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Everything posted by swordfish

  1. SF still swims in the depths of the GID. Mainly hanging with the other fish from the past in the OOB bantering about politics and such. The NLC thread isn't what it used to be. SF, KF, WarsawDad, Rockie, and a whole host of others whose kids have grown up had the loud mouths back in 2006 - about 2015. I still stick my head in now and then every season just to see who's around. Not the same raucous bunch though.. I even had to become friends with Coach Dawson who became one of our suppliers after coaching.....He still calls me SF and I still call him Coach.
  2. https://nypost.com/2021/05/25/restaurant-owner-blasts-gov-gretchen-whitmer-for-covid-hypocrisy/ A Michigan restaurant owner who was jailed and fined for violating COVID-19 restrictions said Tuesday that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer should face similar consequences for disobeying her own health department’s guidance too. “I feel like all of us should be on the same page. If I have to face penalties which I went through … I think she should face the same penalties,” Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, who owns Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria, said on Fox News. “We the people, we [are] all equal. It does not matter [that] because you’re the governor, we need to forgive you.” The restaurateur spent four nights in jail and paid a $15,000 fine in February for violating the state’s COVID-19 restrictions, according to a report. “Treat us with dignity and respect,” Pavlos-Hackney added. “We [are] all equal, we the people.” Whitmer, a Democrat, was forced to apologize Sunday for violating the state’s COVID-19 restrictions, saying she made a “mistake” by crowding with 12 other patrons at a local pizzeria. “Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been committed to following public health protocols,” Whitmer reportedly said in a statement. “Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it. “In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize.” The apology came after Breitbart first published photos of Whitmer, originally posted online by a friend, crowded with a dozen others at a table in an East Lansing restaurant — violating the state’s May 15 order that mandates a six-person maximum per table and that tables must be 6 feet apart, according to the Detroit News. The photo quickly sparked backlash, with a conservative group criticizing the governor’s hypocrisy — and demanding Whitmer lift the pandemic restrictions. “Whitmer continues to defy her own ridiculous restrictions while everyone else is forced to abide by them,” said Tori Sachs, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund. SF has to agree with the guy who was jailed and fined for basically the same "human mistake"....
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9615117/A-year-left-wing-news-TRASHED-theory-COVID-originated-Wuhan-lab-outlets-idea.html The liberal media have finally conceded that COVID-19 may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory - after a year spent ridiculing the suggestion. The first fatality from COVID-19 was reported by Chinese state media on January 11, 2020, when a 61-year-old man who was a regular customer at a market in Wuhan died. The first confirmed case in the United States was 10 days later, when a man returned to Washington state from Wuhan. Within a week, on January 26, 2020, the first article blaming the Wuhan Institute of Virology for the outbreak was published, in The Washington Times. Yet most mainstream media disputed the claims, dismissing them outright or even decrying them as racist. When Donald Trump, on May 1, 2020, said he had 'a high degree of confidence' that the virus escaped from a lab, the New York Times, CNN, and NPR were quick to mock his comments. CNN, which by the end of the Trump administration was brazen in its hostility to the president and his advisors, was almost gleeful in its mockery of the idea that the virus could have come from a laboratory. The Washington Post, New York Times, and NPR were equally dismissive of suggestions that the virus could have come from a laboratory. From a "Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory" last year (since the Trumpster was promoting it) to the MSM now accepting and even investigating the Wuhan Lab as the origin of this thing. Something the Washington Times has never wavered on it's coverage of....... The original (officially unreported) were workers from within the lab itself...... https://www.livescience.com/covid-lab-leak-wuhan.html
  4. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/05/20/chicago-mayor-lori-lightfoot-journalists-interviews/5192857001/ CHICAGO — Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced Wednesday that she will grant one-on-one interviews to mark the two-year anniversary of her inauguration solely to journalists of color, saying she has been struck by the “overwhelmingly” white press corps in Chicago. “I ran to break up the status quo that was failing so many,” Lightfoot, who is Black, tweeted, also issuing a detailed letter to City Hall reporters on her decision. “That isn’t just in City Hall. It’s a shame that in 2021, the City Hall press corps is overwhelmingly White in a city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American.” While the move isn’t unprecedented in recent years, it drew fierce scrutiny among the city’s press corps and beyond with members of the media quickly taking Lightfoot to task for her decision. Lightfoot’s choice was made public late Tuesday when longtime WMAQ-TV political reporter Mary Ann Ahern, who is white, tweeted about it — a post that drew more than 5,000 comments. Some praised the mayor, while others were angry. “I am a Latino reporter @chicagotribune whose interview request was granted for today. However, I asked the mayor’s office to lift its condition on others and when they said no, we respectfully canceled,” tweeted Chicago Tribune City Hall reporter Gregory Pratt. “Politicians don’t get to choose who covers them.” Ahern voiced a similar concern about the mayor deciding who she’ll talk to and said it looked like Lightfoot was avoiding City Hall reporters she often spars with. “To choose a reporter based on the color of their skin is really pretty outrageous,” Ahern said on WGN Radio. “Does she think I’m racist? Is that what she’s saying?” But others, including The TRiiBE, a Chicago-based digital Black-oriented media platform that offered extensive coverage of civil unrest in the wake of George Floyd’s death, among other topics, found the anger over the mayor’s decision offensive. “With this outrage, y’all are implying that Black and Brown journalists aren’t capable of asking the hard questions,” TRiiBE tweeted Wednesday, saying it got an interview the same day. Taking office in 2019, Lightfoot’s tenure has been marked by racial inequality issues, including a Chicago teachers strike, city violence, the coronavirus pandemic and policing. In her two-page letter she recalled being on the campaign trail and being struck “by the overwhelming whiteness and maleness of Chicago media outlets, editorial boards, the political press corps, and yes, the City Hall press corps specifically.” She noted the nation’s reckoning on racism but said it didn’t appear “many of the media institutions in Chicago have caught on and truly have not embraced this moment.” “The press corps is the filter through which much of what we do in government is dissected and explained to the public,” Lightfoot wrote. “And yet despite the many talents and skills of our reporting corps, I fear this arm of our democratic system is on life support. The Chicago media leadership must evolve with the times in order to be a true reflection of the vibrant, vast diversity of our city.” Journalism has long grappled with lack of racial diversity. More than 75% of newsroom employees are white, according to a 2018 Pew Research Center analysis of census data. In turn, reporters of color note they’re often shut out when scoring high profile interviews. To counteract that, recent leading public officials have been intentional about giving interviews to journalists of color. U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, the first Native American to lead a Cabinet department, granted the first interviews after confirmation to Native American journalists. The first sit-down interview Kamala Harris gave after being named vice presidential candidate was to The 19th, an outlet aimed at “elevating” women’s voices, including those of color. Meanwhile in Chicago, other city leaders were critical of Lightfoot’s decision, including Alderman George Cardenas, who represents some largely Latino neighborhoods. “How is that even true, be serious,” he tweeted in response to the announcement, saying it should be “corrected.” Some media organizations said they were still being left out, including South Side Weekly. The nonprofit newspaper covers many heavily Black and Latino neighborhoods. “Yes, for those who are asking, South Side Weekly did request an interview with @chicagosmayor and unsurprisingly received no response and no fancy letter. But we’ve never relied on the mayor’s script to do our groundbreaking work. So it’s just another day over here,” tweeted editor-in-chief Jacqueline Serrato. So who is the racist here? The Latino reporter who declined the interview saying "Politicians don't get to choose who covers them"? SF for not knowing who? The Mayor? IDK
  5. https://nypost.com/2021/05/20/andrew-cuomo-calls-critics-of-5m-covid-book-deal-stupid/ Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday called the grieving New Yorkers upset over his $5.1 million book deal “stupid” for suggesting he profited from their relatives’ deaths with his pandemic memoir. During a news conference in Buffalo, Cuomo was asked by a reporter to respond to the “allegations out there that you made money on the backs of dead people.” “That’s stupid,” the governor snapped. “Next question.” Cuomo later tried to walk back the insult, telling the reporter, “I thought your question was stupid and offensive.” The details of Cuomo’s book deal — revealed in tax returns he released Monday — sparked a firestorm of outrage from New Yorkers whose loved ones died of COVID-19 in nursing homes after the Health Department ordered the facilities to accept infected patients discharged from hospitals. Tracey Alvino, whose dad died after contracting the coronavirus in a Long Island nursing home, accused Cuomo of pocketing “blood money” through his lucrative contract for “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic.” “These resources could have been used to fight the pandemic instead of giving him a payday,” Alvino told The Post. On Thursday, Vivian Zayas, founder of the advocacy group Voices for Seniors, called Cuomo “so defiant and arrogant,” and threw his snub back at him. “It was stupid that he defied science by putting sick people in nursing homes with vulnerable elderly and immune-compromised residents,” she said. “He made a stupid decision and won’t own up to it.” Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay (R-Syracuse) said the Democratic governor “continues to be completely dismissive and disrespectful to the individuals who paid the greatest price during the pandemic.” “While people mourned the loss of loved ones, he lined his pockets with a $5.1 million book deal,” Barclay said. “To categorize any criticism of that as ‘stupid’ illustrates his refusal to accept accountability of any kind.” Well that was stupid to say....
  6. https://nypost.com/2021/05/19/saint-fauci-a-lying-sinner-devine/ This is how confused New Yorkers are about masks. At Barnes & Noble Wednesday, no mask was required to browse the bookshelves, but on the other side of Union Square, the Strand bookstore had mandated masks for all shoppers. Practically everyone inside both stores was wearing a mask anyway, despite CDC advice that you don’t need one, indoors or outdoors, if you’re vaccinated against COVID-19. Considering that more than half of Manhattan has been fully vaccinated, something is very wrong with the way we are processing risk. The trust between public health experts and the public is broken and now no one knows what to believe. We can blame one man above anyone for this parlous state of ­affairs: Saint Anthony Fauci, the coronavirus czar once hailed as the most trusted man in America for his leadership through the pandemic. He has flip-flopped on every piece of advice, never admits doubt and tells lies with ­brazen indifference. But just as with Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Fauci’s halo has fallen off with a thud. It was just on Tuesday that Fauci admitted it was not science but theater that kept him wearing a mask — even double-masking — despite being fully vaccinated for ­almost five months. “I didn’t want to look like I was giving mixed signals,” he told “Good Morning America.” “But being a fully vaccinated person, the chances of my getting infected in an indoor setting is extremely low.” In other words, he was not being truthful in March when he denied Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s accusation at a Senate hearing that Fauci’s obsessive masking up was pure “theater.” But by Wednesday morning, Fauci was already walking back Tuesday’s comments, saying people was “misinterpreting” the CDC’s advice on masks. “I think people are misinterpreting, thinking that this is a removal of a mask mandate for everyone. It’s not,” Fauci told Axios. “It’s an assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors.” Fauci at this point is being deliberately confusing. He is feeding the mental disorder of vaccinated Karens who cling to their masks. He needs to tell them the truth and stick to it. The rest of us are not going to have our lives ruled by neurotics anymore. We’re not going to believe his “noble” lies. And we’re not going to allow children’s lives to be further ruined. Fauci gave cover to teachers ­unions for keeping schools closed beyond the point of reason last year, when he should have stated clearly the science that children are the least at risk from the virus, and the least likely to pass it on. He should have used his power and prestige for good. He should have acknowledged that it is cruel to children and detrimental to their social development to force them to wear masks all day, and that doing so is just a sop to ­malign teachers unions that should not be dictating CDC policy. A wonderfully brave boy of 10 in Florida did Fauci’s job last week when the kid articulated the feelings of the nation’s children to his school board. Fourth-grader John Provenzano said the masks were hot, gave him headaches, stuck to his face, and made him feel “claustrophobic” and anxious. “All of this seems unfair, and it doesn’t make sense,” he said. “I miss seeing people’s faces. I miss the way things used to be. I’m scared they’ll never go back to normal.” He spoke poignantly about feeling sad when his teacher did not recognize him without his mask. “I don’t recognize anyone. It’s this simple state. Do we know any other people? It’s just dehumanizing.” Reading faces is a crucial part of children’s socialization and helps them learn empathy. There is no telling the damage done to them from the overreaction of the last year. The admirable stoicism of younger generations speaks well for their ability to face the challenges they will meet in the ­future, caused almost entirely by the selfishness of their elders throughout the pandemic. There was no need for young people in the prime of their lives to be muzzled and locked in and denied education, jobs and opportunities. Older people could have locked themselves in and relied on the young to pick up the reins. But those in charge preferred to shut everything down rather than lose their grip on power. Now they’re piling crippling debt on generations to come. This is what happens when you let geriatrics run your country. The average age of the three most powerful politicians in the country is over 76. President Biden is 78, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is 81 and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is the spring chicken at 70. Fauci is 80. It’s not healthy. By all means we should incorporate the wisdom of elders in decision-making but not when they are so clearly motivated by self-interest. It was selfish of grown-ups to pander to their own hypochondria at the expense of children who are not at risk of dying or of spreading a disease that primarily hits the elderly and the obese. That was the hidden blessing of the coronavirus we never recognized and have squandered. Couldn't agree more......I said it before, Dr. Fauci is a brilliant politician more than an MD. He has (as I pointed out early in this pandemic over a year ago now) articulated both sides of EVERY argument as his own stance(s) and guidance and was successful in creating the aura that he is always right. The result has always been both sides being "kinda" confused, but not really confused but right according to Fauci. I think......
  7. No - The US Government's use of our tax dollars are making the "sense to stay home" not the "free market". Our "free market" should be free of the US Government influencing participation.
  8. You do realize that building that housed the news agencies ALSO housed a large part of the Hamas terrorist team along with weapons.....? This latest response from Israel has devastated the extensive tunnel systems the terrorists used along with much of it's infrastructure it used to attack Israel. FYI - The Palestinians are NOT interested in peace. President Clinton literally gave Yassar Arafat EVERYTHING they asked for when he was in office and they immediately turned him down. https://www.newsweek.com/clinton-arafat-its-all-your-fault-153779
  9. https://nypost.com/2021/05/19/jill-biden-said-harris-should-go-f-k-herself-for-debate-attack/ Jill Biden said that Kamala Harris should “go f—k” herself after famously questioning her husband’s record on race during a Democratic primary debate, according to new report. The future first lady fumed to supporters after Harris, who is now President Biden’s vice president, slammed his record opposing federally mandated interracial busing to desegregate schools. “That little girl was me!” Harris told Biden in one of the most cutting moments of the Democratic primary. Jill Biden vented one week later on a group phone call of supporters, according to an account published by Politico. “With what he cares about, what he fights for, what he’s committed to, you get up there and call him a racist without basis? Go f–k yourself,” Jill Biden allegedly said. Biden also was furious about the attack. While still on stage during the debate, Biden allegedly turned to fellow candidate Pete Buttigieg and said of Harris’ attack: “That was some f—king bullshit.” Buttigieg is currently Biden’s transportation secretary. Biden and Harris have worked closely together since taking office in January. Biden has referred to himself as a transitional president and the administration has taken pains to brand initiatives as the work of the “Biden-Harris” administration. Harris is the first African-American vice president and her position on the Democratic ticket helped blunt left-wing attacks on Biden for his history on race, including warm words with segregationists and Biden-authored crime bills in the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately jailed black people for drugs. Harris’ office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Post. Michael LaRosa, a spokesman for Jill Biden, said: “Many books will be written on the 2020 campaign, with countless retellings of events – some accurate, some inaccurate. The First Lady and her team do not plan to comment on any of them.” Literally LOL - So is Mrs. Biden now considered a racist? or a sexist? I mean, she can't say that can she?
  10. The American Rescue plan also is giving families with kids payments (not a credit on your taxes at the end of the year) but actual payments starting in June.
  11. https://nypost.com/2021/05/19/joe-biden-ripped-for-joking-about-running-over-reporter/ Biden ripped for joking about running over reporter who asked about Israel This joke really crashed. President Biden is being ripped for joking about running down a reporter rather than answer a question about the ongoing deadly conflict in Gaza. Biden made the questionable quip Tuesday from behind the wheel of the new F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck when a reporter asked if she could ask “a quick question on Israel … since it’s so important?” “No, you can’t,” Biden replied bluntly. “Not unless you get in front of the car as I step on it.” The car-loving commander-in-chief insisted he was “only teasing” — but still raced away on a Michigan race track rather than accept a question on the ongoing conflict. He was quickly ripped online, with many noting how his predecessor, President Donald Trump, was routinely savaged for his own jokes. Had this been the former President, the headline would have been "Trump threatens reporter".
  12. https://nypost.com/2021/05/18/no-the-gaza-flare-up-didnt-kill-trumps-wildly-successful-abraham-accords/ America’s foreign-policy establishment and peace-process industry are having a field day: The latest round of fighting between Israel and the terror group Hamas, they insist, has sounded the death knell for the Abraham Accords, the Trump-brokered peace treaties between the Jewish state and several Muslim nations. Leading the Schadenfreude Brigade was White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, who on Tuesday declared from her podium: “We don’t think [the accords] did anything constructive, really, to bring an end to the longstanding conflict in the Middle East.” The peace-processors failed for decades to make Mideast progress, and the Gaza flare-up gives them and their DC mouthpieces (like Psaki) a cheap chance to crow, “I told you so.” Reality disagrees, however. The monumental agreements signed last year will continue to flourish, because their foundations remain solid — whereas doing things the peace-processors’ way will return America to the failures of the past. The peace-process industry (or syndicate) represents the elite’s thinking on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the wider Middle East. It is composed of former diplomats, left-leaning think tanks, nearly all of corporate media and academia and the wealthy donor class that underwrites their work. The maverick Trump administration’s Mideast breakthroughs in the final months of 2020 gravely threatened the interests of this group. After all, the Abraham Accords challenged several key assumptions of the peace-processors: above all, the notion that Arab reconciliation with Israel could only be achieved after resolving the Palestinian question. This belief springs from the false notion that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is the central drama of the region, linking it to all other problems, which will finally find their panacea only in a “two-state” solution. Equally destructive is the peace-processors’ belief that a solution can be found by leveling the playing field between America’s regional allies and bad actors like the Palestinians. Put simply, they believe that for negotiations to succeed, Israel must be weakened, while Palestinian leaders must be empowered. There is no evidence for why this should be the case, but that hasn’t stopped peace-processors from summiting the commanding heights of American foreign policy for decades. It’s easy to see how President Donald Trump and his advisers wounded the egos of these processors with the Abraham Accords. The accords started from diametrically opposed assumptions: that the Palestinian drama isn’t central to the region and that diplomacy requires bolstering, rather than weakening, allies. And they succeeded brilliantly. Middle East peace deals were Trump’s mission impossible made possible: Goodwin The accords won’t soon die, because all of the structural reasons that made them possible remain intact. For starters, the Iranian threat that impelled Arab leaders to embrace their former archenemy, Israel, is still there. Plus, the economic benefits of the rapprochement are too tangible to ignore, including opportunities in tourism, civil aviation, science, technology and innovation, energy, water, environment and agriculture, food security and more. Then, too, the Arab elite increasingly views Jews as indigenous to the region. Both the UAE and Bahrain correctly pride themselves as nations of tolerance, and they take pride in extending that tolerance to the region’s Jews. Communications technology is also fostering more dialogue and relationships beyond the control of diplomats or the state. While Arab leaders sympathize with the Palestinian people, the accords showed that Mideast states have wearied of a corrupt and intransigent Palestinian leadership. For four years leading up to the accords, the unmistakable message to Palestinians and their leaders was that the proverbial train was leaving the station, and it was in their interest to get on board, rather than cling to the slogans of the past; the Palestinians didn’t get the message. These fundamental dynamics remain beyond the grasp of the dangerously deluded peace-process industry, which remains bent on pulling the region backward, all to fit its disproved theories. There is plenty of more work to be done to expand the peace and normalization framework. This work will continue, regardless of predictable regional forces that periodically lash out and in spite of those who gleefully mistake this beginning for the end. I hope this continues to be the case.
  13. https://www.nationalreview.com/2021/05/violence-in-israel-is-the-price-of-bidens-weakness/?fbclid=IwAR025KrGr5fg8X1Jfzo6oPZYefraSfO6OCZDps2Zjkd86wBNJtpk3Pqt2r4 The Trump-Pence administration opened the door to a future of peace in the Middle East founded on our strong and unwavering commitment to the state of Israel. But now Israel is enduring the worst outbreak of violence in at least seven years — a direct result of the weakness shown by the Biden administration from its first day in office. Many Americans witnessing the recent bloodshed in Israel are perplexed by how quickly violence erupted after years of calm. The answer is that President Biden and congressional Democrats have abandoned unambiguous support for our ally Israel, emboldened our enemies, and turned their back on the policy that yielded historic peace deals in the Middle East. Under the Trump-Pence administration, we made it crystal clear to the world that America stands with Israel. We withdrew from the dangerous Iran nuclear deal brokered by the Obama-Biden administration, which put the world’s leading state sponsor of terror on the path to nuclear weapons while sending pallets of cash to the mullahs in Iran. We acknowledged Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. And President Trump kept the promise made by countless Republican and Democrat politicians by actually following through in moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, the capital of the state of Israel. Every step of the way, Democrats and self-proclaimed foreign-policy “experts” derided our administration’s approach and issued dire warnings that blood would soon flow in the streets of Israeli cities. As usual, they were wrong. In fact, last year, our administration brokered the Abraham Accords, a series of historic peace agreements between Israel and Arab-Muslim countries — the most significant breakthrough for peace in decades. These groundbreaking peace accords happened not in spite of America’s support for Israel, but because of it. Other nations knew where America stood with absolute certainty. They knew America would respond forcefully if our citizens or allies were threatened. As a result, they responded rationally by pursuing peace and harmony. But now, President Biden has sent the world a profoundly different message. Instead of seeking peace through strength, he has invited violence through weakness. President Biden has emboldened anti-Semitic terrorist groups such as Hamas by shunning Israeli leaders and restoring more than $200 million in aid to the Palestinians that had been canceled by the Trump-Pence administration. He unilaterally took the Iranian-backed Houthis off the list of designated terrorist organizations. And worst of all, he has announced his intention to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, destabilizing the entire region. When asked, Biden’s press secretary couldn’t even say whether Israel remains an “important ally” of the United States. Every tepid statement uttered by the Biden-Harris administration is built on a false equivalency between Israel and Hamas. One is a sovereign nation with a legitimate government, and a trusted ally. The other is an internationally recognized terrorist organization that has fired more than 3,000 rockets at Jewish families and businesses in the past week. There is no moral equivalency between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas. President Biden and every American leader should uphold Israel’s right to self-defense and condemn the terrorists of Hamas — as well as their supporters and apologists — in the strongest possible terms. Apparently, Biden learned nothing from the tragic foreign-policy blunders made during his time as vice president. President Obama’s thin “red line” in Syria, his decision to “lead from behind” in Libya, and his slipshod withdrawal from Iraq each created power vacuums that were quickly filled by America’s enemies. Now Biden is repeating those grave errors by creating a power vacuum of his own. He has replaced strength with weakness, moral clarity with confusion, and loyalty with betrayal. Biden’s void, too, is being filled by America’s enemies — and Israelis are paying the price in blood. Americans should pray for the peace of Jerusalem and stand without apology for our most cherished ally, Israel, until the violence is quelled and Israel’s security is restored. Well stated Op-Ed from the former Vice President.
  14. The Palestinians knew they didn't have a friend in the former President.
  15. SF thinks Israel is serious this time. SF was impressed how the last administration handled the Middle East. Recognizing that the Palestinian side wasn't really interested in brokering a compromise that could bring peace to the reason, the Trump administration met with just about every other player in the region and brought them to the table and put together the Abraham Accords in an effort to bring peace to the region. I also find it interesting that the AP didn't realize they were sharing a building with Hamas.....Or so they say.... https://nypost.com/2021/05/17/ap-slammed-for-claiming-it-was-unaware-of-hamas-presence/ The Associated Press has been blasted for claiming it had no clue Hamas militants maintained a presence at the news agency’s Gaza headquarters that was destroyed in an Israeli airstrike. Israel said it shared “smoking gun” evidence with Biden administration officials that Hamas was operating out of the Al-Jalaa Tower, which housed the AP, Al Jazeera and other news outlets, according to a report Sunday. The strike destroyed the 12-story building an hour after the Israeli military ordered it evacuated, saying the high-rise was targeted because it was being used by Hamas military intelligence, Fox News reported. The AP condemned Israel for the attack and claimed to have “no indication” that the terror group operated from the building. “We have had no indication Hamas was in the building or active in the building,” AP president and CEO Gary Pruitt said in a statement. “This is something we actively check to the best of our ability. We would never knowingly put our journalists at risk.” He added that he was “shocked and horrified that the Israeli military would target and destroy the building housing AP’s bureau and other news organizations in Gaza.” However, a 2014 article in The Atlantic written by a journalist in the region described a questionable history between the news agency and Hamas. “When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press,” Matti Friedman wrote. “The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby — and the AP wouldn’t report it,” he wrote. Friedman claimed the Hamas militants would regularly “burst into the AP’s Gaza bureau and threaten the staff — and the AP wouldn’t report it.”
  16. As long as you stay within an hour of home, I guess....... Look, we get it, EV's are the future, but there is still a long way to go before I am ready to make the switch......
  17. Carter brought us Reagan. Obama brought us Trump. What will Biden bring us?
  18. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/10/politics/biden-employer-assistance-child-care-state-and-local-funding/index.html The same government telling you 'there's no evidence' inflated and expanded unemployment benefits keep people from looking for work is now telling you there's no gas shortage, it's just a 'supply crunch' while over 70% of gas stations are out of gas in some Northeast/Southeast areas of the country.
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