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Posts posted by Plymouthfan91

  1. 1 hour ago, Temptation said:

    In your utopia of Pulaski County, perhaps that’s true.  Families living in poverty are struggling in the real world.  Take a field trip to my hood.  I’ll give you a free tour and even buy you lunch.

    We all know that in your area of the state things are much worse than ours.  You have all the answers but don't want to hear the others thoughts.  Everyone has their own problems and yours aren't any worse than theirs.  Get off your high horse.

  2. 17 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    If you are like me, you are done listening to the experts who say good for yee, not for me. 
    Examples: Fauci (who said NY handled things well. WT ACTUAL F) and Governor Cuomo. 

    Tell folks to wear masks then don’t. 
    In the age of technology, we see more than ever. I pray more people wake up. 

    The Best is Yet to Come!

    Who do you listen to then? 

  3. 4 hours ago, DannEllenwood said:

    Now do all the looters, rioters, anarchists, etc. 


    I’m a chest thumper (whatever the F that means). 

    My body. My choice Bob.  Your mask works. 

    The Best is Yet to Come. 

    Yet here we are again. You keep taking these veiled shots at people. Some people don’t back down. 😉 

    Have a wonderful day Bob. Try getting some sun and exercise. It’s great for your immune system. 

    My body my choice?  The selfishness of that comment is enough for me.  You are an idiot.  This isn't a veiled shot it is the truth.  @Bobref is a thousand times the official you are and it sounds like he is a thousand times the man you are. I feel sorry for you and your belief system and I hope your students won't listen to your drivel.  I'm still waiting on your 99.9%.

    • Haha 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, Temptation said:

    These students’ LIVES are being changed for the worse and they are being cheated out of opportunities.  

    If you can’t see how that is different from choosing to kneel for the National Anthem, I can’t help you.

    Best wishes to your wife but your corner of the world is not representative of everywhere else.

    I hate the politicization of this entire thing but folks have their heads in the sand.  Cuomo is being praised nationally for his handling of this pandemic which is completely backwards.  HE feared overcrowding in hospitals so he sent patients BACK into nursing homes and the results were lethal.  Other governors (Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan and Illinois) followed and their death rate skyrocketed.

    Meanwhile, CASES spike in Arizona, Texas, and Florida but the death rate there largely remains fairly low and consistent.

    Connect the dots man.

    Wake up.

    I am awake.  You have your head not in the sand but up your a##.  The lives of African Americans are being taken and we say it is for safety.  Meanwhile our federal government is taking a stand that the Confederacy something to celebrate and that we should send in our stormtroopers to stop protests.  LAW AND ORDER.  RIGHT?  Yet students standing up for the LIVES of their African American teammates/classmates is wrong?  

    My corner of the world has a lot of @Temptationin it.  The death rate of the virus isn't the only thing that is concerning.  If ICU beds are used for COVID what about the people who need them for other illnesses?  Sorry we are out of beds.  We will put your corpse into a cooling truck out back when you die.  The dots are connected.  It's the sheep who blindly follow a leader who has been dismissive of this because it hurts his political agenda.  A couple of weeks ago @DannEllenwood was preaching the 99.9% where did that go?  I deal in reality and in people not in my own self interests.

    • Disdain 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Temptation said:

    An absolutely terrible analogy.  You should feel bad.


    7 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    Quite the leap you went with there.    

    for love love of every thing GID, can we not bring every political hot button into this section of the forum.   

    I have learned to live with most of the Covid related talk, obviously as we are getting closer and its been relatively contained to protocols, opinions on what best for schools and such and not politicized for the most part.   

    I posted the videos when I saw them today because it was a great message by those Seniors who want the decision makers in their district to know how they feel about the decision.  

    How so?  If students can make protest one thing why not another?  We have @DannEllenwood spouting off about "ALL LIVES MATTER" and that is okay?  It's funny how you allow people to spout off about how the virus will disappear on 11/4 like it is a made up thing.  People like @DannEllenwood and @Temptation should be the ones who feel bad.  Their hypocrisy is astounding.  They have totally politicized it and yet I get called out for it.  

    My wife is going to work today on a COVID floor that is almost full.  Less than four weeks ago there was barely any patients there.  This isn't fake but people on this forum are claiming that it is.  It's real and getting worse.  @Coach Nowlin call them out and ask them to stop!  We have allowed them to give their false narrative but I can't ask the people what they think about another matter?  

    • Disdain 2
  6. 10 minutes ago, wrcsage said:

    Then why didn’t we finish the basketball tourney in March?  Why didn’t we try to play a shortened spring season?  There is absolutely ZERO difference with the virus today than there was then.  Everyone is hoping, but it just isn’t going to happen if you use common sense.  

    Instead of locking down and staying in our homes we need to learn to live with this virus.  Back when this started science said a lockdown would allow us to get ahead of the virus.  IT DID.  We were told to slowly reopen and to wear masks, social distance, and wash our hands. WE DIDN'T.  So now we are trending upward.  This isn't going away even though POTUS claims it will some day disappear.  Common sense tells us to try and make kids understand what the adults can't.  We can beat this by following the three rules:  wear masks, social distance, and wash our hands.  Other countries have done it.  Maybe our state can do it.

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/19/2020 at 10:31 AM, cw13 said:

    Until we get leadership that wants to put the cases at a manageable level........the fall football season will be a chopped up mess........i can see some teams w/o cases going 2-3 weeks w/o games because opponents have outbreaks. Spring, and hopefully some treatments......is the realistic chance for a full season, perhaps not chopped up....but the fall between players, students, teachers, coaches, families and officials having outbreaks is a very doubtful happening

    I asked our AD about how the schedule would look with positive cases and cancelling games.  He said that we will play all of our scheduled games if we have enough kids.  He told all coaches to build depth and that we would play Varsity first and go to the lower levels if both teams have enough to play.  I agree that this will be chopped up but we all should try to play if we can.

  8. 6 hours ago, Temptation said:

    My daughter’s 8U softball league sent out mandates/guidelines before the season, including:

    - No use of dugouts during games.

    - Immediate family members only.

    - Maximum capacity at each field is 100, including spectators,  players, and coaches.  They were ADAMANT they would have a representative at each contest to count/turn people away.

    - No post game handshake line.

    Her final game is tonight and I can say with 100% accuracy that only the last guideline above has been adhered to.

    That is why we can't contain this virus.  No one wants to follow the rules.  It's a shame that we support a sport that calls for discipline and sacrifice but we can't do it as a group to protect people.  

  9. 2 hours ago, OldschoolFB said:

    This is called taking a stand.  These kids have guts.  They stood up to the adults who tried telling them what’s best for them under the lie that it’s what is best for them.  We should all be re-posting this and sharing it. 

    What about if these same kids were to kneel during the Anthem?  Would you feel the same?

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  10. 1 hour ago, Muda69 said:

    Hell week was the best.  Some fond, and not so fond memories of those weeks.  🙂


    Just to go along with that, when I was a Freshman in 1986, we went to the school at around 7:30 AM, we didn't leave until 4 or 5 PM.  Three-a-days with meetings included.  You brought your lunch and no going home.  It was awful but something that I will never forget.

  11. 2 hours ago, Temptation said:

    Most districts in my area are not having teachers “double dip.”  We conducted interviews for our teachers who were going to head up the remote learning piece and all others are set to teach in the building.  We are a huge district and over 1000 students have chosen the remote option which is still well under 10 percent of our families.

    Many (if not most) families don’t have that 8-4 type schedule where they can just “keep up.”  Parents work essential jobs and kids are often home alone.  Even though we are finally one to one on devices for every kid (k-12) in my district I know that that is not common everywhere.  What do you say the family that has five kids but only has two devices?  It’s much more complicated than just “keep up” especially if three of those are elementary aged kiddos.

    What are the demographics of your school in terms of free and reduced lunch rate if you don’t mind me asking?

    Per the 2020 numbers from the indoe we are 56.9% economically disadvantaged as a corporation and 50.5% at the High School where I teach.  I have lived in this community since 1997 but have only taught here since 2013 and this number has risen since I moved here.  I agree that these kids need to be in school but the choice is there and the rules need to followed to attend.  The parents will make the decision that is best for them.  We will be there until we are told we can't be.

  12. 1 minute ago, Temptation said:

    The framework is only one part of the equation. You have to have someone at home to help the students execute it.  You can have the greatest curriculum in the world but if you don’t have the means or resources to succeed as a family it won’t matter.

    As I mentioned before, Washington Township is one of the most affluent townships in Marion County (second behind Franklin).  They might be able to pull it off because they are the exception and not the rule.

    Our families that are opting for the elearning option are being told that they will be responsible for keeping up.  The teachers will be available but during the school day our attention is to be on the students in the building.  I may offer an evening online help session for those students but it will be on my time.  But any way we can make the elearning process better we should investigate even if it is the framework.

  13. I think we are seeing our athletes not being in the best of shape.  The weather the last two weeks has been good for trying to get kids in shape but to rush to contact is scary with the heat that we are seeing.  Plus once you start contact you increase the chance for the virus to spread.  If a student is positive they have to not only sit out now but they will have to get a clearance from a doctor to return to practice.  

    I agree with the IFCA in that they are not going to jump into Phase 2.  Back in the 80's we didn't wear helmets until the first of August so is that needed now?

  14. 15 minutes ago, Temptation said:

    While not necessarily afluent, Washington Township is in a unique situation Marion County as they are not nearly as impoverished as most other county areas.

    I’m willing to bet many of their families can support e-learning better than most.  

    I know social media doesn’t speak for the masses, but most of the publicity I have seen that they have received from families within the district has been positive.

    In a meeting we had yesterday our admins were in awe of the e-learning framework that Washington Township has.  They did a lot of things that make sense.  I don't have the specifics but we will be getting some of what they did.  We are going to offer an elearning option for those who want it.  We will still get quite a few in the building also.  I hope we don't have shutdowns and I hope we can get a chance to play.

  15. 3 hours ago, wvigo13 said:

    I haven't heard about anything about it around here. If they do limit the number of fans, who do you let in?? You can't have hundreds lining up at the gate and turn most of them away. It should be done in advance. Let the parents and close family get first dibs and the remaining go to the public. First come, first serve after that until tickets are gone.

    I would predict that players families will get an allotment of tickets.  What will be missing will be student sections and bands playing.  Plus the streaming option is still there.  I can't believe athletic departments haven't used online pay to watch streaming before this.

  16. 3 hours ago, Temptation said:

    The loophole that many districts have found (if it is even fair to call it that) is that the American Pediatric Association suggests that 3 feet of social distancing is acceptable when 6 feet is not an option.

    It was also suggested that the virus spreads best and contract tracing needs to take place when someone tests positive and was found to have spent 15 or more minutes within that distance of others.

    To make contact tracing easier, assigned seats on the bus and alphabetical seating in the classroom is recommended.

    Here is the AAP says about social distancing:

    Physical Distancing Measures

    Physical distancing, sometimes referred to as social distancing, is simply the act of keeping people separated with the goal of limiting spread of contagion between individuals. It is fundamental to lowering the risk of spread of SARS-CoV-2, as the primary mode of transmission is through respiratory droplets by persons in close proximity. There is a conflict between optimal academic and social/emotional learning in schools and strict adherence to current physical distancing guidelines. For example, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that schools "space seating/desks at least 6 feet apart when feasible." In many school settings, 6 feet between students is not feasible without limiting the number of students. Evidence suggests that spacing as close as 3 feet may approach the benefits of 6 feet of space, particularly if students are wearing face coverings and are asymptomatic. Schools should weigh the benefits of strict adherence to a 6-feet spacing rule between students with the potential downside if remote learning is the only alternative. Strict adherence to a specific size of student groups (eg, 10 per classroom, 15 per classroom, etc) should be discouraged in favor of other risk mitigation strategies. Given what is known about transmission dynamics, adults and adult staff within schools should attempt to maintain a distance of 6 feet from other persons as much as possible, particularly around other adult staff. For all of the below settings, physical distancing by and among adults is strongly recommended, and meetings and curriculum planning should take place virtually if possible. In addition, other strategies to increase adult-adult physical distance in time and space should be implemented, such as staggered drop-offs and pickups, and drop-offs and pickups outside when weather allows. Parents should, in general, be discouraged from entering the school building. Physical barriers, such as plexiglass, should be considered in reception areas and employee workspaces where the environment does not accommodate physical distancing, and congregating in shared spaces, such as staff lounge areas, should be discouraged.

    The recommendations in each of the age groups below are not instructional strategies but are strategies to optimize the return of students to schools in the context of physical distancing guidelines and the developmentally appropriate implementation of the strategies. Educational experts may have preference for one or another of the guidelines based on the instructional needs of the classes or schools in which they work.


    I agree that 3 feet may be the argument but that included with the 3 feet. is mandatory face coverings for those students.  Where if we can get the six feet of space or more we might be able to allow kids some time to breathe.  But the goal is to get them in school so the 3 feet works but masks need to be worn.  I haven't read this information, it is good stuff.

  17. 5 hours ago, MarshallCounty said:

    In my corner of the state it looks as though masks will be optional. 

    Optional isn't the word in Marshall County.  Masks will be required of all students and staff.  They will be worn when social distancing can't be maintained.  In public schools especially in our county keeping socially distant in the classroom will be close to impossible.  Everyone will be wearing masks or they will be taking classes online. 

  18. Our Federal Government has messed this up since we went on lockdown.  They had standards that needed to be met by states before they should've started to reduce restrictions.  When they saw that states couldn't meet these requirements as quickly as they thought they allowed states to reopen too early.  These states are in a serious situation right now.  Instead of admitting they were wrong they instead act like everything is fine.  The ignoring of the science is what has us in this situation today.  

    Gov. Holcomb has been very deliberate in his reopening plan.  I expect us to stay in 4.5 for at least another two weeks.  We are in a good place but not an ideal place.  Should we start school on time?  YES!!!!! But 6-feet of social distancing and mask wearing needs to be mandatory.  This is what the science says.  

    What about sports?  If we enter phase 2 of the IHSAA plan I see more teams having positive tests.  This will result in an extended down time for a lot of teams.  Playing a set schedule may become difficult.  Schools may have to change opponents based on which schools shutdown their programs and which ones don't.  It will be interesting to see how schools handle this.  This could be a fluid situation.  We may have a game with Warsaw scheduled but on Tuesday find out they can't play.  Then we see that Knox also had an opponent cancel.  Do we play them instead?

    Fans in the stands?  Only if they social distance.  Families sit together and I would only allow the families of players to attend.  Student sections at least for now will be a thing of the past.  Paid online streaming of games is a possibility for the rest of the fans to watch from home.  Plus this could become a new revenue stream for the future for fans who live out of state and want to watch the games.

    I am trying to keep a positive attitude about this and I feel we can do this but we need to keep an eye on the science and not open everything up until it is safe to.  

    • Like 1
  19. 15 hours ago, LaSalle Lions 1976 said:

    I find the opening of schools would serve a great purpose...the elimination of public school education.  

    There are a lot of people looking for a payday out there and this may be their golden ticket.

    If a player catches the virus and ends up in the hospital...I have no doubt the parents would lawyer up.

    The suits may not be worth the paper printed on, but they will take time and energy and corporation money.

    What is the procedure for a student if they refuse to wear a mask (if required)?  Talk about potential law suits there.

    You may think all parents are honorable...think again

    I have been in my classroom and have spent the time to get my seats 6 feet apart.  Except I have tables that are 5 feet long.  This weekend my wife and I made "shields" that I can place on the middle of these tables so that the kids can sit on opposite ends of the table and not share the virus.  My admin is looking at them today.  If I get approval I will make more.  My room will be compliant with the CDC guidelines.  If everyone wears masks and I can keep 6 feet or less with a shield I am following the rules to safely have class.  

    In our corporation discussion meeting yesterday, which was a marathon one, our superintendent told us that if a student refuses to wear a mask when they were supposed to that they would be given the option to continue the semester virtually.  So I take that as follow the rules if you want to be in school, and participate in sports, or do school online and don't play sports.

    I was assured that the requirement to wear masks will not be compromised.  

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  20. 1 hour ago, DannEllenwood said:

    And I find it hilarious all these keyboard “warriors” hiding behind a screen name but don’t have the *Michelle Obama’s* to (to quote stat boy), “not only talk the talk, but walk the walk.”  (Something to that extent). 

    I have and will call out our area businesses for not following the rules.  I have written letters to the editor in my local paper and also called the mayor to discuss his lack of leadership during this pandemic.  I have sent numerous emails and had numerous discussions with our school administration. (My Bosses) To tell them my feelings on how things are going with in the schools.  Not a keyboard warrior.  I will challenge those that defy real science and make them listen to what the healthcare professionals are saying.  


    Now for you I see a man who finishes his messages with "ALL LIVES MATTER" but he wouldn't dare say that anywhere or to anyone other than on this message board.  I'm sure you are a great person and I agree that we can disagree but if you are so sure of your convictions let's see you do something for your community other than bark about your beliefs on a message board.  

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