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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. It Was Obama All Along https://spectator.org/it-was-obama-all-along/ (Note: this probably means they listened to partial recordings of the Flynn–Kislyak conversations) Obama directs the investigation of Flynn to proceed. He doesn’t say, “Have your best people on it”; he says, “have the right people on it,” which means something entirely different: have politically reliable people investigate Flynn. Obama directed Yates and Comey to have people who could be relied on to pursue Flynn perform the investigation. The next relevant meeting we know about is the one that took place on January 23, 2017, after Trump’s inauguration and long after Comey told Obama that the Flynn–Kislyak conversations appeared to be legitimate. Bill Priestap, then the FBI’s head of counterintelligence, made the notes of that meeting either during or after it. The meeting was between Comey, then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and himself. Priestap’s notes recall conversations in which the three apparently decided to not warn Flynn of his constitutional rights or that there was a risk of Flynn being prosecuted for lying to the FBI. Priestap’s now-famous notes say, “What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired? … If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ + have them decide.” Comey, Priestap, and McCabe were following Obama’s orders and setting up the interview to entrap Flynn into lying or admitting a violation of the Logan Act, the 1807 law precluding American citizens who lack governmental authority from negotiating policy matters with representatives of foreign governments. Comey had already determined that the Flynn–Kislyak conversations appeared to be legitimate. There is absolutely no doubt about their legitimacy: Flynn, as incoming national security adviser to the already-elected Trump, would be highly derelict in his duty if he hadn’t had such conversations with Kislyak and a wide variety of foreign government representatives on any subject relevant to Trump’s concerns. But the investigation continued, the FBI interviewed Flynn on the record and, after the investigation was continued by special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of partisan Democratic prosecutors, Flynn pleaded guilty rather than have Mueller persecute Flynn’s son. Go back to the meeting with Obama, Biden, Yates, Comey, and Rice. This wasn’t an extraordinary event. It was a routine event for the president to be briefed on a counterintelligence investigation. What made it unique is — as Obama noted — these were unusual times. The Flynn investigation “Crossfire Razor” was nothing more than an offshoot from original “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation into Trump’s campaign. We have, as yet, no proof that Obama was directly involved in and directed the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation. But think about the people who ran it: CIA Director John Brennan, Comey, and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. There is zero chance that the three ran “Crossfire Hurricane” without Obama’s knowledge. And there is no reason to believe that he was more reluctant to issue them orders on how to conduct that investigation than he was to direct Comey and Yates to investigate Flynn and “put the right people” on it despite the obvious legitimacy of Flynn’s actions. For those who have forgotten, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s surveillance warrants against Carter Page — all four of them — were based on the fictitious “Steele dossier,” the compilation of opposition research materials paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign. Which brings us around to the January 6, 2017, declaration by the Director of National Intelligence that the entire U.S. intelligence community (IC) that the Russian interference in the 2016 election was intended to benefit candidate Trump. We know now — and the intelligence community knew then — that the Steele dossier was a product of Russian intelligence activities. Steele had based his series of memos on Russian sources. But the IC was determined to defeat Trump and then to disrupt his transition to the presidency. In short, the January 6 declaration was as false as the Steele dossier itself. It’s a great pity that you can’t impeach someone who is no longer in office, because Obama’s actions — clearly in violation of the law and of the constitutional rights of Flynn, Trump, Carter Page, and others — were entirely worthy of impeachment. During the Watergate investigation of President Richard Nixon’s actions, Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.) famously asked, “What did the president know and when did he know it?” In the case of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation, the question is what did Obama do and when did he do it? So where do we go from here? One trusted source tells me that Susan Rice — she who took to the airwaves and lied about the Benghazi attack on five Sunday news shows and participated in the push to investigate Flynn — is high on Joe Biden’s list of possible vice-presidential running mates. Biden’s participation in the unjustified pursuit of Mike Flynn (of which he says he was aware, but doesn’t admit its illegitimacy) makes him unfit for the presidency. And if he chooses Susan Rice as his running mate and wins the election, we’ll be governed by the two of the worst people. It’s a kakistocracy in the making.
  2. What if there are only two urinals in the public restroom along with one stall, and one urinal and the stall are both occupied? Are you going to just stand there like a rube waiting for either one to open up?
  3. You have lived and worked in wealthy Clark county Nevada for too long.
  4. Not all students have access to devices and connectivity to allow them to use such a system.
  5. CDC Antibody Studies Confirm Huge Gap Between COVID-19 Infections and Known Cases https://reason.com/2020/06/28/cdc-antibody-studies-confirm-huge-gap-between-covid-19-infections-and-known-cases/
  6. How did high school athletic departments deals with scourge of MRSA over a decade ago?
  7. I know from talking to an acquaintance who is a government school teacher that basically zero learning happened from March to May at at least one area elementary school. Not all schools can have an expensive e-learning option, so at this elementary school homework packets were picked up by parents, taken home for their children to complete, then returned for the the teachers supposedly to review/grade. However the homework that was returned to the school was never seen by the teachers, it was thrown away or incinerated. So it basically provided 'busy work' for the students, and a way for government school administrators to tell the state that they are actually trying to "educate" their students.
  8. Covid-19 was probably as shot across the bow from the group who paid for the creation of the Georgia Guidestones.
  9. When you say "being told to wear a mask in public" a) who exactly is doing the telling, and b) what are the social and/or legal ramifications for not complying?
  10. So as a hypothetical let's say you, Mr. Bobref, are using the urinal in a public restroom. You are wearing a mask and are currently alone in the public restroom. Mr. Ellenwood enters the public restroom, walks up to the urinal directly to the left of yours, and relieves himself. He is not wearing a mask. Approximately 14 days later you develop systems of covid-19, and are subsequently hospitalized. You pull through, but your lungs are now damaged by the virus. You know that Mr. Ellenwood was the only individual not wearing a mask in public that you came in close contact with during the approx. 14 days before developing symptoms. Mr. Ellenwood is tested for the virus and is revealed to be asymptomatic. Do you have any legal recourse for Mr. Ellenwood obviously transmitting the virus to you? How does wearing a mask equate with being stuck with a needle multiple times?
  11. DC's Emancipation Memorial, target of protests, was funded by former slaves: reports https://www.foxnews.com/us/dcs-emancipation-memorial-target-of-protests-was-funded-by-former-slaves-reports
  12. Obamacare Must 'Fall,' Trump Administration Tells Supreme Court https://www.npr.org/2020/06/26/883819835/obamacare-must-fall-trump-administration-tells-supreme-court Good. I hope the ACA is ruled unconstitutional. The federal government has no constitutional mandate to be in the health care industry. Medicare and Medicaid need to fall as well.
  13. The Feds Sent More than 1 Million Coronavirus Stimulus Payments to Dead People, GAO Says https://reason.com/2020/06/25/the-feds-sent-more-than-1-million-coronavirus-stimulus-payments-to-dead-people-gao-says/ All to be paid by our children and grandchildren.
  14. IHSAA to schools on return-to-play: 'Be smart, take it slow and follow the rules' https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/high-school/2020/06/25/return-indiana-high-school-sports-fluid-situation-ihsaa-paul-neidig/3259068001/
  15. All Statues Should Be Private https://reason.com/2020/06/24/all-statues-should-be-private/
  16. It appears that our dear GID admins have been messing around with the +/- point system again. At least for certain users........................
  17. Nice to know you have such disposable income, and enjoy throwing most of it away on uni-party shills. But to each his own. I frankly couldn't care less about who becomes the governor of Florida, Georgia, or Texas. The decisions made by the holders of that office affect me, a humble resident of Indiana, very little. Why do you care so much? Do you own homes or property in each of those states?
  18. https://mises.org/power-market/mmt-not-modern-not-monetary-not-theory Yep, MMT puts forth fantasy, not reality.
  19. So as a "model citizen" do you frequently donate to multiple political organizations whose purvey is limited to one state, a state in which you are not a resident? If so, can you please list some of them?
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