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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. Back on topic: Colin Powell announces he'll vote for Biden, saying Trump "lies all the time https://www.cbsnews.com/news/colin-powell-endorsement-joe-biden-trump-cnn/?fbclid=IwAR3JEESwovGbwPDv59IL585cyrrI5bG5vTUoSRDgiNo6U_srOwSucDUzi0U
  2. Liar. Where is the definition for the context that spelling was used in this thread? Nonexistent.
  3. So quoting a post is not the same as responding? You quoted my post to direct your response to someone else? Now who's the lying lunatic?
  4. You consider 5 times in 1 month "excessive"? Wow, your responses to me would be considered astronomically obsessively excessively tremendous in that case. And one of those from @Bobref was a response after @Howe called him a leftie. Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read that one!
  5. Interesting how the alleged use of a counterfeit bill investigation ended with the death penalty.
  6. Is Lindsey Graham About To Have A Problem? https://www.fitsnews.com/2020/06/05/is-lindsey-graham-about-to-have-a-problem/ One of Trump's lap dogs about to be dragged out of the closet.
  7. If you consider "comparable" to be 2x-4x higher. That's not my idea of comparable.
  8. Florida Sets New Single-Day Record for Coronavirus Cases Since Reopening Economy, Over 4,000 in Three Days https://www.newsweek.com/florida-sets-new-single-day-record-coronavirus-cases-since-reopening-economy-over-4000-three-1509055?fbclid=IwAR3lpJkDSRLjVzV26hNWx03wr1Fqz-ZkMdJIQg63NpYFC-4 Hope you stocked up on masks and hydoxychloroquine before you left @DannEllenwood
  9. "homey" must be the archaic version. He's a U.S. History teacher. He should be an expert on Black History in the U.S.
  10. No, Trump isn't to blame for that cop murdering George Floyd. The cop is. It was happening long before Trump. Black people are fed up and also a lot of white people. I'm happy to see the protests. I hope they continue and intensify.
  11. All the cheapskates wait until Hurricane season to vacation in FL. Good luck. What Democrats are saying this is Trump's fault? Citation needed.
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