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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. You've heard the saying "When pigs fly"? The original was "Michigan will be able to play football when wolverines fly".
  2. I'm unsure as to why you keep repeating this lie. Moderators can see the real names of all GID members.
  3. You should probably be careful about disagreeing with 1 of your posse. Troj might tooth type a scathing rebuttal once he gets his foot out of his mouth.
  4. Covid19 and Democrats are now considered a “race”? Clinton County must be becoming a beacon
  5. You clearly are attempting to detract from the seriousness of the virus by attempting to ignore a big percentage of US victims. Not a problem for me, I expect such drivel from you. When someone says "Not downplaying the risks of COVID 19, but ......" it's akin to saying "I'm not racist, but.....", it means we already know the answer.
  6. World Leaders Pledge $8 Billion To Fight COVID-19; U.S. Skips Meeting https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/05/850604277/world-leaders-pledge-8-billion-to-fight-covid-19-u-s-skips-meeting?utm_term=nprnews&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=npr&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR17JUeDBRvoK7AFHXa2Z88sORcUjkBuyVKK4W7T6a6hgM5dqeVoJhwAdKU
  7. Proof of what? The original chart I posted explains how the countries with the lower numbers in the chart managed it. Sorry, but I don't type with my mouth. Do you sanitize your keyboard before gumming yours? Please post a picture.
  8. In other words, if you take away the high incidence areas of every country on the chart, the graph would remain the same for each, but the numbers would just be lower.
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