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Bash Riprock

Booster 2023-24
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Posts posted by Bash Riprock

  1. 29 minutes ago, temptation said:

    You follow me around on this board like a dog on a leash.  Your disdain for me is obvious...you claim to not care either way about Michigan yet YOU start these threads and here we are...page 8.  Have you seen me participate in the NFL thread?  The Colts thread?  The Bears thread?  No, because I legitimately DO NOT care.  Your obsession with "putting me in my place" and taking the antagonist argument over my every statement is borderline creepy.

    I am not an alumnus nor do I donate to the university so my expectations are meaningless.  College athletics is all about the money, stop kidding yourself.  You call it deflecting, but no one is clean and there are programs out there (just look at recent national champions in both sports for starters) that are dirty as hell.  You call it deflecting...I call it reality.

    You are emotional.  I get it.  So are the B10 coaches who are getting their asses kicked by Michigan.  If you scroll through the 8 pages of content on here, I have stated more than once that two things can be true at the same time.

    1.  Michigan/Harbaugh could be guilty as hell and if so, they deserve punishment.

    2.  Due process and a fair chance to let the process play out is also the name of the game.


    Its tough not to have to deal with you on GID, you stick your nose and mouth into everything carrying the tone of the upmost expert.  I am the one that started this thread.  You came in...not the other way around.  

    Let me repeat again, and again and....I have no feelings for you one way or another, but that cannot penetrate your skull.  I just don't agree with so much of the fodder you spread on GID, and I know that is tough for your ego.  So, you make it personal about "feelings".  Very strange.  Very weak approach to take.

    I am not a fan of people that cheat, nor those that rationalize it.  Maybe that's why I take such issue with your views.  Whether you agree or not, this is strike 2 for Michigan this year.  I agree they deserve due process...but I don't discount what Big 10 coaches and TCU staff have to say about this issue...the latter having zero stake in the game.

    You believe the way you wish...I shall do the same.


  2. 17 minutes ago, temptation said:

    I am not on the investigation team but is Michigan really dumb enough to sign the guy to an extension in the midst of receiving level 1 NCAA violations?  Come on.  The truth is somewhere in the middle and the Michigan lawyers, university personnel and athletic administration obviously feels confident in their case.

    You let your dislike for me and Michigan get in the way of common sense.   

    Another road you need to stop traveling on.  I don't have enough emotional investment to like or dislike you.  I don't like the way you come off on this forum...but that's behavior.  

    Michigan is in a pickle...it is and always has been about money.  Michigan is no different...and they will take the hit on their brand if it means winning, because winning means cash...and that's a shame.  You should expect more.  But perhaps your expectations are much lower than I realize.  You tend to criticize others, while justifying the inappropriate actions of your own teams.  Its a real credibility hit.

    You probably think the numerous coaches reaching out to the Big 10 commissioner asking for action, as well teams contacting TCU about sign stealing last season as a conspiracy.  Did you actually read the article I shared about the Big 10 coaches and why sign stealing is a big deal?  My guess is that you didn't.

    Know any fans like this?


  3. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    I'll deflect some more...

    Urban Meyer covered up domestic abuse from one of his staff members...

    Mel Tucker sexually assaulted a woman over the phone...

    Pete Carroll was handing out bags of cash and having sports marketing companies hire his players as interns...

    But a low level staff member on Jim Harbaugh's staff paid to have interns film other team's signals with an iPhone...

    Could list tons more.


    All have landed/will land on their feet and are respected within the coaching community.  Spare me the "holier than thou" nonsense.  Its a dirty business.


    Comprehension is a challenge for you.  Then again, you're not interested in comprehension.

    Your classic deflection retort..who's sins are worse?  BTW, the examples you provided....not all have landed back on their feet as respected in the coaching community.  Not even close.

    Glad you were on the investigation team that fully knows the level of Jimmy boy's transgressions.

    Thanks for proving my picture of you.

  4. 18 hours ago, Footballking16 said:

    They'd have to beat Washington in the Pac12 championship and then get some help. 

    Love what the Huskies are doing, but they have a tough road to make the championship game.  USC this week, Utah, Oregon State and Washington State.  I kind of have to agree with Herbstreit....they may just have the toughest remaining schedule in CFB

  5. 4 hours ago, temptation said:

    Small percentage of the fan base.  Every fan base has em.

    Michigan has not even received a notice of allegations from the NCAA and once they do they have 90 days to respond.

    This is lunacy.

    it speaks volumes if one isn't respected by their peers in their own line of work.  When your peers are upset about cheating and ask the conference to do something, that is saying something.  

    You can deflect, minimize, rationalize, blame others, etc., but.....


    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, temptation said:

    Michigan is inching towards a new contract with Harbaugh (would have been done last week if it were not for "sign gate") so it doesn't seem they are too worried about any potential ramifications at this point.

    they may need to hurry.....

    My guess is that he ends up taking the Pete Carroll road.....



    • Haha 1
  7. 16 hours ago, MarkCalaway said:

    The fact that the IHSAA forces you to buy an online ticket as well as an online subscription to view the games tells you all that you need to know. 

    I've stream (both smart and olders TV's) from the IHSAA network.  Never had to pay an online subscription fee.  There is typically a charge for the individual events.

    I use Roku for my older TV's....I know Amazon Firestick is another good option.

    Love streaming...glad I got away from cable, specifically Comcast.  What a racket.

  8. 27 minutes ago, FastpacedO said:

    Just to clarify Ben Davis was not down 3 scores when the pick 6 happened. It was 25-14 with just under 9 minutes to go.

    thanks for clarifying.  That makes a little more sense.  I still would have tried to eat clock with a Mr. Football candidate, but that sheds much more light.  My bad.

  9. 20 hours ago, temptation said:

    Carson Steele is a "burner."

    I never said anything remotely close to your comment...I went back to the Carson Steele thread of his speed debate, and NO ONE said that.  I repeatedly asked you how many times have you saw him chased down from behind at the high school and collegiate level and to no surprise, you had no response.

    Dishonesty is not a virtue.  


  10. 4 hours ago, temptation said:

    Nope.  They are telling the truth.  Never debated that.  Its impact on the eventual outcome of the game is what I will debate.  I've spoken about the reason Michigan lost that game and it had nothing to do with sign stealing or being duped.

    Something just does not add up in this time line.

    November 2021:  OSU states that they realized after the game that Michigan had stolen their signs so they vowed to not let it happen again.

    November 2022:  OSU gets beaten worse in 2022 than in 2021.  In the locker room at halftime, they know something is up and change things up only to get outscored in the 2nd half 28-3.

    December 2022:  OSU reaches out to "warn" TCU about Michigan stealing signs and asks the NCAA is in game scouting at a CFP semi-final is permitted.

    Why in the hell were Sonny Dykes and TCU able to "dupe" Michigan with 3 weeks of preparation when OSU had a year to do so?  That is an indictment of Ryan Day.

    Now do the UNC fake classes scandal, the Tennessee handing out bags of cash scandal and the Kansas adidas scandal...

    This isn't about Ryan Day's ability as a coach, or who's violations are bigger.  Its about Jim Harbaugh's program at the University of Michigan.  If proven accurate, that is the 2nd issue within a year.  He has to be accountable for his program, pure and simple.  The statements from TCU (if accurate) are very telling.  

    You are simply a fan that is deflecting.

  11. 1 hour ago, BDGiant93 said:

    Fine. I'll take my leave then. I'm not wrong about what happened during the Warren/BD game though. 

    Don't take your leave...trust me when it comes to credibility on this forum, your history speaks for itself.  Don't let someone who chooses to make ridiculous comments dicate what you choose to do.  Very much value your views on GID.

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    • Haha 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Allow me to tell you why it matters…in true 2023 form Michigan has already lost the PR battle and in the minds of some has invalidated all of its accomplishments over the last 2+ years.  Folks’ minds and the court of public opinion has already determined they are guilty and this is the most egregious sin in NCAA history and is something only folks at a Michigan have done/would do.  Many coaches have spoken out and shrugged it off..likely because they have skeletons in their own closet and don’t want the NCAA knocking on their door.

    The sensationalized language and slow dripping of details of this story (controlled solely by the MSM and the “firm” appointed to the case) only adds to the outrage involved.  It’s slander, pure and simple.  Michigan may be guilty as hell and if so they deserve legitimate punishment…but usually the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

    SOMEHOW Ohio State insiders had a beat/the inside scoop on this story 3-4 weeks ago…makes you wonder.  The story broke immediately when word got out that Harbaugh was had a contract extension on his desk, right before Michigan’s bye week yet they said they’ve known about this since 2021?

    C’mon.  No amount of “sign stealing” causes what happened in the OSU games in 2021/2022…

    I know this is an unpopular opinion in 2023, but let’s allow the facts to play out.

    Do you think TCU is lying from the article I just shared??  Pretty simple question.  Do you think the article writer is embellishing what TCU stated?  If so, why hasn't TCU attempted to correct the writer's comments?

    What would TCU's motive to be to going public with the comments AFTER they had beaten a non-conference team in the CFP?

  13. 17 hours ago, Komets2727 said:

    Penn State 33 - Indiana 24 final

    Well, IU was tied with 3 minutes to go so that was unexpected until I remembered who was coaching Penn State: James Franklin. What an imposter of a head coach. True mental midget. Supposed top 10 team lets IU stay in the game until the last 3 minutes at Beaver Stadium. Where is the coaching? You have 4 and 5 star recruits all over your roster and you’re playing a team littered with 2 and 3 star players and you struggle mightily. Shaking my head…

    Not disagreeing with your Franklin comments but it was a chess match between 2 mental midgets...just one side had way better players.

    IU late in Q4 in PSU's red zone down by 3, and runs the ball 3 straight times.  It looked like Allen was playing for the attempt to tie vs trying to win.  For crying out loud, your team has no big 10 wins and you are dead last in the conference.  Get your doo dads reattached and actually try to take the lead.  The wheels then fell off.


    • Like 1
  14. 24 minutes ago, temptation said:

    Just out of curiosity, how much of a competitive advantage do you believe this sign stealing "scandal" provided for Michigan?

    Not as much as they wanted when playing TCU last year in the CFP.


    Not long after the CFP unveiled the 2022 semifinal matchups — Georgia vs. Ohio State and TCU vs. Michigan — the Horned Frogs staff began receiving phone calls from coaches across the country about what was a well-known fact in the Big Ten coaching community: that Michigan had an elaborate sign-stealing system.

    Many of those on the TCU staff were unaware before the calls. Coaches from several Big Ten schools, including Ohio State, informed TCU coaches of the scheme.

    “Literally everybody we talked to knew,” said one TCU coach. “They’d say, ‘Just so you know, they steal your signals and they’re going to have everything so you better change them.’”

    One coach told the staff that Michigan “has the most elaborate signal-stealing in the history of the world.”

    So what did TCU do? They put together a system of dummy signals and more, hoping to throw the Wolverines off. TCU mixed in some new signals with the old ones, instructing players to ignore the previous signals and call plays associated with the new signals.

    But that was not all the Horned Frogs did. They also would at times use two different signals, sending in one play with the new signs, “freezing” the play, and then signaling in a second, dummy play using the old signs. Players were instructed to run the play as first called with the new signs, but the hope was that Michigan would buy the second signals, the ones they potentially knew.

    They also tried sending in plays late in the play clock, to prevent Michigan from having enough time to adjust.

    The plan worked, in part, as TCU beat Michigan 51-45 to advance to the National Championship Game. As found by Dellenger:

    [TCU head coach Sonny] Dykes and staff crafted a game plan that, at least in part, used the dummy signals to fool coach Harbaugh and signaler Stalions. TCU scored first-half touchdowns on drives of 10 plays for 83 yards and 12 plays for 76 yards. The Frogs scored more points on Michigan than any team that season (51), eclipsing the next highest scoring opponent by 24 points.

    “The guy [Stalions] was wrong a couple of times,” one TCU staff member said. “We rewatched the TV version of the game. You can see him standing next to the defensive coordinator. He tells something to the coordinator and he points in the air to mean pass. You can see the playsheet he’s holding with our hand signs on them.”

    • Haha 1
  15. 2 hours ago, FastpacedO said:

    I don't disagree at all. It was without a doubt. I personally think the OC was looking that hey we have hit some big passes on them and they probably aren't expecting the pass. The biggest problem is it should have been relayed DO NOT throw to Zachary's side of the field. The best option would have been to run and punt. There was definitely a pucker effect after the pick six.

    Ben Davis' greatest enemy was the clock down 3 scores.  The pick 6 not only reduced the gap, but reduced the size of the clock enemy.  Just not smart...put the ball in the hands of a Mr. Football candidate....eat clock, punt if needed and flip the field.  Their defense had been solid all game.  The decision to pass almost seems like you don't trust your D.  

    You just don't give a team a reason to believe..........

    Complete head scratcher......

  16. 3 hours ago, temptation said:

    Washington has now struggled mightily and benefitted from some close calls two straight weeks against inferior competition since the big win over Oregon.

    I hope we get to see that rematch.

    Their schedule is tough going down the stretch with USC, Utah, Oregon St and Washington St remaining.  Trojans and Beavers on the road.

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