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Everything posted by Muda69

  1. I just dislike watching taxpayers get fleeced, that's all. And the property values argument is a shell game, just wait until the next recession/depression................ Yeah, Like a small park near Frankfort's downtown that started at $4 million, then went to $7.5 million, and now when actually under construction total cost estimates are at $12 million. Also a city pool that the mayor/city council says needs to be replaced at a cost of around $8 million. Add to that a police chief who says the police headquarters building needs replaced, another multi-million project in the works. Where will the $ come from? My property values haven't risen in over 10 years.
  2. I choose not to watch Family Guy so I don't know what at all you are referring to. Sorry.
  3. Easily. By the picture and quote snippet you chose to display.
  4. So you support the interpretation from the man in Moscow, that it belongs to everybody? And how about the entire quote:
  5. So all the equipment in that over-expansive weight room will be moved to make room for a robotics competition? How much are the taxpayers paying in manpower for that task? And no, I am not good with that "investment". $10,000,000/$40,000 = $250. A lot of money.
  6. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow? It's a simple question.
  7. https://mises.org/wire/envy-inc And hope with responsibility is anathema to a progressive liberals worldview. They want hope, resources, income, etc. all provided by the state, with no personal freedom and responsibility involved. From the comments to Mr. Deist's opinion piece:
  8. https://www.centergrove.k12.in.us/activitycenter lol, that "without increasing the tax rate" is another disingenuous line big government types love to use. So they were getting close to paying off another taxpayer funded bond or series of bonds, but instead of doing the honest thing and letting the tax rate decrease they immediately started looking for another taxpayer funded boondoggle, one they could crow about not costing taxpayers "increased taxes". Classic political malarkey, pure and simple. I didn't know so many White River Township citizens were that gullible.
  9. This Environmentalist Says Only Nuclear Power Can Save Us Now: https://reason.com/video/this-environmentalist-says-only-nuclear-power-can-save-us-now/
  10. But I thought Lafayette Central Catholic's "weight room" used to be located in a shed behind the school. And their gridiron success, along with myriad other sports, can't be questioned. Just think of how much classroom learning space could be built within the confines of that Center Grove weight room. How many millions did that extravagance cost Indiana taxpayers?
  11. https://www.indystar.com/story/news/2019/05/22/lunch-shaming-indiana-cold-sandwich-greenwood/3765217002/ A sensible and reasonable policy by the Greenwood government schools. Yet a child's "feelings" and the parent/guardian's desire to get something for free trump personal responsibility. Sorry, the government school administrators should have stood behind their policy.
  12. Good to know that we are on the same page when it comes to the myriad of state laws designed to restrict access.
  13. So a law requiring women contemplating an abortion to visit a "crisis pregnancy center" or equivalent facility before they schedule an appointment with an abortion clinic?
  14. So what abortion restriction tactics do you personally approve of and support?
  15. A Post-Roe World Would Pave the Way for a New Black Market in Abortion Pills: https://reason.com/2018/06/28/post-roe-abortion-market/ The War on Drugs has been a colossal failure, and so would a War on Abortion Drugs. But in a possible post-Roe America what is safer, the drugs or the "back alley coat hanger"?
  16. Wow, to think my sister-in-law or the medical professional would have been jailed 20 years ago if this law were then in effect. Such evil.
  17. So you support the tactic of restricting access to an abortion by criminalizing the medical procedure? Do you believe medical professionals who currently perform abortion procedures are murderers?
  18. Saying I don't personally support late term abortions doesn't mean I support a woman being criminally punished for having one. Do you support the criminal punishment of women who choose to have an abortion, at any stage of the fetus's development?
  19. If the fetus can survive, unaided by major medical technology, outside of the womb, then effectively yes. This is a stance I have held for years. I am not a proponent of late-term abortions and never have been. I assume you believe "human life" begins at conception?
  20. And there is the rub. Is an 8-week old lump of cells inside of a woman's womb really a "human child"?
  21. Tucker Carlson and AOC Are Wrong About Christianity and Usury: https://mises.org/wire/tucker-carlson-and-aoc-are-wrong-about-christianity-and-usury
  22. https://www.cato.org/publications/policy-analysis/restoring-responsible-government-cutting-federal-aid-states#full An interesting study, and well worth the read. American needs less federal government influence in their lives, not more.
  23. And it is the most logical reasoning. Does an individual not effectively have sovereignty over their own body? And a women has sovereignty over her own womb?
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