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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. It depends on the number of wealthy farmers in that section of the county......................
  2. https://dvorak.substack.com/p/making-covid-about-climate?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copy The Covid-19 pandemic and the sheer volume of public fear and concurrent compliance has prompted a rethinking of the most promoted “crisis” of our time: “climate change.” Climate change, which actually began with the global cooling rage of the 1970s, began its new life as “global warming,” then morphed into “climate change” and further evolved into the preferred new phrase, “climate crisis.” Along the rebranding road we also saw the short-lived “climate emergency.” Trump’s election in 2016 derailed the urgency of fixing the “problem.” He relaxed the targets for CO2 and refused to play along with international efforts to create funds for third world and developing nations to help them cope. This means taking money from rich countries and giving it to poor countries. This is done under the guise of a sort of reparation for all the damage done to the environment by the rich countries. Biden’s election has put the USA back on track, but the enthusiasm is still minimal because of the Covid panic. It seems as if the public-at-large can only worry itself sick about one thing at a time. While the Covid panic should have been over by now, the media is continuing to promote it, whether it’s about the variants or needing a lot more shots or pushing the idea that you can get the disease multiple times. None of this is helping the country transition back to climate change as the major concern. The intermediate solution? Connect Covid to climate change. More and more articles and papers are manufacturing an often bogus direct connection between Covid and the changing climate, no matter how ridiculous. The thinking is that it might be possible to keep the fear levels high by taking the Covid freak-out and somehow making it a climate freak-out. This is like replacing a light bulb with a candle and hoping nobody will notice. Here are a few recent examples of the sort you will be seeing in this hopeless endeavor. One research paper shows that various bat populations moved south and may be the source of the virus in the first place. This event is a problem for those pushing the climate change agenda. If climate change is causing animal migration, it would make sense that any population in the Northern Hemisphere would move farther north since it would be too hot for them in the old habitat. Moving south to what should be a hotter climate makes no sense. I’m sure some dubious but creative rationale will appear to explain the anomaly. The major news media would prefer Covid fear porn for all eternity, but it will move to the climate change messaging in the months ahead. They feel obliged even though everyone knows that the "crisis" is proving to be a financial loser for everyone but the Chinese solar panel makers and the wind turbine manufacturers. You’ve been warned. We’re back to 2016. Please adjust your calendar. -- jcd
  3. Lawmakers to Cable Providers: Why Are You Letting News Channels Say These Things? https://reason.com/2021/02/22/eshoo-mcnerney-letter-fox-news-newsmax-oann-comcast-misinformation/ Uni-party.
  4. Joe Biden’s Dept. of Energy Blocked Texas from Increasing Power Ahead of Enduring Storm: https://yournews.com/2021/02/19/2033550/joe-bidens-dept-of-energy-blocked-texas-from-increasing-power/ Why yes, government. The answer to all our problems, right Dante?
  5. The Texas Blackout Blame Game https://reason.com/2021/02/22/the-texas-blackout-blame-game/ Agreed. And there is simply no way a 100% government run system would have been any better.
  6. What in the CATO article is hypothetical, Dante? And you do realize ERCOT has 2.5 times the number of customers as the TVA does, do you not? Nobody is denying that mistakes were make in Texas. Yet you still haven't proven that a TVA style government monopoly would have done better. The conditions in Texas versus those in Tennessee were not the same.
  7. How Big Government Infrastructure Projects Go Wrong: https://www.cato.org/commentary/how-big-government-infrastructure-projects-go-wrong So I'm sure under a government run TVA-like entity operating in Texas that those gas pipes would have been insulated. <rolleyes>
  8. Key point from the article: ERCOT's nuclear power generation? 10.9% according to this quick fact sheet: http://www.ercot.com/content/wcm/lists/144926/ERCOT_Quick_Facts_2518.pdf That is the difference, Dante. Not some New Deal government program.
  9. Americans' Lust To 'Cancel' One Another Should Spark Soul Searching https://reason.com/2021/02/19/americans-lust-to-cancel-one-another-should-spark-soul-searching/
  10. Then prices will go down, and individuals will look for different careers that pay what they want to earn. You must not have learned basic free market economics in government school. Sorry, I don't know what the "Star Rating system" is in this context.
  11. And you can unequivocally prove that a 100% government owned and run system would be better? That it would have performed significantly better under the same exact set of circumstances that occurred in Texas?
  12. https://reason.com/2021/02/19/indiana-senate-civil-forfeiture-unlawful-assembly-government-property-seizure/ No, the goal of the government here is fear and intimidation. This law needs to be overturned. I heartily urge all Hoosiers to contact their elected representatives in the Indiana legislature and argue that heinous legislation needs to be repealed.
  13. More socialist claptrap. And those 'funding metrics' need to change. Meaning those who choose to teach those subjects which tend to translate to more in demand/higher paying jobs out in the "real world" should be better compensated. It's simple economics. And you are 100% sure this was the fault of that individual's government school history education?
  14. Why do you hate grocery stores, Dante? Your "to hell with them" statement speaks volumes.
  15. lol, now you are seeing the failures of government education, and the public sector teacher's unions. You desire that a government school P.E. or home economics teacher be paid the exact same amount as a highly educated math or science teacher, or vice versa. This 'race to the average' mentality is endemic in socialistic systems like government education. In a true market based educational system those math and science teachers would be paid a higher salary because their skills are more highly valued in the educational marketplace, with no public sector educational union present to ultimately drive salaries down to some mean or average.
  16. So you are calling the authors of the Chicago Tribune article liars? And the reason for this is?
  17. Grocery Store Owners Say That Pandemic Hazard Pay Laws Are Putting Them Out of Business https://reason.com/2021/02/19/grocery-store-owners-say-that-pandemic-hazard-pay-laws-are-putting-them-out-of-business/
  18. School Board Mocks Parents Who Support Reopening: 'They Want Their Babysitters Back' https://reason.com/2021/02/18/oakley-union-schools-babysitters-reopening-video-meeting/ Kids need to return to school, and the consensus among experts who have studied the data from schools that have reopened is that this can be done safely, with minimal risk. Education officials should be working toward making it a reality as soon as possible, not lashing out at parents who have come rely on a service they pay for.
  19. Biden's Coronavirus Relief Package Has Almost Nothing to Do With the Coronavirus: https://reason.com/2021/02/18/bidens-coronavirus-relief-package-has-almost-nothing-to-do-with-the-coronavirus/ It's just Biden trying to put lipstick on a pig, where coronavirus is the lipstick.
  20. My doctor says that when you die, your pupils are the last thing to go. Because they dilate. I want to tell a vaccine joke But some won't get it
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