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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. He posted 2 identical extremely large comments on a High School Football message board.
  2. "If you know anything about Malcolm X, you’d know this isn’t the only instance where he used the term “political chumps”, and he certainly didn’t reserve his criticisms for the Democratic Party. Looking more broadly at his political philosophy, he wasn’t only talking Black Democrats exclusively. He was concerned with Black Liberation from all white supremacist political parties and political structures that took advantage of Black people without promoting their well-being. He believed that Black people, if they did not organize for self-defense and self-determination, could be made “political chumps” by white people in the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the media establishment, the military, and other power structures. Minister Shabaaz discusses a number of scenarios where Black people could be “political chumps”. In “The Ballot or the Bullet (1964) he also discusses how ameriklan “patriotism” transforms the Black serviceman into a chump when he’s getting riddled with bullets for a country that won’t treat him as a full citizen when he gets home: That’s not about party affiliation. That’s about a nationalist/patriotic affiliation with a fundamentally racist government and political system. He’s saying that patriotism makes Black people “political chumps” because the government was never designed to protect our interests, only exploit us for the benefit of white supremacy. So that’s one place that directly contradicts your attempt to make Shabazz’s words solely about the Democratic Party. But, if you read further, he completely obliterates your apparent attempt to turn this into a “republican versus democrat “ thing:
  3. I'm with ya on that. I have one at home now. Well, he's about 20 pounds shy of 300. To his credit, he has been working out almost every day at Lifetime Fitness and doing some running, but not nearly enough running. Then he stays up all night with the video games.
  4. Fair enough. I'll refrain from correcting anyone on the archaic use of this particular word in the future. Archaic certainly fits the original user. Welcome to the OOB. I've been the grammar police here for quite some time. I told you when you made your first post in this thread there wasn't going to be anything to discuss here. Still holds. You must have me confused with someone else. Didn't get any memory courses for money you "payed" either, huh? I've never said what you have in the quotes. However, there is nothing grammatically incorrect about the sentence, so you're improving. Baby steps.
  5. What’s pitiful is that you and others think racism is confined to and defined by 2 political parties. It transcends politics.
  6. Republican Leaders Claim New Yorkers Will Greet U.S. Military As Liberators https://www.theonion.com/republican-leaders-claim-new-yorkers-will-greet-u-s-mi-1843908110?utm_campaign=The+Onion&utm_content=1591297080&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3701xX7TOER9ZD120lkojCgSxiVpf4ONk5xaO_0d21yoHNzHhFDTLoFYs
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