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Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by temptation

  1. 6 minutes ago, foxbat said:
    1. Luers isn't a public school. 
    2. Even if you toss in Luers, you have two private schools in six seasons, as opposed to the previous five that referenced ... and they still loss.  Of course, if we are using this season too, then my statement about WeBo's two back-to-back appearances changes to three back-to-back appearances and wins.
    3. I'm not seeing Luers in the previous 5 years in 2A:


    Gimme their % anyway.

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  2. 7 minutes ago, foxbat said:

    That's the sweet spot for 2A public schools.  Public schools that have played at LOS for the last decade and the F/RL percentage:

    • Woodlan* 27.63%
    • WeBo* 32.42%
    • Monrovia*  33.09%
    • Tipton 33.55%
    • Eastbrook* 34.42%
    • North Putnam 37.44%
    • Southridge* 39.00%
    • RCHS ** 41.09%
    • Whiting * 62.07

    * Public schools that played at LOS without a PP opponent

    ** Public schools that played at LOS with a PP and won

    BTW, for all of the talk about PP dominance, especially in the wake of SF, before this season, the previous five seasons in 2A have seen one PP team in those five years ... all the rest have been public schools including two appearances by WeBo and two by Eastbrook back-to-back.  And Eastbrook was there three times in that five-year period.

    You left out Luers’.

  3. 2 hours ago, foxbat said:

    Oh the irony. 

    Three state championships in a row and a win over a PP ... like the PP part even matters.  Let's just call it what it is ... WeBo's done a great job of making things happen when they get to LOS regardless of who's on the other side of the 50 when the coin is flipped.  Congrats to the kids and their coaches and the school for not buying into the hype and just playing the game!

    Yep.  Great job by some rural farming community kids who have 1/3 of their school on free/reduced lunch who grew up in their community and worker their asses off.

    Built a culture that did not exist prior to their arrival.

    Kudos Stars!

  4. 10 minutes ago, 07_statechamp54 said:

    Very sad for these Luers kids to have a game be decided that way. I thought when they got the ball back with 1:55 that they shouldn’t of been conservative. Stay true to who you are and drive the ball downfield but hey. Now it’s on to next year, your goal remains the same. This loss should fuel you to be better. 

    This is a great thing for everyone on this thread/forum who hates parochial and private schools. It’s like Christmas come a few weeks early! I’m not sure why there is so much hate, but enjoy basking in it. Much respect to Webo. Hard fought game.

    Even the Lord couldn’t grant them a Hail Mary...

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