAC offseason Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: A Little Interesting Friday at 12:53 PM gonzoron reacted to a post in a topic: New Donald Trump thread Friday at 12:52 PM
  9. Not even close. Biden cannot remember what he is talking about mid sentence. Old Joe cusses people out and challenges people to a fight or a push up contest while in public and on camera. Any 77 year old man who challenges a 36 year old man to a fight is a fool.
  10. BARRYOSAMA BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago BARRYOSAMA reacted to a post in a topic: The Democrat's roster for a Trump - beater in 2020 3 hours ago
  11. He has over 712K subscribers who watch his podcasts. There are several other Bernie supporters who have a similar number of subscribers. TYT has over 3 million. They have a larger audience than CNN and MSNBC combined.
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