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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by gonzoron

  1. I forced myself to watch 2 full minutes of the debate tonight. Democrats are definitely doing everything they can to get Trump re-elected. Sad sad sad.
  2. LOL. I don't even remember ever seeing a wooden spoon at our house, don't think we had any Teflon pans either. Not when I was a kid. We did, however, have plastic Fingerhut seat covers in several cars. Fingerhut was the original Amazon.
  3. You don't get that "whip" from a wooden spoon like you do with a good Willow switch. That stung! And a thin, narrow leather belt hurts worse than a thick wide one. Only remember getting paddled once at school with an actual paddle. That was a piece of cake.......then I had to go home.........
  4. "And another one gone,............." Trump's intelligence chief resigned after the White House repeatedly suppressed his warnings about Russian interference https://www.businessinsider.com/dni-dan-coats-quit-white-house-suppressed-russia-warnings-nyt-2019-7?fbclid=IwAR0q9wsWUWmdSZ3x2xfPIzwofB969Y45Qu-AzdogG5eqWHLl4pINL8_406M
  5. Not a meme, but it makes me think what it would be like with a full team of my son at his first football game. If I haven't told you the story, I told him just to tackle the kid with the ball if he played defense. First play he tackled the Center before the ball was ever snapped.
  6. Racism isn’t confined to a political party. Attempting to justify it by saying “but what about this guy” is abhorrent.
  7. We had to cut the willow switches for Mom, then it was the belt when Dad got home. Willow tree died when we were all adults, we blamed Mom because of all the switches we had cut off it. And we all laughed about it.
  8. Do you think he'll actually begin building it now? So far.............0 feet of new wall.
  9. JARED KUSHNER'S FAMILY COMPANY FACES MORE THAN 170 BALTIMORE VIOLATIONS https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushners-company-faced-fines-and-code-violations-700180?fbclid=IwAR1ymAR0AlnmXeWwcD9t5QXTcZeFXdP95Rpp4ipkshs4pMkXauoBMLZE330
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