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Head Coach Openings 2024 ×


Booster 2023-24
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    Gibson Southern
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    Just some creepy stalker

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  1. We too run our Friday night stuff at these events.....many teams do not.
  2. I hear that Brownsburg won the 7 on 7 event. Memorial lost in the first round of tournament play to Brebeuf.
  3. Here are some nice photos! https://www.colts.com/photos/11-on-tournament-2024#8a72abe5-8d4f-40cf-93c1-85b62e4bfb28
  4. Gibson Southern represented the PAC well this weekend at the annual Mooresville 7 on 7 shootout! The Titans won the Big School Championship defeating Franklin Central 22-21. The Titans JV lost a close one in the small school championship game to Triton 15-9.
  5. These new turf fields for baseball and softball are all the rage. Being the "get off my lawn" guy that I am, I don't like it.
  6. 😂😂 I knew you read my posts!
  7. I remember sitting in that sweatbox in 1988....but I rushed for 130 yards! I kept running over this interior D lineman for them named Klem.....no wonder he moved to Fort Branch just a few short years later! LOL
  8. Agree...we don't necessarily get these games to win (although that is always the goal). The level of competition for players and coaches can be worth the Ls when they happen.
  9. For now, no changes have been announced for week 4.
  10. This will replace Mt. Carmel who no longer wants to play GS.
  11. I'm sure they did. It is now an easier-to-officiate and faster game. The game is more exciting when there is a chance for a comeback from a reasonable deficit with just a few minutes left to play in the game. This was a horrible move.
  12. I must admit....the one GO DEEP (game-winning play) and little sisters of the poor won them a semi-state. But they can make themselves even better....hope they don't listen to me lol. I hear the DeLong kid has decided to pass up multiple scholarship offers to follow his older brother into Mechanical Engineering locally. The guaranteed internship and industry connections were more valuable than the scholarship dollars in his view. It appears that football needs some kids more than they need it. I'll be in the corner sobbing if you need me. Don't ever marry a girl who is a math wiz.
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