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Booster 2023-24
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Everything posted by foxbat

  1. LCC responds. Buche with 3rd TD reception. LCC 21 LuHi 14 8:07 left in 2Q
  2. Buche with his second TD reception. Roughly 42-ard play. LCC 14 LuHi 0 3:12 left in 1Q
  3. Yes, but charters aren't ... they are considered in the public school enrollments. The total number ends up being closer to 10% or so for non-public schools combined.
  4. Indiana shows a bit over 5% of its students are private school students. Homeschoolers in Indiana account for a bit over 3% which puts Indiana a bit over the national average of around 2.5%.
  5. You do realize that the door opens both ways don't you? Griggs attended Faith Christian, played LCC youth ball, and attended West Lafayette as a high schooler as a tight-end that won two regionals and a sectional in the time her was there. Kidwell was a product of Benton County schools. He came south and ended up at West Lafayette despite his Catholic roots. He QB'd West Lafayette teams that won a regional, a sections, and a semi-state. He's #10 on career passing for Indiana and If I recall the stories correctly, Vlahogeorge, #2 on the Indiana single-season passing records and #6 on career and Dustin Keller, of Jets fame, #6 on the season receiving records for Indiana and #19 on the career records, both attended LCSS schools as kids. Luke Harris played youth ball at LCC and went to St. James. He played his high school ball at Harrison and was an Indiana All-State 5A Offensive player. Drew Deboer played ball at LCC as well. He was one of two honorees this year of the Joe Tiller chapter of the National Football Foundation's Patrick Mackey Courage Award and played his ball at Jeff. And that's just a very small set of kids to start with. There are MANY more kids that leave the private schools and head to the local public school than leave the public schools to attend the private schools.
  6. I'm not a big fan of the NFL, but even I know that this would likely be counter-productive. Realize that states like Texas and Oklahoma which have more classes and/or teams tend to run their games on at least a couple of weekends to get them all in. Indiana suffers from the fact that, unlike Oklahoma and Texas, it doesn't play 6-man or 8-man variants of football and thus has less classes that could be spread out to make it potentially viable. Oklahoma has nine classes and Texas has twelve. Texas plays over four days starting on a Wednesday and ending on a Saturday and Oklahoma actually plays over two weekends. I think the Texas model is highly unlikely for Indiana ... at least as it stands in Thanksgiving week. I also think there would likely be more pushback on splitting it over two weekends ... especially considering that some folks don't even like the bye week that 6A currently gets in sectionals.
  7. Something that bonds those that have played the game to everyone else that has played the game. Something about being part of the "warrior class" always binds you to the guy next to you and the guy across from you. BTW, absolutely love that Levon Helm quote! I didn't know Coach Bowsman, but from the comments of all that have posted, I feel like I did.
  8. While the game may have never been in doubt, something still kept a high-powered Lutheran offense in check. Like you said, Lutheran put up 35 on Trader's Point in the first quarter, but put up less than that in a whole game against Covenant Christian. Just curious as to what you think contributed to that. Not saying it as a smart-*ss, I'm honestly curious as to your assessment as to what Covenant was able to do as a 1A school that only a 4A school was able to do in the first game. As I alluded to before, defense was more important for that game and, I'll still hang my hat on the fact that defense will be what ends up playing the factor in Saturday's game. I could be completely wrong on this, but if Covenant Christian can hold Lutheran to 28, then it's certainly not unreasonable that LCC could do the same. If LCC can do that, then it becomes a question of defense ... again, as I alluded to. I'm not sure that a 1-point lead at half denotes being in control of the game. And, as for implosion, that would imply that Trader's Point brought the loss on themselves by their own actions. I think that does injustice to both LCC and Trader's Point as Trader's Point was a very disciplined team with a lot of heart and a lot of skill. If you were at that game, what you would have seen is that, in the 3rd quarter, LCC's defense took that game. Trader's Point didn't give it away and they didn't make it easy. Again, Lutheran is #1 for a reason and they have a strong program and have been close for the last three years. LCC is happy to be where it is given that this should have been a rebuilding year and it is definitely the underdog at this point. Tell you what ... I'm fairly sure that LCC isn't a six-TD underdog as you alluded to above. You give me LCC and the six TDs. Lutheran covers your spread, I'll cover your cost to be a GID Booster. Lutheran doesn't cover your 42-point spread and you foot the bill and become a GID Booster. A little friendly wager without really betting and either way, it's a win-win ... you get to be a GID Booster and GID gets another booster and more support ... and if Luther covers that 6-TD spread you get another win in that I pay for you to not have to see the ads.
  9. Yes, Guerin is one of two Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana. LCC is the "older, smaller brother" while Guerin is the "younger, bigger brother." Guerin started out in 1A in 2006, but quickly grew to 2A by the 2011 season, and its current 3A class back in 2013. The two teams play every year since Guerin started playing IHSAA football in 2006. At stake is the Bishop's Cannon trophy which was donated by Bishop Emeritus William L. Higi who also was at the helm of the Diocese when Guerin was built. Tradition states that the Bishop attends the game between the two "sons" of the Diocese and, so as not to show favoritism, sits on one side for the first half and then, at halftime, switches to the other side to equally support both schools. LCC leads the series 10-4, but Guerin has won the last three meetings and four of the last six.
  10. Do those schools have football programs? I know they have soccer programs and St. John and Calvary are pretty good soccer teams. At the Calvary tournament, there was a guy from Lutheran talking to the various player parents about Lutheran and the way he was talking, it was like most knew Indy Lutheran School intimately. I know @kdets89 mentioned the Little Saints program, but do any of these other schools field independent youth football or all they all under kind of an "umbrella" of Indy Lutheran?
  11. With no disrespect, it's deja vu all over again. That speed argument has been made before and LCC's perfectly fine playing on the fast turf of LOS. I'm not expecting this to devolve into a "city speed vs. county speed" thread like the one in 2011, but LCC also has some kids that will be much faster on LOS turf than most folks have seen all year. As for speed like West Lafayette, there's not a team in 1A that has, or is close to, speed like West Lafayette. Also, while I appreciate White's numbers, his QB rating is around 105 while Adams' QB rating was around 132. While White's completion rate is a respectable 59%, Adams' completion rate was over 72% and Adams' put up those numbers with more completions than White had attempts for the season ... on a shorter season. This game will be less a game of speed and more a game of defense. I'm not allowed to comment on specific analysis, but there are two key components for Lutheran to stymie LCC and speed isn't one of them. As for common opponents, somehow Covenant Christian was able keep Lutheran to just 28 points on Lutheran's home turf field while they gave up 38 points to Trader's Point. The transitive properties in football, especially 1A football at tourney time, or even end of season time, don't tend to work on a linear scale. As @BendNotBreak tends to say, sometimes it's about those intangibles. With all of that said, LCC finds itself in a unique position of being underdog in a state title game for the first time this millennia from what I gather. Lutheran is #1 in 1A for a reason and will be a formidable foe. LCC has a lot to overcome and have an uphill climb, but I don't see them at a six TD disadvantage. No disrespect intended. Edit: Apparently I was wrong about it not devolving into a city speed vs. county speed ala Scecina in 2011. 😀
  12. I hadn't factored Scecina into the mix even though they had also vacated 1A due to Success Factor ... albeit without a blue ring. I'd only run numbers on LCC vs. 1A 2013 and 1A 2014 and I'd forgotten that LCC and Scecina were on opposite sides of the 2A bracket. Calpreps shows it as a close game, but Scecina taking 2013 by a score of 21-17. If there hadn't been a Success Factor in 2013, there would have been with LCC and Scecina meeting for a third year in a row at a state championship in 1A.
  13. Where I am confused is that, without Success Factor, which is what you said, LCC would have remained in 1A in 2013 and 2014. It's highly likely that LCC would have prevailed in 2013 and 2014 in 1A. At the same time, as has been pointed out by folks like @Coach Nowlin, LCC also had an unusual run of talent bunching at that time. The current 2019 squad looks much more like the standard LCC teams before the four-peat. With that in mind, I think that you are right that there more of a general mix in 1A then perhaps in other classes. I was just having a discussion with someone today who was lamenting that LCC beat up on all those county schools and they mentioned Pioneer by name. I didn't have the heart to tell him that I think LCC and Pioneer are pretty close to split in their series against each other.
  14. Covenant Christian's highlights vs. Indy Lutheran for those looking for hints as to how to stymie the offense and go after the defense. https://www.maxpreps.com/high-schools/covenant-christian-warriors-(indianapolis,in)/football/videos.htm?videoid=c1b8043a-cb7d-464f-992a-99b8f490a2c7
  15. Agreed. The way this is panning out, I'm hoping that there's a wholesale accounting from top to bottom and all the way out to the families on this one.
  16. Those three seconds could have also turned into two years as if LCC had won that showdown with RCHS in a regional matchup, they would have likely garnered a minimum of four and likely five points in 2A as opposed to their two points that they earned in 2014 and remained in 2A in 2015/2016. That would have likely sent Pioneer to face Linton in LOS in 2015 and would have possibly given Pioneer another blue ring in 1A at least according to Calpreps. I think he was being facetious and yanking your chain for a laugh. 😉
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