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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. Oct. 17, 2008. A day that will live in infamy. Never forget.
  2. I support a U.S. Military as defined by the U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 8. I don't support a U.S. military that IMHO has strayed way, way beyond the bounds imposed by that great document. Do you?
  3. https://reason.com/2019/11/18/an-off-duty-indiana-police-officer-was-fired-after-needlessly-harassing-black-shoppers/ It is refreshing to see the chief in this matter acting quickly and forcefully by firing Mr. Jones. Good riddance to him I say.
  4. Hire Mr. Kapernick as a capable backup QB.......................
  5. 'We Vape, We Vote' Crowd Got Through to Donald Trump, Advisors Say: https://reason.com/2019/11/18/we-vape-we-vote-crowd-got-through-to-donald-trump-advisors-say/ Good! The New York Times is framing this as Trump caving to "lobbyists" at the expense of children, because its editors have never encountered a destructive moral panic they didn't want to exacerbate. But this is very good news for all the adults who enjoy nicotine vaping products in flavors other than tobacco, the countless former cigarette smokers who used these products to quit, and, yes, even The Children too. For those who do still find ways to inhale something they shouldn't—and of course some will, as some teenagers always do—it's profoundly less dangerous for them to be sneaking a mango Juul pod or some other known-source and ostensibly accountable brand and not whatever crazy crap a black-market, random-origin nicotine vaping products may contain. The vaping-linked illnesses everyone's been panicking are a result of synthetic vitamin E filler (and maybe other substances) that people were inhaling from mostly black-market THC vape pens. So dialing back plans to drive more nicotine vapers to the black market is not only a good political move; it's the most prudent way to protect public health.
  6. Where did I ever say guarding poppy field is all the U.S. military does, TD? Do you believe guarding such fields is a legitimate use of the U.S. military? Why or why not? Interesting that you only believe the words and insights of the "sons and daughters of family and friends that currently serve" and automatically dismiss the words and insights of other servicemen and veterans. And you chastise me for only writing/stating what you "wish to align with". Isn't there a world for that? Oh yeah, it's called hypocrite............ You said it yourself TD, the U.S. military is a large organisation. Yet you seem to believe that "sons and daughters of family and friends that currently serve" represent that entirety of the U.S. military, therefore any other conflicting viewpoint must be a lie and have zero credibility. What an incredible, myopic view. And I know I have won the argument when you descend into insult after insult. Just like an adolescent. Please tell us all about the "warm computer room" you sit in to hurl invective and insults at others. BTW, I spend this past weekend outdoors, sleeping on the ground under a tarp in below freezing conditions. Why? Because I enjoy being outdoors and the challenge such conditions present. Did you even leave your warm computer room, TD?
  7. Democrats Are Conjuring Up New 'Rights': https://reason.com/2019/11/17/democrats-are-conjuring-up-new-rights/
  8. Frankly I don't understand how a principled individual can join the U.S. military, be shipped out to the Middle East to basically guard oil and poppy fields and the behest of the M-I-C, and not become completely disillusioned. Rah-rah patriotism, "call of your country" rhetoric can only take you so far, just ask our Vietnam war veterans. Then why don't you contact that 'idiot', who surely seems to have more boots-on-the-ground military experience than you do, and tell him his comments hurt your widdle feelings? Who exactly is "we", TD? Sounds to me like it is just you once again living vicariously though your children.
  9. https://local12.com/news/local/bengals-fan-enters-second-month-living-on-roof-after-pledging-to-stay-until-a-win-cincinnati When I first saw the headline I thought this was some kind of real sacrifice by a devout fan, until I read that his "tent" has a 50-inch TV and snacks.
  10. The ISTA did not send it to me. An individual forwarded me the email they had received from the ISTA. Sorry that I did not make that clear enough.
  11. I recently received a copy of the following email from the ISTA that apparently was sent to government school teachers throughout the state: Typical. There has never been a pile of money that liberals, and now a growing number of conservatives, want to poach for fulfill their own agenda. How much does the ISTA want to take, 25%, 50%, 75% of the current state reserves? If this poaching happens and the next economic downturn/recession hits (and it is not a question of if but of when) the state will have to significantly hike income and other taxes due to the state cash reserves being so depleted. Then the government school teachers will be back to square one, their precious wage increase eaten up by new taxes, but now the rest of the wage earners in the state will have to also feel that pain due to their avarice.
  12. And I call bullshit on your bullshit TD. The exact reason why an individual may not want to "thank the troops" is due to the way the federal government is being controlled by the military-industrial complex. You continue to keep your rat's red butt up in the air and your head in the sand. And I've changed no topic, and continue to "stand tall" when it comes to what I've posted. Just because you immediately become personally butt hurt when anybody dares to criticize any aspect of the U.S. Military is your personality flaw, not mine. And your voluminous amount of hot air is the exact same temperature as mine, friend.
  13. Incorrect, Dante. There is approx. $1.5 trillion in federal student loan debt vs. $119 billion in private loans: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/education-postsecondary/reports/2019/06/12/470893/addressing-1-5-trillion-federal-student-loan-debt/ And it was one of your liberal heroes, Mr. Obama, that helped to create this mess of debt: https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/obama-created-student-loan-crisis-with-1-trillion-in-loans/
  14. Ughh. I won't drink this "beer" but I can see being a staple at tailgates:
  15. By all means TD, tells us about the huge daily physical demands of your current career. I hope you can avoid injuries like hemorrhoids. And I have explained thoroughly my issues with the current administration of the U.S. Military and what it is used for worldwide. If you don't believe any of that has one bit of truth to it then frankly you are blinded by nationalism and the booyah! hyper macho culture still present in today's U.S. Military.
  16. https://www.jamesgmartin.center/2019/11/how-colleges-have-made-students-poorer-and-undereducated/ Yep, it's clear the huge expansion of the "free and easy" federal student loan program started this mess, and there is no end in sight.
  17. This Ohio Bill Gives Students Religious Exemptions for Facts: https://gizmodo.com/this-ohio-bill-gives-students-religious-exemptions-for-1839878738 Yet another example of why government, and the fickle politics that come with it, should get out of the K-12 educations business entirely. This is shameful legislation.
  18. There are frequently exceptions for those kind of things among the upper and upper middle classes, are there not?
  19. Sounds like an Adonis among us regular males. Sometimes my 'work week' extends into Saturday/Sunday, depends on the project. And I get paid by the project, so my hours aren't always 7am-5pm either. Sounds like somebody else needs to get a clue about someone or the world they live in..........................
  20. Sounds about on par for an Indianapolis doughnut county, urban sprawl based, government school. Probably pretty expensive as well.
  21. Impressive. What exactly is his current job/rank/position in the U.S. military? I also assume he is posted at a military facility where geography like mountains, snowfields, and 38F water are just down the road? 7 days a week? No, in fact this weekend I hope not to touch a computer at all.
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