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Posts posted by Cloudy14

  1. Some are and some of these laws have been shot down by the court.  However; abortion is now a state issue.  I think the supreme court made that clear.  The absurdity is that "republican states" have law enforcement waiting at the border with pregnancy test...I HIGHLY doubt this is happening.  Now, as with most things, this could occur, but to advertise that this is common is ridiculous.  


    Scenario - a married woman decides to abort a baby at 6 months and does not tell her husband.  She lives in a state where abortion past 3 months is illegal.  The neighboring state allows abortion up to 9 months.  The woman crosses the state line to get an abortion.  Did she murder her husbands child?

    Scenario #2 - a married (or unmarried) woman who is 6 months pregnant is driving down the road and is struck by a drunk driver.  Did the drunk driver kill one person or two?


    Gavin Newsome isn't going to win more votes on the abortion issue this year, it is an attempt to provide a distraction from the disasters occurring in his own state.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Coach Nowlin said:

    for me, the question is not something that can be broadly answered

    For Maconaquah, to Frankfort, to Carmel, to Rensselaer and all in between all have different needs 

    Public Education is not a 1 size fits all

    The issues that could face Carmel are not the same issues that face East Chicago nor Castle.  

    (reference, picked a north school, middle state school, southern tip school) 

    So Muda, question cannot be answered by me, because from your home in the county/city/town you reside could be enough, for you, but for your neighbor it may not just like it may not be enough for another public school district elsewhere 

    Thank you Coach, you gave the best answer yet - its up to the community.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, Muda69 said:

    So you believe in the "government high school as the Taj Mahal" concept.  Got it.   

    And nice try at obfuscating the local issue with federal government immigration and foreign policy.  I would be happy to talk to you about those federal policy issues, but please start a thread in the OOB forum.


    Not speaking for @BTF, but I think you are oversimplifying his comment.  I believe BTF is implying that taxes at a local level impact you at a much more personal level than federal taxes. I think most can agree that taxes are a waste of money, but I would rather pay more money to local taxes than federal taxes.  Big, bloated government taxes/spending at a federal level hurt everyone.  

    Also, I think this thread was made to discuss which schools currently have turf and which schools do not have turf.  @btownqbcoach1 saw the future, when he posted "I am sure some will take this thread as an opportunity to try and discredit/get butthurt about turf... but... meh." Boy, was he right....Maybe you should start your own thread "TURF SUCKS, SOD RULES"

    • Like 2
  4. 16 minutes ago, Muda69 said:



    Which is why a single class system can be better. No ambiguity in that system.


    Things can be true in your own mind, but are not objectively true.  You are correct that a single class system can be better to crown one individual champion, but as @CoachGallogly has suggested, its not practical for football.

  5. 26 minutes ago, BTF said:

    I could sit here all day and say "what if" Adams Central had 3000 kids. "What if" Merrillville had 3500 kids. In the meantime, let's just not diminish what the other schools accomplished in their weight class. 

    Great perspective here.  Each class is "weighed" based on their enrollment.  Instead of playing the "what if" game that @BTF mentions, lets celebrate accomplishments.  To get to a state championship in each class is a feat, so diminishing the accomplishments of a 1A school over a 6A school doesn't accomplish much.

    • Like 2
  6. Westfield has lots of potential to increase enrollment in Hamilton County, unless surrounding communities Cicero, Atlanta, Arcadia (Hamilton Heights), Sheridan and Noblesville cut off potential growth - yes, school district boundaries are set, but students and families can continue to choose Westfield as the city grows out and up.


  7. @Muda69 While he doesn't say it explicitly, here are a couple of quotes below that appear to encourage it. I see the quote at the bottom of the article stating it is a local matter, but he still qualifies it with the "unpleasant" quote.  It's also hard to deny the entire tone of the article is set toward consolidation.  

    So, if you have low educational attainment that’s keeping your local economy from growing, or if you face a local nursing shortage, it is time to connect the dots to local school corporations.

    Still, our research, and that of many scholars before us tells a clear story. Very small school corporations, with roughly 2,000 or fewer students, are shortchanging the educational outcomes of a substantial share of their students.

  8. @Muda69 Yes, I read the Ball State study (located here for reference:  https://www.indianachamber.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/School-Corp-Size-2024.pdf)

    The conclusion was summarized in one sentence:  "Increasing school corporation size to around 2,000 students has the potential to reduce per pupil cost and free up funds for classroom instruction of other purposes which could improve the educational outcomes of students." 

    It is important to note that they use aggregated data to perform this study and they do not dive deeper into each school corporation to address potential outlier conditions.  For example, the number of foreign exchange students, the number of special education students and those with an IEP. All these items (and more) can affect graduation rate or test scores. 

    I think the study provides insight, but should be expanded to provide real insight to the unique qualities at all schools.  As a reminder, these are children, not numbers and each child will flourish in different settings.  I think my main point is that I would caution consolidation based on aggregate data and leave this up to the communities where the children and their parents live.

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  9. @Muda69 what are the unpleasant facts?  Not trying to be combative, but I guess I'm not sure what is unpleasant.

    In my opinion, leaving this decision to the community should be the proper route.  The ISBA also states:

    Indiana’s approach is to have the state carry more and more varied and individual expenses for education, not to consolidate them. 

    Its important to keep in mind that the discussion is being lead by the Indiana Chamber, not lawmakers.

  10. 4 hours ago, Daniel_Bragg said:

    I know schools like Sheridan have absolutely no interest in this terrible idea. We have ZERO desire to consolidate with Hamilton Heights, and even less desire to be absorbed into Westfield. 

    Indiana Chamber of Commerce needs to find something else to talk about. 

    I agree it is not good legislation, but it will likely be on the table this year, be ready to make noise for small schools.

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