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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. 1. Yes, there is. 2. Possibly, if you consider "Chief" a pejorative. I consider it mostly a term of endearment, but if such nomenclature upsets you then I apologize. However I doubt one would consider "pathetic simpleton" anything but a pejorative.
  2. I did neither of those things, merely pointed out a simple connection. You are the one, sir, who got all butthurt about and then resorted to calling me names.
  3. Not really, but you just go on thinking that Chief if you believe it makes you superior. Now please try to stay on topic, ok?
  4. I showed you. And no, snowflake, I am not comparing you to Mr. Snyder.
  5. May public schools punish students for off-campus social media posts? https://reason.com/2021/01/28/the-supreme-courts-next-big-free-speech-showdown/ Seems like an open and shut case to me.
  6. Yeah, so what? Private corporations have engaged in that since their inception. And you forgot our federal government, whose boots you lick on a daily basis, is one of the world's biggest instigators of espionage.
  7. San Francisco School Board Votes 6-1 To Rename 44 Schools https://reason.com/2021/01/27/san-francisco-school-board-rename-lincoln-washington/ Offensive, indeed. The renaming process is likely to cost schools millions of dollars at a time when the district is already facing a significant budget deficit; the Chronicle estimates it will be $75 million by next year. San Francisco schools don't have a single dollar to waste on new signs: Every cent must go toward protective equipment, ventilation, and whatever else is needed to get kids back in their desks. Whether a school is named Abraham Lincoln Elementary or George Washington High or School McSchoolface is really not important right now. (And what's wrong with Lincoln, anyway? He freed the slaves!)\ That the school board is wasting time with this speaks volumes about the competency of its members.
  8. Gee, I don't see the words "gathering information" in that legal definition. Do you? Gathering information <> 'preventing' no matter how hard you want it to, Dante.
  9. Sounds like the regular old flu to me. Happens all the time in both government and private schools.
  10. So gathering information on union formation and activities is now "union busting". Got it. Kudos to Mr. Bezos. Any capitalist CEO worth his salt would do the same.
  11. Easy. Your comment: Mr. Snyder's infamous comment from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Snyder_(sports_commentator):
  12. Which Teachings of Critical Race Theory Does the Biden Administration Endorse? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/which-teachings-of-critical-race-theory-does-the-biden-administration-endorse/?utm_source=recirc-desktop&utm_medium=homepage&utm_campaign=right-rail&utm_content=corner&utm_term=first Trump’s order was motivated by revelations that federal entities, such as Argonne National Laboratories and the Smithsonian Institution, were teaching exactly some of the divisive concepts listed above. It is those concepts — not the simple lessons about tolerance and respect for others that most people have in mind when they think of diversity training — that Trump banned. Indeed, his order declared that “training employees to create an inclusive workplace is appropriate and beneficial,” and it explicitly allowed diversity programs to continue as long as they did not engage in race- or sex-based stereotyping or scapegoating. By falsely characterizing Trump’s executive order as a ban on diversity training, Biden has sidestepped the actual issue here — namely, whether the divisive concepts listed above should be taught as facts to federal employees and contractors. For example, is it the official position of the Biden administration that “an individual’s moral character is necessarily determined by his or her race or sex”? How about the claim that “any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex”? It would be helpful if the new administration could tell us which of these teachings it endorses. Surely it must endorse some of them, or it would not have rescinded the order in the first place. In fact, rescinding the order rather than simply modifying it suggests that the administration endorses (or at least does not object to) every divisive concept on that list.
  13. What Makes Public-School Teachers Different from Everyone Else? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/what-makes-public-school-teachers-different-from-everyone-else/
  14. Yep, and here is the new hypocrite-in-chief signing a big old stack of them:
  15. So some of what the late Jimmy the Greek said was true?
  16. Tennessee Cops Arrest Man For Posting Photoshopped Picture of Men Urinating on Dead Officer's Grave https://reason.com/2021/01/25/tennessee-cops-arrest-man-for-posting-photoshopped-picture-of-men-urinating-on-dead-officers-grave/ It's unclear how a dead person can be criminally harassed under Tennessee law, which requires that the subject be "frightened, intimidated or emotionally distressed." Rather, Garton committed the unwritten crime of hurting a police officer's feelings, also known as "contempt of cop." For example, in 2019 an Iowa man won a lawsuit after he was charged with third-degree harassment for saying online that a sheriff's deputy was a "stupid sum bitch" and "butthurt." (In hindsight, the latter seems undeniably true.) Then there's the San Diego Police Department, which issued more than 80 tickets over the last decade for "seditious language" under an unconstitutional World War I–era law. The Voice of San Diego reported that the majority of the tickets were issued to minorities for allegedly using vulgarities. Another Tennessee resident was arrested in 2017 after he wrote "Erin's police chief is a bitch" in white paint on the back of his car. There's a wide body of case law upholding the right to flip off police officers, but despite this, arrests and tickets are still meted out to people who hurt cops' feelings by giving them the finger. Just this month, the Eight Circuit Court of Appeals denied qualified immunity to a Minnesota police officer who pulled over and arrested a man for flipping her off. A spokesperson for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation directed a request for comment to Crouch's office. Agreed. In very poor taste, but not a crime.
  17. https://dvorak.substack.com/p/how-trump-lost
  18. Chicago Teachers Union Refuses Order To Go Back to Classrooms https://reason.com/2021/01/25/chicago-teachers-union-vote-strike-school-reopen-covid-19/ Yet more evidence that public sector unions should be abolished.
  19. Joe Biden's Plan for Big Government https://reason.com/2021/01/21/joe-bidens-plan-for-big-government/ Yep. Leftist socialist like Dante must be swooning over this proposed expansion of the federal government. After all they want nothing more than the federal government to be the cradle-to-grave sugar daddy for every American. And who gives a damn on how to pay for it all.
  20. Crown Point - 76.6% White: : https://inview.doe.in.gov/schools/1046603901/population Center Grove- 84.1% White: https://inview.doe.in.gov/schools/1042053437/population The free/reduced lunches and textbook numbers for both schools are very close, 19.4% for CP and 16.3% for CG.
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