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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by WWFan

  1. 57 minutes ago, DumfriesYMCA said:

    As a big stat nerd I would love nothing more than for all HS teams to accurately report all of their numbers every week. 

    This. 100%. Always want to see stats but if arent posted publicly I dont wanna keep bothering coaches asking nerd questions. Haha. Always curious who rushed for what the week before or if late in the season a school record is being approached. Or just chatting with coworkers or family talking about stats. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, DT said:

    Im sure this will have a huge impact on actual viewership.  Not sure people are quite ready to pay to watch high school football on line.


    Really? I mean I pay $10 for a family of 4 to watch. Im saving money. Not counting the fact im not buying food or anything at the game or gas to drive there. Dont know why you wouldn't do it if you were willing to go to the game.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, senatorcoach72 said:

    West Washington is GOOD TO GO. Crawford will not play due to WW being virtual this week related to a positive Covid-19 case within the HS. No one on the team or coaching staff was affecting by the contact tracing and everyone is cleared to play. WW is NOT quarantined. 


    Now we search for an opponent....

    I vote Knightstown!! Havent seen them since Matthew Deaton was running. Hope you find a game. Good luck

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  4. 49 minutes ago, btownqbcoach said:

    As always please post JV scores.. 

    Roncalli 20

    Brownstown 0 

    Roncalli started 22 kids and didn't play any Fr. They absolutely wore us down. I was very proud about how our kids fought. It was 7-0 at the half. 

    WW app doesn't have a section for scores outside varsity. Only way I ever knew anything about JV. Maybe it'll update later

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