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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Sorry, I don't answer questions from individuals who end their spoken or written sentences with "right?". Frankly it is a condescending speech virus. Besides, your question should be aimed on Howe, not I. And your "math person" needs to rerun their equations using this corrected input.
  2. 8 Possible Reasons for the Huge International Differences in COVID-19 Deaths https://reason.com/2020/05/04/8-possible-reasons-for-the-huge-international-differences-in-covid-19-deaths/
  3. Actually I just did type something wrong. Guess I was so lazy I typed an extra letter to make "match" instead of "math". My apologies for the transgression.
  4. Yes, he did. You apparently were just to lazy to click back to the previous page and look for it: You have a "match person"?
  5. No, it has not changed. How do I define that phrase? Well since a preamble, which that phrase is a part of, does not confer additional powers to those granted or recognized in a statute or constitution, it is just a "nice too have" feel-good statement of little real substance. I'll also point you here: https://individualrightsgovernmentwrongs.com/founding-fathers/the-founders-and-the-general-welfare/ Thomas Jefferson called the phrase “a mere ‘grammatical quibble’ that has countenanced the general government in a claim of universal power”. He mistakenly believed that the Founder’s had clarified their intentions and meaning, and debate over the meaning of the phrase would cease. The Founders clearly understood the “general welfare” to mean the good of all citizens, not an open-ended mandate for Congress. The only good that applies to all citizens is freedom, and government’s proper role is the protection of that freedom. That was the meaning intended by the Founders. Those who sought to expand government’s powers chose to ignore the explanations offered by the Founders. Corrupted by bad philosophy, they rejected the principles of the Founders and of the Constitution.
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/trump-biden-how-about-neither-why-justin-amash-s-2020-ncna1197981 More choice is always good.
  7. Dolphins Hall of Fame coach Don Shula dies at 90 https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29132028/dolphins-hall-fame-coach-don-shula-dies-90 A sad day. Truly an American Icon. He will be missed.
  8. How so exactly Bobref? What is dangerous about a "glass 99.337% full" worldview?
  9. Who here would vote for Mr. Biden if the elections were held today? Who would vote for Mr. Trump? Who would vote for a third party candidate?
  10. Rightsizing Fed Ed: Principles for Reform and Practical Steps to Move in the Right Direction https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/rightsizing-fed-ed-principles-reform-practical-steps-move-right Looks like good, common sense reforms to me. It's a start.
  11. Be Warned, Coronavirus Snitches: You Too May Be Snitched On https://reason.com/2020/05/04/be-warned-coronavirus-snitches-you-too-may-be-snitched-on/#comments Bingo. And of of the comments from this story sums it up quite well:
  12. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Warns Stay-At-Home Violators: 'We Will Take You To Jail, Period' https://reason.com/2020/05/03/chicago-mayor-lori-lightfoot-jail-lockdown-stay-at-home-covid-19/ I read that the parking lots at the the most popular Indiana State Parks were absolutely packed this past weekend, as was the Charles C. Deam Wilderness south of Bloomington. Lots of drunken partying was reported at the campsites at the end of the popular Peninsula Trail, which are along eastern shore of Lake Monroe.
  13. https://reason.com/2020/05/01/canada-bans-assault-weapons-by-executive-order/ Police state up North.
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