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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Hmm, you appear to be the one with their mind in the sexual gutter sir, not I. The number sixty nine is a legitimate number used on many athletic uniforms, although I have heard it is banned in the NBA.
  2. Since you seem to be fixated on your latest graphic find (maybe you resemble the Joker IRL, I don't know), what exactly is "dangerous" about my opinion concerning school choice?
  3. We are Legion. As opposed to your opinion, which must always be worthwhile? You try not being an athlete and drive a NASCAR car or Indy car in a competitive 400-500 mile race. Tell me how it goes. So to you an 'athletic activity' must include running, jumping, throwing, or catching. Correct? Sound like sour grapes that you suck at video games. Just admit it. I've played video games for 30+ years now and I have a successful career, a loving family, great friends, etc. Does that mean I still have to justify that behavior to you?
  4. Yep. If it helps to move towards the ultimate goal. I have never said I supported every initiative the ACLU the supports, nor am I a member of the institution. Do you support every initiative the ISTA or NEA supports? Oh wait...................
  5. So without football every player on Crawford County's roster would be "running the streets" or getting addicted to some drugs? Really? And now that the football season is over is that what they are all doing anyway? They play high school football on Sundays?
  6. The late Mr. Debs was an avowed and somewhat famous socialist during the late 19th- early 20th century. He was from Terre Haute, Indiana. His home is a national landmark on the campus of Indiana State University. Your point? Are you gunning to be as famous of a socialist as Mr. Debs was? Perhaps have your home enshrined on the campus of UNLV some day?
  7. Is it? You tell me, you are the government educational professional, are you not?
  8. And would that be me, Gonzo? Why don't you just come out and say it, instead of being so limp-wristed about it? Thank you for catching that, Adolph. I meant to type "driven by politics". Do you agree or disagree that our current government education system is primarily driven by the whims of those currently in political power? *yawn* https://www.lexico.com/en/definition/principle Educate yourself. Jackson Central or Walnut Central sure didn't seem to.
  9. Arizona’s Success with Charter Schools Is a Model Other States Would Be Wise to Follow: https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/11/arizona-charter-schools-success-model-other-states/
  10. So 96-0 (never forget!) is "wholesome" amateur athletics? A 20+ game losing streak with no end in sight is "wholesome" amateur athletics?
  11. We get it, your personal definition of "'athletic activity" and by extension "athlete" is purposefully narrow. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1638728-5-ways-to-win-a-debate-with-anyone-who-says-nascar-drivers-arent-athletes#slide1
  12. I can believe this meme bothering those individual who believe the U.S. Federal Government is essentially one big charity, handing our "free this and free that" to everyone that asks.
  13. The "or" in that definition is key. Can anyone here deny that being a top flight competitive video game player mean developing certain skills, much like football?
  14. ? This sentence appears to be a fine example of your government school upbringing. Jackson Central or Walnut Grove?
  15. Why not, Dann? Do you not support this "Red for Ed" "action day"? But of course Nov. 19th is during the firearm deer hunting season in Indiana. Perhaps you will use that day to try and bag a doe or buck?
  16. Then by all means please fill in my gaps of US and Indiana history.
  17. So says the educational professional using the word 'now' instead of 'know'. And I have never claimed that I know SOOOOOOOO much about education. I'm only an Indiana taxpayer who has had multiple children attend government schools and has dealt with dozens of government school administrators and teachers over 20+ years. So my perspective comes from that experience. What is so 'dangerous' about my perspective Irishman? That I see the ISTA/NEA for what they really are? One could make the argument that if your precious public sector union really gave a rats ass about the education of children they would sponsor their "action day" on a weekend, not on a school day, making it now in effect a semi-walkout type of action by government school employees. But that would not have the political impact the union is looking for now, would it? Therefore you have the age-old dilemma of government schools being drive by politics, with legislators one one side, government school employees on the other, and the children in the middle. Nice to use them as a bargaining chip, I guess.
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