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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Uncle Sam Doubles Down on His Spending Addiction: https://reason.com/2020/02/06/uncle-sam-doubles-down-on-his-spending-addiction/
  2. Trump Bashes Socialism While Endorsing a Status Quo Socialism of His Own: https://reason.com/2020/02/05/trump-bashes-socialism-while-endorsing-a-status-quo-socialism-of-his-own/ Agreed. The uni-party is spending our way to financial oblivion, and our children and grandchildren will bear the brunt of the pain.
  3. Pete Buttigieg is an elitist. He should embrace it.: https://www.indystar.com/story/opinion/columnists/james-briggs/2020/02/06/after-iowa-pete-buttigieg-should-stop-trying-run-his-elitism/4669375002/ (Note: article is behind a paywall)
  4. https://mises.org/wire/what-year-did-healthcare-become-natural-right Yep, it leads to government controlling virtually every facet of our daily lives, and liberty dies in the process.
  5. And that long jaunt to/from Richmond is only every other year...............
  6. Republicans should think twice before endorsing the dangerous myth that impeachment requires a criminal violation.: https://reason.com/2020/02/05/good-and-bad-reasons-for-acquitting-trump/
  7. Hardly. But you keep believing that if it makes you feel superior. So in gonzo's utopia one has to have a government issued license to stack firewood. Got it. Perhaps he could be the county firewood stacking inspector.
  8. Not a myth. Where did I say 100% of fuel taxes paid for road construction and maintenance. Yet you have to admit it still pays for a significant percentage of it, the rest partially comes from legalized theft. Perhaps I need a pilot's license.
  9. Because you were there for a routine biopsy, not because your wife tripped, fell, hit her head and now had a nasty bruise and symptoms of a concussion.
  10. WTH? In the context you just describe such questioning seems completely out of line.
  11. Nice try, Night Hawk. I help pay for for those highways via something called a "fuel tax" or a "user tax". I generally have little issue with this kind of taxation as long as it is voluntary (I don't pay it if I choose not to drive a fuel powered vehicle) and the money is used to build and maintain roads. Having said that I would still prefer private roads when possible that charge a toll, a more direct user tax. Involuntary taxes like payroll taxes used to fund entitlements like Social Security and Medicaid however are theft. Plain and simple.
  12. School Choice and Two Spheres of Liberty: https://www.cato.org/blog/school-choice-two-spheres-liberty
  13. ‘Two-deep leadership’ and ‘no one-on-one contact’ are primary tenets of the Boys Scouts of America's Youth Protection training, which every adult volunteer and paid professional has to take upon joining the organization, and renew about every two years: https://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2018/01/19/whats-the-difference-between-two-deep-leadership-and-no-one-on-one-contact/
  14. You see gonzo my principles, thoughts, opinions, and outlook regarding government have changed considerably since I was 18-22 years of age. Yours however, appear to not have. I oppose all sucking at the government teat, even now when I look back at that tender young age during my college years. Hence my desire to make good. You however have no such desire, you just continue to take and take and take from the taxpayer. Frankly your lack or principles regarding personal freedom, liberty, and truly limited government disgust me. And thanks for the barely readable scanned images. No dates on them, so I assume your "none of my money" comment is lie as well................
  15. Not according to the story of the Cox family. I wouldn't call having their child in the custody of the CPS for eight month now "in the clear". I take it you don't believe Mr. Cox's story, or the discoveries of the outside doctors?
  16. Talking about your small circle of friends again I see.
  17. Yes, you have. Period. For some reason you are now afraid to admit it. Your principle is to suck off of the government teat for as long and for as much as you can. We get it. Nice example you are setting for those two children. Such a generational abuse of federal entitlements must make you and the entire gonzoron family tree proud. No, I wasn't paying attention to what schools you attended, that information wasn't important to me at the time. I don't feel like trawling through 2k+ of your drivel to find out, either. So maybe I'll just send the inquiry to the Hamilton Heights government school corporation. I believe that is the government school that services your compound. Of course you could be lying about that as well...............
  18. https://reason.com/2020/01/30/child-services-medical-abuse-wisconsin/#comments Those misjudgments—and a deep suspicion of all parents with injured kids—led to the child being taken. "In hindsight," Cox said in a recent interview, "taking her to our own hospital was the single most harmful decision that we made for our baby." Children's Wisconsin, like many hospitals, has bought into the theory of "sentinel injuries"—the idea that minor bruises can be warning signs of future abuse, so each bruise must be treated as suspicious. But as Hixenbaugh writes: In part, the problem can be traced to the advent of the child abuse pediatrician, who claims to be able to tell adult-inflicted injuries from innocent ones. "Child abuse pediatricians very often operate under secret contracts with police, child protection, and prosecution offices—never disclosed to the parents bringing their children in for emergency treatment," Diane Redleaf, the legal consultant at Let Grow, tells Reason. "These individuals have been billed as having special superhuman powers to tell abuse from accidents and rare diseases, superior to the powers of other doctors because they 'know child abuse when they see it.'" Added NBC, which joined The Houston Chronicle in an investigation of this new pediatric specialty: In Cox's case, the family could afford to get outside doctors to review the records, and many were shaken by what they saw. They pointed out not just several stone-cold mistakes, but how eager the authorities seemed to be to find abuse. A police detective who grilled both Cox and his wife—Sadie Dobrozsi, also a pediatric doctor—said he didn't understand how the hospital could have concluded they did something wrong. That didn't stop child protective services, though: The authorities insisted on a safety plan for the baby, involving supervised visits monitored by grandparents. Eventually, child services removed the baby from the home, anyway: Mom was completely baffled. She had no idea where that bruise came from, until she obtained her baby's medical records. It turned out the hospital itself had pricked the child's heel for a blood test. The mom didn't know this because she had not been allowed in the room when it happened.= At this point, the baby is still in foster care. The couple's other two kids are terrified that they may be taken, too. (One keeps his favorite toys in a backpack in case he's suddenly taken away). Now the father faces a possible six years in jail on felony charges of child abuse. The prosecutor is bolstering his case with a report prepared by a yet another child abuse pediatrician, this one in nearby Minnesota, whom he hired to look over the files. "In summary," this child abuse pediatrician wrote, "there is no explanation for [the baby's] injuries other than trauma." And yet the trauma of separating an infant baby from her loving parents for months does not seem to concern the authorities. Sickening. And yet another abuse of government power over our lives. Police state indeed. I hope the Cox family is able to sue these charlatans, the doctors (especially the "child abuse pediatricians"), hospitals, police, prosecutor's office, CPS, etc. for everything they are worth.
  19. Liar, at least according to past statements you have made on this very forum. And even if your statement was true, will you accept such entitlements when you become eligible? And if you do accept will you accept payments and services until you reach the point of your contributions (plus interest of course) then principally decline to receive any more? Please, feel free. Will you please tell us the government K-12 school and government university you attend so I can do the same for you?
  20. After listening to Mr. Dershowitz's comments I wonder if the deified Mr. Lincoln should be posthumously impeached: https://books.google.com/books?id=zb71VEtR-boC&pg=PA195&lpg=PA195&dq=lincoln+order+sherman+indiana+soldiers+be+released+to+vote+during+the+civil+war&source=bl&ots=Xklh1Rv3J8&sig=ACfU3U2nJ0H6sAy4adNjrAGDtuimBFM3_A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi3iu2P9a3nAhUBKawKHejjDHMQ6AEwDHoECA0QAQ#v=onepage&q=lincoln order sherman indiana soldiers be released to vote during the civil war&f=false Do strongly asking Mr. Sherman to pull Indiana soldiers away from the fighting, therefore further endangering the soldiers from other states who had to stay, in order to assure a political victory, is ok?
  21. Acquit if You Must, But Don't Endorse the Dershowitz Argument: https://reason.com/2020/01/30/acquit-if-you-must-but-dont-endorse-the-dershowitz-argument/
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