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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Seattle's School System Wants to Dismantle Its Gifted Programs. This Is Why School Choice Matters.: https://reason.com/2020/01/27/seattles-school-system-wants-to-dismantle-its-gifted-programs-this-is-why-school-choice-matters/ Only 1.6 percent of program's participants are African-American. But for these parents, that's a reason expand it, not end it. One parent told Herzog that Juneau hasn't talked to minority parents who have kids in the program to get their feedback. They don't seem to care about how minority students who do participate in the program have benefited. Instead, School Board Director Chandra Hampson claimed that these parents were being "tokenized" and used by white people to maintain the program. Seattle Times columnist Danny Westneat is baffled by those at the school district who want to eliminate a successful program rather than trying to expand its reach. One school administrator told a parent that the program is "manufactured brilliance" that leads to "opportunity hoarding" by the privileged. Westneat has been seeing the term tossed around a lot lately, and he thinks it leads to a very ugly place: It should be horrifying to any parent that there are people out there who think educational equality means not just improving opportunities for those who are struggling but purposefully impeding opportunities for those the district deems too far ahead. And this isn't just happening in Seattle. Reason's Matt Welch has written about a similar fight in New York City. When I was in middle school, we read Kurt Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron," a science fiction story about a future that achieved equality by handicapping those who were more talented than others. How else could we describe dismantling an education program entirely because it helps high-achieving students? Parent Chun Ng tells Westneat the likely outcome if the program disappears: And that, ultimately, is why school choice matters. Parents should be able to respond to Juneau's blunt dismissal of their children's needs by taking their business elsewhere.
  2. My definition of 'Uni-Party' has not wavered. It is the Democratic Party and the Republican party. The only real difference between the two anymore is exactly who's money they want to steal in order to fund an over sized, bloated federal government. Just two sides of the same corrupt coin.
  3. Yes, definitely residents of the Atlanta, Arcadia, Cicero region.
  4. How is Linux working at the Clark County School District? And once again you are talking about hardware, not software. There is a difference between the two, you realize that?
  5. Spoken like a true Apple fanboi and worshipper of the late Steve Jobs. And what exactly do you mean by "every segment of computing outside of PC's"
  6. https://apnews.com/c6174405f64d2d49d54ba955d5ccad70 Congratulations to Mr. Manning on a long and successful career. Now the question is: Hall of Fame?
  7. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/how-washington-is-ramming-real-id-down-our-throats/ More security theater. And of course the real threat is to U.S. citizens and their freedoms.
  8. Interesting accusation coming from somebody addicted to posting "Look! squirrel!" drivel from facebook.
  9. Sorry that I'm not the OCD reader of the GID OOB forum that you are.
  10. Samsung paid Microsoft $1 billion in Android patent-licensing royalties in 2013: https://www.zdnet.com/article/samsung-paid-microsoft-1-billion-in-android-patent-licensing-royalties-in-2013/
  11. What part of the statement " thanks to its wide range of patents." did you not understand? Your intellectual property teacher/professor in school must have been awful. The Android operating system itself is open source, so if you want to download it, compile it, and install it on a piece of hardware that will run it then go for it. There should be no cost for that. It's the services and software built to run on android where companies, primarily Google, make their money: https://www.feedough.com/how-does-google-make-money-from-android/
  12. Due to the wealth of football coaching experience and knowledge present here on the GID I thought this may be a good topic for discussion. A question came to me while of all things listening to a podcast reviewing a reality series about competitive cheerleading. In this reality series the adult coach/manager of the cheer team had a 'policy' that if during practice some level of mistake was made by an individual team member then the entire squad had to stop and do a certain number of push-ups. The reason for this given by the coach/manager was along the lines of "it's a team activity, if one fails then they all fail. If one should be punished then they all should be punished". Is this type of 'group discipline' approach also favored by football coaches here in Indiana? If say during practice while running offensive plays the running back fumbles the ball before being hit by the defense or a receiver drops an easy pass is the entire offense punished in some way (wind sprints, push-ups, etc.)? Or on a defensive side of the ball say a linebacker during a tackle grabs the runner/receivers face mask, which in a game would result in a penalty. Is the entire defense punished? Just curious as to how coaches approach this, and is it applied differently for different levels of the game. Thank you for your time.
  13. https://mises.org/wire/why-one-man-one-vote-doesnt-work Agreed. "One Man, One Vote" doesn't work in a country as large and as diversified as the United States of America.
  14. Did Trump Just Admit To Withholding Material From the Impeachment Process? : https://reason.com/2020/01/23/did-trump-just-admit-to-withholding-material-from-the-impeachment-process/ The White House has since denied that this was a reference to withholding documents, saying he only meant that the evidence was on his side. But it is hard to believe that shortly after an extended Senate argument about whether the impeachment trial rules would allow new evidence and testimony, Trump was merely speaking generally about his defense. Trump has been charged with withholding relevant information in a way that undermines Congress' power to investigate him for the purposes of impeachment; his statement yesterday looks very much like an admission that he withheld relevant information in a way that undermines Congress' power to investigate him for the purposes of impeachment. That may or may not be cause for removal. Probably the best defense of Trump, or at least the most honest one, is that the charges are essentially accurate, but do not warrant being forced out of office. Politics and personal gain inevitably seep into presidential decision making, this argument goes, and even bad presidential decisions do not necessarily justify removal. Or, as Mulvaney put it: Get over it. Still, it is telling that Trump and his allies have all but admitted to the basic charges against him, and that the best defense of Trump involves admitting his guilt.
  15. Easily: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewanspence/2015/11/01/microsoft-android-patent-income/#b4f4fc95c6cb Talking intelligently about technology really isn't your forte, Dante. Maybe you need to stick to social studies and socialism.
  16. Yes, I remember the MS antitrust case. What about it? Comparing hardware products like the Zune of Microsoft phone to software the Windows Operating Systems is apples to oranges. Nice try, although it is true that MS hardware products are a mixed bag. Yes, an upgrade to Windows 10 is free, if you already have a paid and licensed earlier version of Windows currently running on a computer. Try purchasing Windows 10 for free if you are building a brand new PC.
  17. Depends on what you label "news." What do you label "news", Night Hawk? Also I admit the term "love" in my statement was probably not the best choice of words. Probably should have used something like "admire in a journalistic sense".
  18. Night Hawk=leftist/socialist stooge. And interesting how I can somehow be a "Trump Stooge" when 1) I never voted for him and 2) The vast, vast majority of my comments concerning Mr. Trump are negative in nature. If you can find links here on the GID to the contrary then by all means please post them. Criticizing the tactics and methods the Democratic side of the uni-party used to impeach Mr. Trump is not a tacit approval of Mr. Trump. Someone of your supposed intelligence should know that. But of course what your statements reveal is your blind, leftist hatred of our current POTUS. Such hatred clouds your intelligence, and your judgment. I would be using the same criticism if the Republican side of the uni-party had used similar methods and tactics to impeach Mr. Obama during his presidency.
  19. I never said I would personally miss him. Please learn reading comprehension, especially in a written medium like an internet message forum where concise statements matter. The only fraud around here is you, Night Hawk.
  20. Compared to your social studies greatness, probably. Will you please teach me all you know? Again, why should government automatically provide the free cake? I personally like cake, but I realize it's my responsibility as an adult to purchase it, not have it given to me, paid by the forced largesse of taxpayers.
  21. Tulsi Gabbard Files Defamation Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton Over 'Russian Asset' Comments: https://reason.com/2020/01/22/tulsi-gabbard-files-defamation-lawsuit-against-hillary-clinton-over-russian-asset-comments/
  22. Agreed. I hope he does not get re-elected. I also hope the Democratic party candidate does not get elected. With the short-sided impeachment process introduced by the Democratic wing of uni-party this just opens the doors for more and more impeachments, wasting more and more lawmakers time and taxpayers money. If say, Mr. Biden, wins the 2020 presidential election on November 3rd do you not think "ok, how can we impeach this guy?" will be a favored strategy by the GOP on November 4th?
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